Tucker Carlson: Kamala Harris Wild-Eyed Abortion Fanatic”! By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

The US 2024 election, more than any previous election, is gearing up to be the election of the apocalypse, a political Armageddon. The last stand of conservative values is being made, although most conservative people in Australia, for example, had not yet taken on board the ramifications of a Harris administration, for culture and national security, given that extreme Leftism is highly supportive of communist China.Some time back, I think it was the Japanese Minister of Defense, who warned that once Taiwan is invaded, communist China will move to dominate the Asia, perhaps invading Japan and Australia in the future. There is a case to be made that the economic and demographic invasion of Australia is already well advanced. That was my view when I lived in Australia with hubby Chris a few years ago, before returning to Florida. But I digress.

Tucker Carlson has called out Kamala Harris calling her a "wild-eyed abortion fanatic." "She's an abortion fanatic. It's hard to understand the fanaticism, that sort of crazed, wild-eyed enthusiasm for abortion from her. What do you think that is?" As Tucker the said, the right to abortion for the Left is more fundamental than other rights, such as free speech. The Left is happy to ban all speech which is contrary to their regime. But there should be no limits on abortion, right up to the last seconds of birth. And infanticide is a spin off of this; in fact, the late term abortions are just that. Tucker sees this as a continuation of baby sacrifices made by other societies. Yes, and as well, the medical profession and Big Pharma do well out of the abortion industry, for experiments. In a word, it is Satanic.


"Conservative media personality Tucker Carlson didn't mince words in a recent interview about abortion cheerleader Kamala Harris – calling her a "wild-eyed abortion fanatic."

Carlson talked with the Senator Mike Lee of Utah about the Democrat nominee.

"She's an abortion fanatic. It's hard to understand the fanaticism, that sort of crazed, wild-eyed enthusiasm for abortion from her. What do you think that is?" Carlson asked.

Carlson complained how Democrats consider the so-called right to abortion "more fundamental than the Bill of Rights."

"I mean, these are people who don't think you have the right to say what you think, travel where you want to travel, associate with who you want to associate with. The core human rights bestowed by God, they do not acknowledge. But you have a right to kill your child? What is that?" Carlson continued.

Lee said he thought that Kamala was probably "indoctrinated" for abortion in law school.

He added that the Democrat manta has changed from safe, legal and rare under Bill Clinton to practically making abortion a sacrament.

"Women are being encouraged to share their stories now about why they're so glad they've had one. It's so awful," Lee said.

Carlson agreed, saying, "It seems to me just like your conventional human sacrifice cult that every civilization has had."


"With Kamala Harris at the helm, the Democratic Party more than ever has become the "Shout Your Abortion" party – but even in the legacy media, not everyone seems convinced this strategy is an election winner.

The New York Times' David Leonhardt recently offered a few caveats: "There is polling evidence to suggest abortion can move swing voters, but it appears to be tougher to do so than some Democrats believe." He notes, "Still no incumbent GOP gov or senator has lost since Dobbs."

Previously before Dobbs, Leonhardt looked at what we know about Americans' views on abortion and the limitations of polling. His conclusions are worth revisiting:

Abortion "access" tends to be an elite preoccupation.

"Working-class Americans often favor restrictions," wrote Leonhardt. Put more explicitly, abortion views and income are correlated, and not in the way abortion advocates would have us believe.

Writing for Slate (hardly a right-wing outlet), Will Saletan burst the Democrats' bubble after then-candidate Joe Biden flip-flopped and came out in favor of taxpayer-funded abortion:

Many opponents of the Hyde Amendment see it as a class issue. That's how a Biden adviser made the case in pressing the former vice president to change his position. But there's little evidence that people of limited means see it that way. In the 2017 Marist poll, among people with annual incomes of $50,000 or more, the margin of opposition to tax-funded abortions was 16 percentage points. Among people who earned less than $50,000, the margin of opposition was 32 points. In the YouGov poll, respondents with lower incomes were less likely than respondents with higher incomes to support federal and state funding of abortions. And in the Harvard poll, support for Medicaid funding of abortion was almost twice as high among voters who earned more than $75,000 as among voters who earned $25,000 or less.

While we would hope everyone could support human rights, it might not be a coincidence that the Democratic Party has become stridently pro-abortion around the same time The Nation (also not a right-wing outlet) asked, "Have Democrats Become the Party of the Rich?"



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