Tucker Carlson on Christianity and the Trans Movement By Chris Knight (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has raised controversy, which he is the master of doing, with a TV segment where he argued that trans ideology and Christianity are in inevitable conflict as the doctrines have irreconcilable philosophical differences. The trans ideology holds that people can be born with the “wrong” sex/gender, and this needs hormonal, surgical (perhaps) and cultural transformation, and it is right to do so, as sex and gender are social constructions. Of course, the medical interventions seem somewhat inconsistent with this, as if it as all a social construction one could simply transform oneself through acts of will. But, anyway, Christianity, at least the non-woke version that we hold to, holds that people are not born in the wrong bodies, and were assigned a sex at birth. There are rare cases of inter-sexuals, people who do not have typical male or female sexual characteristics, but intermediate types do not invalidate the norms, any more than the existence of organisms having characteristics of both plants and animals show that there are no plants or animals. As Tucker Carlson strongly argues, these distinct philosophies are in direct conflict, and there seems to be a period of stormy conflict ahead. Lots of references to guns follow in the articles linked below, which is interesting given that the Left, elsewhere, are so strongly opposed to guns. Oh … that is guns in the hands of conservatives!



“Last night, Tucker Carlson made a case that the trans movement is targeting Christians, claiming that the two movements are antithetical to each other.  "The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy."

Rush Transcript by Grabien:

Carlson: "The people in charge despise working class whites, but they venerate the trans community. People are just responding to incentives. It's rational in a way. But that does not explain the anger that we heard in that NPR segment. Why are some trans people so angry, and why do they seem to be mad specifically at traditional Christians? We can't think of any trans person who's ever been murdered by a pastor. As far as we know, that has never happened. So, it's not an actual threat of violence from Christians that's inspiring some trans people to buy an AR-15. No, it's got to be more fundamental than that, and it is. The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy. In Christianity, the price of admission is admitting that you're not God. Christians openly concede that they have no real power over anything, and for that matter, very little personal virtue. They will tell you to your face that they are sinful and helpless and basically absurd. They're not embarrassed about any of this. They brag about it. 'That saved a wretch like me' goes the most famous Christian hymn ever written in English. The trans movement takes the opposite view. Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself. We can change the identity we were born with, they will tell you with wild-eyed certainty. Christians can never agree with this statement because these are powers they believe God alone possesses. That unwillingness to agree, that failure to acknowledge a trans person's dominion over nature, incites and enrages some in the trans community. People who believe they are God can't stand to be reminded that they're not. So, Christianity and transgender orthodoxy are wholly incompatible theologies. They can never be reconciled. They are on a collision course with each other. One side is likely to draw blood before the other side. That's what we concluded last week. Yesterday morning, tragically, our fears were confirmed. A self-identified trans person called Audrey Hale committed mass murder at a Christian school in Nashville. Hale burst into a place called the Covenant School and executed three nine-year-olds, as well as three adults. Police have released body cam footage from the end of the massacre. We're showing you just a small part of it. You can see the rest online if you want. We're not going to show it because it's too awful and sad. But what was almost sickening to see in a far more subtle and insidious way was the media coverage of yesterday's tragedy. Here's Terry Moran of ABC News, for example, suggesting that Christians were murdered in Tennessee because they infringed on the rights of transgendered people. Watch."

[Clip starts]
MORAN: "Audrey Hale was a — identified herself as a transgender person. The state of Tennessee earlier this month passed, and the governor signed a bill, that banned transgender medical care for minors, as well as a law that prohibited adult entertainment, including male and female impersonators after a series of drag show controversies in that state."
[Clip ends]

Carlson: "The state of Tennessee bans the sexual mutilation of children, children get shot to death in a school. It's cause and effect. That's what ABC News is telling you. That's not far from justifying mass murder, but others took the next step. A group called the Trans Resistance Network said that the shooter's death was a complex tragedy that resulted from 'anti-trans bias.' The Hershey Chocolate Company's new trans spokesman, meanwhile, someone called Fae Johnsone, posted messages after the shooting complaining about 'trans misogyny.' In Canada, a taxpayer-funded trans rights organization put out a statement that ignored the murder of the children in Nashville entirely and instead claimed that there has been an 'exponential rise in anti-trans violence.' That is a lie. It's a provable lie, and, in fact, the opposite is true. We seem to be watching the rise of trans terrorism. The man who tried to murder Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after the repeal of Roe v. Wade, identified as a 'trans gamer girl.' The man who shot up a nightclub in Colorado this past November and murdered five people identified as non-binary, and now this and there could be more."







“An activist group is due to hold a ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ demonstration outside the Supreme Court on Saturday, warning against ‘astronomical amounts of hate from the world’ and following the horrifying Nashville shooting which left seven dead on Monday.








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