Trumpism as Terrorism? Really They Wouldn’t Know a Terrorist if They Tripped Over One of Trump’s Burgers! By Charles “Tractor” (Florida)

I spelt my own name wrong, and Bill Gates kindly suggested “Tractor,” which is what I am for this article, a Tractor! It makes as much sense as the recent proclamation that Trumpism is terrorism! Really, can these Leftist people be serious? If it was even any way in accordance with the way humans in past generations have been, like the Civil War 1.0 generation, on January 6, 2021, everyone would have marched on the Capitol Building, and martial law declared, which would not technically have been “terrorism” at all, but the rule of law in accordance with the constitution. By any definition, Trump is an obese cuck; compare him to Mao for example, or that other Leftist hero, Lenin, who at least were warrior rulers. So, all this stuff below is bs, and ideology for the Leftist cubs. Standard stuff today, paid for by the dumb tax payer.

“A Kentucky college is scheduled to host an event critical of Donald Trump and associating the former president and "white citizenship" with terrorism.

A flyer obtained by Young America's Foundation (YAF) describes the event as a way to "resituate Trumpism and white citizenship as forms of white terrorism enacted against the majority of people living within the borders of the U.S. and beyond."

Titled "White citizenship as terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again," the event is set to take place on March 17 via Zoom, according to a page on Berea College's website. The Women's and Non-Gender Non-Conforming Center is sponsoring the session with the Law, Ethics, and Society at the college.

YAF said it obtained the flyer through its Campus Bias Tip Line. It features images of protesters carrying tiki torches at the racially charged Charlottesville, Virginia, protests at the beginning of Trump's presidency.

The flyer also takes a critical approach to the "Make America Great Again" slogan. "Despite calls for multiculturalism and color-blindness, segments of white America mourn their so-called loss of privilege, consistently begging to return to the nostalgic past in which their esteemed value as white citizens went unquestioned," it reads.

"Trump's 'Make America Great Again' appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return America to a previously 'great' past. But the offer to 'Make America Great Again, Again,' requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is defined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear towards particular communities and identities, then this is what 'Trumpism' is at its core."

Berea defended the event in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

"To some, the provocative title of the event implies that Berea is not a welcoming place for individuals with differing political views," a statement from the college read. 

"That is not true. At Berea, we strive to live out our motto: God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth. Berea accepts students of all faiths (or none at all), religious beliefs, ethnicities and political leanings, creating a diverse environment that encourages acceptance, respect and even appreciation across our differences," it added.

"We encourage open dialog on difficult topics. Racism and white nationalism have been topics of great debate over the past five years. The event planned for next week seeks to confront aspects of the political spectrum that relate to the difficult topic of race in America. While that may cause discomfort, it is a valid and important conversation in this time of political and racial division. It is our hope that these types of conversations will occur across the country. Open, honest dialogue is essential to understanding racism and moving toward an anti-racist society."

Yawn, bs, bs. The event is now long gone, but there will be more to come from the woke; their form of entertainment. Woke is the new normal, until the Darwinian collapse wipes it all out.




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