Traitor Trump, More of a Problem than Beijing Biden! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald cuck Trump has said to Sean Hannity that he “lost” the election. “Shockingly, we were supposed to win easily at 64 million votes, and we got 75 million votes, and we didn’t win. But let’s see what happens on that.” Has Jared got him to abandon his previous position that the election was stolen? Maybe the Deep State has put more pressure on this weakest of men. And, what happened to all the money, tens of millions I believe, raised from true believing Trump supporters to fight this? Will this be returned if Trump now accepts Beijing Biden as his new master?


Trump has been all inflammatory talk, with no nationalist results worth speaking about. He could not even get up the wall. He then called supporters to the January 6 rally, so that the Deep State and FBI could put in place their sting operation which has now enabled Biden to declare war on Trump supporters. Ashli Babbitt was murdered in cold blood and he says nothing; his supporters in Washington DC prison suffer torture and human rights violations, that even Vlad Putin calls out. But not Trump. There is no reason for this that puts Trump in a good light.


People need to begin protests against traitor Trump, going to his rallies with American flags and signs with Ashli Babbitt’s name. She is a symbol of the betrayal of Trump. He needs to be booed and histed, shouted at, called a traitor. Hit his ego where it hurts. Also, cast doubt into the minds of his deplorable sheeple.


In 2017 I published a book predicting that Trump would end up like this, as he was a plant, put in so that the Left could come back stronger in the next election, in a pendulum motion. But, that book was removed by the publisher after poor sales, probably sabotaged by Trumpers, a fanatical group in many respects like the Left. They have not taken a stand on the present existential threat to America, and thus are as bad as their master, Trump. They are the supposed “good men” doing nothing, letting evil triumph, the story of human history.




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