Unvaxxed Doing Fine; No Burden on Healthcare Systems at All! By Brian Simpson

A study of the unvaxxed has found that these individuals had “broad and robust” immunity, with memory T cells being able to effectively respond to all variants of SAR-CoV-2. The study had around 18,300 participants from North America, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Asia, South America, Central America, and Africa, and ranged from 1 to 70 + years in age.  It was found that 54 percent of participants who had a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 had symptoms that lasted less than one week, and most of them experiencing mild symptoms, with only 0.4 percent hospitalized, 74 out of approximately 5,200 individuals. Further, 56 of them stayed for less than a week. It shows that the claim that unvaxxed are placing an intolerable burden upon the healthcare system, is quite untrue. In fact, there is a hypothesis that the unvaxxed, who are not reservoirs of a leaky vaccine that does not stop transmission, may aid in halting the evolutionary pressure upon SARS-CoV-2 to evolve new variants.


“A study of unvaccinated individuals found that the unvaccinated have “favorable health outcomes.” This includes what the study terms “broad and robust” immunity. TrialSite covered a study giving a possible reason why the memory T cells in natural immunity were effective against all variants of concern they came across, which may corroborate the favorable outcome in the analysis.

The Control Group Cooperative is a project based in the UK. It consists of individuals who have chosen to remain unvaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines or have decided to discontinue the COVID-19 vaccinations. The members of the group participate in a study as control group participants to monitor vaccine safety and collect data. The survey was conducted on this group. At the time of sampling, the members were just under 298,000, and currently Control Group Cooperative has 305,000 unvaccinated members and counting. 

Individuals receive an identification card (ID) identifying them as “SARS-COV-2 Control Group” members, and the card stipulates that they “must not be vaccinated”. Cardholders testify that this has been helpful in getting exempted from mandatory or forced COVID-19 vaccination, and in gaining entrance to areas that require COVID-19 vaccine proof.

The Study

The study on the unvaccinated individuals involved approximately 18,300 participants sampled out of the total group members in February 2022. The analysis covered data submitted by participants for five consecutive months—October 2021-February 2022, including the time of the highest infection rates around the world due to the Omicron wave. The respondents were from North America, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Asia, South America, Central America, and Africa, and ranged from 1 to 70 + years in age.  

The analysis of five consecutive months of data showed that 54 % of participants who had a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 had symptoms that lasted less than one week, with most of them experiencing mild symptoms. Only 0.4% were hospitalized, 74 out of approximately 5,200 individuals, and 56 of them stayed for less than a week. 

Are the Unvaccinated a Health Burden? 

The survey’s authors referred to several studies showing that the unvaccinated are not a health burden. One study showed that naturally acquired immunity could play a role in waning the pandemic by “reducing the evolutionary pressure” of the virus to become stronger and more contagious. 

Another longitudinal study showed that over time, naturally gained immunity’s capability to fight variants is reducing the health burden. This was supported by another study that compared the outcomes of natural immunity versus vaccine-induced immunity, with natural immunity being more sustainable and effective than the current vaccines. The blame placed on the unvaccinated has been addressed including in a previous TrialSite article. 

Studies show that vaccines have contributed indirectly to the health burden in various countries across the world. Surveillance reporting systems are receiving reports of vaccine-related negative effects. This includes the US VAERS, yellow card in the UK, and EudraVigilance in Europe. An analysis by the insurance company BKK Pro Vita in Germany showed that up to 3 million vaccinated individuals were either seeking or had sought medical help for vaccine-related harm. 

Does Discrimination Violate Human Rights Treaties?

High incidences of discrimination and marginalization because of unvaccinated status were seen in the study. For instance, respondents from New Zealand and Australia had the highest percentage of job losses “at 29%, followed by 13% in North America … between 20% and nearly 50% reported being personal targets of hate …between 57% and 61% of respondents in southern and western Europe, Australia/New Zealand and South America, reported being targets of governmental victimization.” The highest percentage of discrimination was from governments.

The study suggests that discrimination against the unvaccinated is unethical and may be in violation of the international treaty on human rights stipulated in the United Nation’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as well as anti-discrimination laws of individual countries.


The study admits limitations since it is based on a survey. The participants were not randomly chosen, and the data was self-reported, without an independent way of verification, creating some risk of bias. There was an absence of a comparable control group of vaccinated individuals. Other variables, such as lifestyle differences, diet, and economic status, that may factor into the outcome, were not included.

Findings: Has Confidence in Vaccine-induced Immunity Waned?

From the analysis of the unvaccinated cohort, the authors concluded that “findings suggest that opting out of the world’s largest medical experiment, relying on natural immunity, self-care with supplements, and/or ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, appeared to contribute to low incidences of severe disease, hospitalization, or death.”

The authors of the Control Group Cooperative study agree with the growing number of studies showing that vaccine-induced immunity using the current vaccines is not sustainable, as shown with Omicron’s evasion that questioned boosters' sustainability. The outcome continues to contradict the WHO’s statement on herd immunity. 

What Are the Recommendations?

The authors recommend more studies that will provide transparency and information on different groups: unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, and fully vaccinated. They also call for public dialogue and evaluation of mandates, discriminatory effects, and freedom of choice.

Who Are the Authors?

The authors of the study were Robert Verkerk PhDChristof Plothe DO, Naseeba Kathrada MBChB, and Katarina Lindley DO. The authors are associated with Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency which filed a lawsuit against Pfizer resulting in the release of documents and data. Robert Verkerk and Naseeba Kathrada are involved with World Council for Health as co-chairs of the Health and Humanities Committee.

The study was published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR). This is an international journal that publishes evidence-based, peer-reviewed scholarly work on vaccine research.”


ABSTRACT: Self-reported data collected independently by the UK-based Control Group Cooperative between September 2021 and February 2022, inclusive, from a self-selected international COVID-19 “unvaccinated” population are discussed. Data come from a cohort of 18,497 participants who provided questionnaire responses monthly. The largest numbers are from Europe, North America, and Australasia. Data were skewed towards the 40-69y age range and included 60% female respondents. Reasons for avoiding COVID-19 “vaccines” were: a preference for natural medicine, distrust of pharma, distrust of government information, poor/limited trial data, and fear of  long-term adverse reactions. During the survey period, the greatest incidence ofCOVID-19 disease was reported in the 50-69y range, peaking at 12.3%, in January 2022.  Persons at 70y and above were least affected (1.3%), with 10.7% and 3.8% in the 20to 49y band, and in the 1to 19y group, respectively. Most rated their symptoms as “mild” (14.4%), with 2% reporting “severe” disease. Fatigue, cough, muscle/body aches, and fever were the four most common. Just 0.4% of the cohort reported hospitalization (as in-or out-patients). Nearly two-thirds reported taking vitamin D, C, zinc, quercetin, or a combination, for prevention, with 71% using vitamin D, C, and zinc for treatment. Nearly 45% reported “moderate” to “severe” mental health issues (depression) during the survey period. Menstrual abnormalities were reported by 36% of  women in the20-49y age band. Reported job losses were greatest in Australia and New Zealand at 29%, followed by 13% in North America. Between 20% and 50% reported being personal targets of hate because of their vaccination status. Between 57% and 61% of respondents in Southern Europe and Western Europe, Australia/New Zealand and South America, reported being targets of governmental victimization. The cohort may not be representative of wider populations given its reliance on self-care. The findings suggest that opting out of the world’s largest medical experiment, relying on natural immunity, self-care with supplements, and/or ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, appeared to contribute to low incidences of severe disease, hospitalization, or death. The results imply the urgent need for prospective studies of “unvaccinated,” “partially vaccinated”, and “fully vaccinated” persons investigating long-term outcomes, behaviors, choices, and discriminatory responses by the state, institutions, or employers based on “vaccination” status. Public dialogue about the touted “safety and effectiveness” of vaccines, contrasted with strategies to enhance immune resilience, all in the context of  authoritarianism versus autonomy, self-care, personal responsibility, and freedom of  choice is needed.”




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