Trumping Chris Uhlmann’s Critique of Trump By Charles Taylor

     Australian journalist Chris Uhlmann is the darling of the globalist chattering class at the moment for his “brutal takedown of US president Donald Trump and his behaviour at the G20 summit”: Trump was an “uneasy, lonely, awkward figure and you got the strong sense some of the leaders are trying to find the best way to work around him.”

     This is true, but only goes against the rest of the globalist wolf pack. These leaders represent the interests of the 1 percenters, and the Dark Lords standing in the Shadows above them. They despise the ordinary people, and there are whole books about this now, and daily quotes from news services such as Breitbart to confirm it. Here is a sample from today:

     Of course Uhlmann’s words would appeal to his own audience, but so what? Why give so much significance to an Australian  journalist, one who has a solid and respected reputation in mainstream media in  Australia, to be sure, but is not an American journalist?  Hands up how many Americans knew of his existence before this?  We must face the facts, that  most Americans do not even know where Australia is, or care, we are so insignificant in the scheme of things.  It must be a very sad American chattering class if they need support from Australians, however special in this country, for their propaganda. Let’s consider all of this, rationally.

     ‘[He] is the first journalist to accurately assess the reign of Donald Trump, and what he just did to America,’ the Rebel Action Network tweeted.  What, in a two minute presentation, when whole critical books have now been published by liberals, attacking Trump? What does this say about that “scholarship”? And, hasn’t almost every Hollywood star been attacking Trump, since, well, when Adam was in nappies?

     ‘Sadly, your assessment of Trump is dead-on. We Americans and the world deserve better than this incompetent, incoherent ignoramus,’ Shelly Sure said.  Ok, sure, Shelly, whoever you are, (it appears that she is someone on Twitter:, but again, all of this has been said tens of thousands of times, here in the US, every day.

     Uhlmann said President  Trump  ‘craves power because it burnishes his celebrity’. How does he know this? How does he prove it? Psychological material and studies, please! And, I take it that Hillary Clinton and all other political figures do not?


     ‘Trump has brought shame on America, he is the laughing stock of the world,’  PrairieWind Creation said. Sorry, but I could not find you on the net. Who are you? I hope that you have not blown away with the prairie winds. And, where is the proof of your claim?  Are his supporters saying that, or only bloodied nose progressives, who are upset that their Leftoid goals are being challenged at long  last?

     During Uhlmann’s two-minute speech, he also criticized Trump’s use of Twitter, saying he ‘barks out bile in 140 characters’ and ‘wastes his precious days as president’. What – Obama could go to the gym, but Trump is roasted for communicating to Americans on social media!  Even if this was so, today most youth are locked into social media anyway, and a whole part of our insane economy is actually based on people wasting their time making meaningless electronic communications. Trump is at least saying something meaningful even if it gets up the snouts of the progressives and commos. Also, the end of conventional journalism is just around the corner, with mainstream newspapers in the US already laying off staff:  Hopefully, Australia will be next.

     ‘To be constantly talking and be talked about is all that really matters and there is no value placed on the meanings of words.’  That too, must apply to your words, and that of your chattering class colleagues as well. If anything, this complaint applies to an entire electronic civilization:;;

     So, even if this criticism of Trump did hit, it also hits most of his critics, who on their social media posts, live in his shadow. They are like the folks who go to pro-wrestling matches, only to wipe the sweat off the wrestlers as they leave the ring and smear it over their faces, in an atavistic ritual. Attacking the Donald, is now a business.

     In short, the Uhlmann comments are just the sort of things which his US journalist equivalents have been saying. Nothing original, but it is no doubt useful to have an outsider condemn Trump to seemingly say: look at what the world is saying, so feel ashamed, America. The Australian new class like to bash their opponents by the same methodology, constantly appealing to some mythical “international community,” who stand to judge them. But, it is a convenient myth, because nobody outside of their small, unclean fish bowl really cares.

     Come fifteen minutes or so (,  and all of this will be forgotten, including my comments here. The mad caravan of the media would have moved onto the next “big thing.”

     The incident does show that there is a great division in society between the ordinary working people, and the new class elites:;

     Here is an early book, written by another Australian, also with  the surname “Uhlmann” giving this perspective, opposite from the Uhlmann demolished here:   Graeme Campbell and Mark Uhlmann, Australia Betrayed: How Australian Democracy has been Undermined and Our Naïve Trust Betrayed, (Foundation press, 1995):



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