Uncle Len for President! By Uncle Len, Master of Senility



Just because I am an Aussie, in eternal lockdown in my shed, which I have been long before Coviddy, should not stop me from replacing Joe Biden on the last day to become president of the world. If all that is required is senility and letting the crooks get away with everything, I can do it, oh New World Order Dark Lords of unspeakable Satanic evil! I will spend my days in the White House kitchen, and playing video games, just like President Joey, at least for a day until Karamella carts him away, and letting the rats eat away at what remains of the West, since I am helpless too. And I will deliver on badakathcare, where Trump does not even know what it is. Only the senile do, as we have a secret language that Joe is tuned into and he is sending secret coded messages out to all fellow crazy people across the world. Seniles of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your badakathcare!




“Former Vice President Joe Biden suffered yet another brain freeze Saturday, proclaiming he and former President Barack Obama believe Americans have a right to “badakathcare” during a rally in Flint, Michigan.

Biden made the verbal flub as he vowed to restore and build on Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, if he is elected to the White House on November 3.

We’re also going to act to protect health care,” Biden began. “Trump and the Republicans just jammed through a Supreme Court nominee for one overwhelming reason, as Barack said, the president said, they have been trying with over 50 shots to take out Obamacare, to destroy the Affordable Care Act.”

Donald Trump thinks health care is a privilege, Barack and I think it’s a right to have badakathcare,” he said.

The verbal flub comes just a week after another similar moment of nonsense speech, with Biden failing to read the words “true international pressure” from his teleprompter last Saturday.

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize truaninonashufodopressure,” the former vice president stated during remarks in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. This Friday, the Trump campaign isolated the disturbing clip, and it quickly went viral.”


Don’t worry; be happy. The world is in good hands. What could possibly go wrong? Truaninonashufodopressure, now!



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