UN New World Order, Just Around the Corner, By James Reed

The UN Summit for the Future, Our Common Agenda, to be signed at the end of September 2024, brings to a boil the Agenda 2030 drive for a New World Order. Dr Robert Malone has been sounding the alarm on this, saying that the "Pact for the Future," will consist of a treaty, as a "pact" means the same thing. As Dr Malone says: "This truly is "The Great Reset" - it is the socialist, globalized version of the new world order. Not a conspiracy theory.

This is our new reality.

Read and be afraid. Very afraid."

Here are some points of concern which he found in the UN document:

"Our challenges are deeply interconnected and far exceed the capacity of any single State alone. They can only be addressed collectively, through strong and sustained international cooperation.

We recognize that the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at the centre, must be strengthened.

Today, we pledge a new beginning in multilateralism.

We recognize that sustainable development in all of its three dimensions is a central goal in itself and that its achievement, leaving no-one behind, is and always will be a central objective of multilateralism.

We commit to accelerate meeting our obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. We reaffirm the Paris Agreement temperature goal of holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees.

To that end, in this Pact we commit to sixty actions in the areas of sustainable development and financing for development, international peace and security, science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and transforming global governance.

We will advance implementation of these actions through relevant, mandated intergovernmental processes, where they exist.

We will not accept a future in which dignity and opportunity are denied to half the world's population or becomes the sole preserve of those with privilege and wealth.

We will take bold, ambitious, accelerated, just and transformative actions to implement the 2030 Agenda, achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and leave no one behind.

Maximize the positive contribution of migrants to the sustainable development of origin, transit, destination and host countries and strengthen international partnerships and global cooperation for safe, orderly and regular migration to comprehensively address the drivers of irregular migration and ensure the safety, dignity and human rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status."

That is just a sample of the poisons in the document. Clearly the aim will be to steamroll into place Agenda 2030, and all that it entails, such as climate change alarmist policies, open borders immigration, and just plain old socialism, to "leave no-one behind." It is all there.

And there is little time left to oppose this and be sure the Albo government will endorse all of it, loving socialism.




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