Today’s Electoral Fraud News By Charles Taylor

Given that there is so much US electoral fraud ground to cover, unless something fantastic happens, I am going to go note mode, give links and a basic commentary, with today’s taken from, which is much more optimistic than me about a Trump victory in SCOTUS. I hope that I am wrong, but again I think conservatives are placing too much faith in the legal system, the same court that delivered gay marriage, as part of the constitution, but we will see.

“As pointed out in an earlier post, this election is headed toward Bush v. Gore territory, with SCOTUS ruling on the Constitutionality of a vote which was deliberately engineered to favor one party.

On the way to that path, Team Trump has to establish a number of limitations on the equal voting rights of Americans and on the legitimacy of the voting process, and they are starting with the simple stuff, then will work upward to systematic interference, political machines, and foreign powers.

In the meantime, every day that goes by without Trump certified as the winner is a loss of America. Legislation cannot proceed; no one wants to deal with a potential lame duck or potential jailbait president like Biden would be. No one can trust the Biden presidency.

It has also become clear that China sees itself as the victor in this election, and with clasped hands is planning for a new century in which America takes a subordinate role to the new Genghis Khan and his globalist horde.

That in turn makes people nervous. We know what Chinese rule will be like because we have seventy-one years of history with the People’s Republic of China, and five thousand more years of reasonably reliable Chinese history. China makes centralized control systems and leaves behind ruins.

Then we look at what the corporate environment would look like under Biden. The Big Tech companies would win big, and small business would die under another year of COVID-19 lockdown, at which point everyone would have to obey: get a job with one of the big six companies, say the correct Leftist dogma, volunteer to help minorities on the weekend, marry someone non-White, and embrace diversity, homosexuality, transgenderism, feminism, and other neurotic insanity or be deplatformed and live in the woods with the toxic waste, mutant raccoons, and homeless people.

Democrats have invented corporate Communism, or a hybrid of the worst aspects of socialism, Mongolism, fascism, libertarianism, Office SpaceIdiocracyBrave New World, and neoconservatism. Our civilization gives up and decomposes into third-world idiocy at that point.”

I feel that we reached the point of Third World idiocy some time ago, and today are just going through the motions.



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Wednesday, 26 March 2025

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