Untimely Meditations: Something to Think About By John Steele

     I found this little gem at survival blog.com:

It got me thinking, something I rarely do, but it happens. If everyone is locked down, where exactly does herd immunity come into play, because won’t people need to get the corona disease, have their immune system fight it, then when a large number of people do this, the bug dies off. If everybody is locked down and thus insulated, what is to prevent further outbreaks occurring, maybe forever? I do not know. “I previously touched on how herd immunity works--after enough people develop antibodies, the rate of infection slows and for certain strains may go almost dormant. Viruses of this type are constantly evolving. There may already be 8 variants of this strain. So, to get herd immunity, PEOPLE HAVE TO GET THE DISEASE. You can't develop immunity by not being exposed. See: First Contact with the New World. (and see my preceding blog post.)  We'll be back to that in a moment. Since we know the elderly and immune compromised and especially both, and with underlying health issues are at risk, those people should be staying inside. EVERYONE ELSE needs to get outside and get exposed, most with zero symptoms, recover, and be immune, so as to minimize transference later. YOU CANNOT STOP THIS TYPE OF VIRUS. The shrieking Karens screaming "GOVERNOR, SHUT THIS STATE DOWN!" are complete idiots.  Back to the New World:  63 days across the ocean is long enough for an entire crew to have a viral infection (cold or flu) and get over it, and have antibodies and not get sick again. …If you all come out now, a bunch of you are going to get sick.  If you hold off until May 1, even more of you are going to get sick, and we'll be in the worst economic depression the world has ever known due to a complete lack of engaging in economy. If you all hide until September, you're STILL going to get sick, and at the worst time of year for it--October-December, just like the flu and other colds. More people will die on top of everyone who's starving to death because we will have literally no economy left. (And I realize idiots don't believe this is true, even though in just two weeks we've gone from 3% unemployment to 10%. It'll be 20% by next week, and likely hit 40% by the end of April, if we don't stop the stupidity right now.)”

     Is this guy right? I don’t know, but the argument seems to make sense and deserves a pointy headed response, but we won’t get it, is my bet. Instead, what we are seeing in the US is exploding unemployment, where pretty soon perhaps the same number of people now in all of  Australia, will be unemployed:

“With a startling 6.6 million people seeking unemployment benefits last week, the United States has reached a grim landmark: More than one in 10 workers have lost their jobs in just the past three weeks to the coronavirus outbreak. The figures collectively constitute the largest and fastest string of job losses in records dating to 1948. By contrast, during the Great Recession it took 44 weeks — roughly 10 months — for unemployment claims to go as high as they now have in less than a month. The damage to job markets is extending across the world. The equivalent of 195 million full-time jobs could be lost in the second quarter to business shutdowns caused by the viral outbreak, according to the United Nations’ labor organization. It estimates that global unemployment will rise by 25 million this year. And that doesn’t even count workers on reduced hours and pay. Lockdown measures are affecting nearly 2.7 billion workers — about 81 percent of the global workforce — the agency said. Around half a billion people could sink into poverty as a result of the economic fallout from the coronavirus unless richer countries act to help developing nations, Oxfam, a leading aid organization, warned Thursday. In the United States, the job market is quickly unraveling as businesses have shut down across the country. All told, in the past three weeks, 16.8 million Americans have filed for unemployment aid. The surge of jobless claims has overwhelmed state unemployment offices around the country. And still more job cuts are expected. More than 20 million people may lose jobs this month. The unemployment rate could hit 15% when the April employment report is released in early May. “The carnage in the American labor market continued unabated,” said Joseph Brusuelas, chief economist for RSM, a tax advisory firm. The viral outbreak is believed to have erased nearly one-third of the U.S. economy’s output in the current quarter. Forty-eight states have closed non-essential businesses. A nation of normally free-spending shoppers and travelers is mainly hunkered down at home, bringing entire gears of the economy to a near-halt. Non-grocery retail business plunged 97% in the last week of March compared with a year earlier, according to Morgan Stanley. The number of airline passengers screened by the Transportation Security Administration has plunged 95% from a year ago. U.S. hotel revenue has tumbled 80%.”

     This is a king hit that no society just bounces back from. It could ultimately be a technical knockout. Game over for the West, but that was the plan all along.



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