Top Cancer Expert: Every New Cancer Patient is Under 45, By Brian Simpson

The predictions of the doom of the human species, at least the Covid vaxxed members, made by some doctors and genetic researchers critical of the Covid vaxxes, may prove to be an exaggeration, hopefully. However, while extreme positions may be incorrect, it does not follow that we have a home run here. There are still unresolved issues about the long-term effects upon female fertility, as raised by Dr Naomi Wolf at The Daily Clout website. And as well, cancer is emerging as a big problem.

Leading oncologist, cancer expert, Dr Nicholas DeVito of North Carolina's Duke University, has observed the trend since the Covid vax rollout, that every new patient coming to his clinic is under 45 years. Aggressive turbo cancers are being seen in the breasts, tracheal (windpipe), lung, stomach and colon. While there is some recognition of the rise of early-onset cancers by the mainstream, with predictions that such cancers will rise by 31 percent and deaths will rise by 21 percent by 2030, there is no mention of the herd of elephants in the room of the Covid vaxxes.

While environmental factors are unquestionably playing a role in the increase of cancers, the issue here is the dramatic rise in these turbo-charged cancers in young people. One hypothesis is that young people were more likely to have multiple Covid mRNA vaxxes, and hence if there are cancer spin-offs from these experimental vaxxes, they are more likely that younger people to be affected.

"A leading oncologist is raising the alarm about the staggering surge in cancer cases among young people.

North Carolina's Duke University oncologist Dr. Nicholas DeVito is warning that "every new patient" who now comes to his clinic is under 45 years old.

Dr. DeVito says he and his colleagues have experienced a complete demographic switch in recent years.

Based on what he's seeing every day, talking to patients on the ground and analyzing the data, DeVito is now issuing a red alert to warn the public about the phenomenon.

However, the doctor is raising concerns that U.S. government officials are refusing to address or even acknowledge the dramatic surge in cancer cases.

The physician wrote for STAT News:

"The desire to protect Americans from substances that cause cancer and other diseases should transcend party affiliation and political motivation to overcome industrial lobbying efforts."

In recent years, multiple studies and oncology experts have warned that cancer cases have been skyrocketing in younger people.

The U.S. has the sixth highest rate of early-onset cancers – disease in people under 50 – with 87 cases per 100,000 people younger than 50 years old.

And studies project diagnoses of early-onset cancers will rise by 31 percent and deaths will rise by 21 percent by 2030.

Cancers increasing the fastest include throat and prostate cancers.

Early-onset cancers with the highest mortality include breast, tracheal (windpipe), lung, stomach and colon.

DeVito wrote: "I hope to have a long career in oncology and eventually practice in an era where the U.S. has turned the tide against early-onset gastrointestinal cancers and few, if any, of my patients are under age 50."

As Slay News reported earlier, a growing number of experts are demanding answers as aggressive turbo cancers continue to surge to unprecedented levels in young people.

Two shocking new reports from the American Cancer Society have revealed that various forms of the deadly disease surging among younger citizens.

In response to the reports, the corporate media is promoting several narratives to explain away the rapidly developing and spreading cancers.

However, several doctors have spoken out to warn that Covid mRNA shots are causing the recent emergence of aggressive cancers.

The disease has been found to form and spread so rapidly among vaccinated people that doctors have dubbed the phenomenon "turbo cancer."

Doctors have revealed that some "turbo cancers" spread so quickly that seemingly healthy patients can die within a week of being diagnosed.

Oncologists are also warning that these aggressive cancers don't respond to conventional treatments.

A study published in the August edition of The Lancet Public Health revealed that the incidence rates for 17 of 34 cancer types were increasing in progressively younger people in the U.S.

More recent data from the ACS's "Cancer Statistics 2024" report shows the trend of cancer rates and related mortality continuing to rise.

The data shows cancer cases spiked dramatically in 2021, shortly after the Covid shots were released for public use.

The cases have continued to surge at alarming rates since then."

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