Those Who Live by Globalism, Die by Globalism By James Reed

     The World Health Organization has now declared the coronavirus epidemic a global pandemic. But it stopped short of advocating closing borders, although sensible countries like Russia, have already done so, and good for them:

“The World Health Organization declared on Thursday that the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak was a global health emergency, acknowledging that the disease now represents a risk beyond China, where it emerged last month. The decision reversed the organization’s decision just a week ago to hold off such a declaration. Since then, W.H.O. officials said, thousands of new cases in China and clear human-to-human transmission in several other countries — now including the United States — warranted a reconsideration of that decision by the agency’s expert committee. The W.H.O.’s declaration — officially called a “public health emergency of international concern” — does not have the force of law. But it serves notice to all United Nations member states that the world’s top health advisory body thinks the situation is grave. Governments then make their own decisions about whether to close their borders, cancel flights, screen people arriving at airports or take other protective measures.”

     Don’t worry about the spread of killer diseases; worry about being xenophobic, and acting in any way to harm diversity and the global supermarket, because making money for the elites is all that life and death is about:

     Sure, there is philosophy and ideology, and political correctness, but there is also bottom-line reality, and nothing is more concrete than disease and death:

“Thousands of people could have been exposed to the coronavirus in Australia by the country's nine confirmed patients alone - as up to 49,000 people land on flights from China per week and a global health emergency is declared. Four people in Sydney, three in Melbourne, and two on the Gold Coast have been struck down with the deadly virus in recent weeks. Each one flew in from Wuhan, the Chinese city where the outbreak began, on planes packed with hundreds of potential victims. At least a day passed after they arrived before they developed flu-like symptoms and eventually went to hospital. During this time when they didn't know they were sick, they interacted with hundreds of people each, some of whom could now be infected. One patient was even allowed out of isolation to celebrate Australia Day at a restaurant with his family while he was waiting for test results. People they infected will be going about their lives on crowded trains and buses, having business meetings, and sharing meals - potentially passing the virus on. This is just from the nine confirmed cases - more than a dozen other people are being tested after developing symptoms associated with the virus. It comes as China's coronavirus death toll hits 170 and the World Health Organisation declares a global health emergency. Speaking to reporters, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: 'The main reason for this declaration is not because of what is happening in China, but because of what is happening in other countries. 'Our greatest concern is the potential for the virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems, and which are ill-prepared to deal with it.' Russia, which has no cases of the virus, is closing its 2,600-mile border with China, joining Mongolia and North Korea in barring crossings to guard against the outbreak. Train traffic between the countries was halted except for one train connecting Moscow and Beijing, but air traffic between the two countries continued. On Thursday Israel banned all incoming flights from China and 6,000 people in Italy were prevented from leaving a cruise ship while tests were carried out on a passenger from Macau. Australia and New Zealand are planning a joint evacuation of citizens from Wuhan while Singapore is setting up a quarantine facility on an island to the city's north-east. Meanwhile, the United States and South Korea confirmed their first cases of person-to-person spread of the virus. The man in the US is married to a 60-year-old Chicago woman who got sick from the virus after she returned from a trip to Wuhan, the Chinese city that is the epicentre of the outbreak.”

     But this is just the tip of the iceberg:

“Researchers from the United Kingdom are now warning that the number of coronavirus cases is about to turn exponential. In a model assessing the potential fallout from this highly contagious outbreak, this team of experts is expecting that more than 250,000 Chinese people will contract coronavirus by the turn of February – a number significantly higher than the roughly 6,200 cases that are currently being reported. Using the R-naught, or R0, method of mapping disease spread – the basic reproductive number is considered to be the gold standard of assessing disease outbreak potential – these researchers determined that 2019-nCoV, the official name for the coronavirus strain that kicked this whole thing off, has an R0 value of between 1.4-2.5, which is almost the same as the 1918 Spanish flu that killed more than 50 million people. This is the R0 range being presented by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) as a possibility, meaning it can – and some say likely will – become a lot higher as the disease progresses. “Needless to say, while 2.5 is quite high, and in line with that of the Spanish flu epidemic which infected about half a billion people back in 1918, killing as many as 100 million before it eventually fizzled out, the real coronavirus R0 number may end up being far higher,” reports Zero Hedge. Entitled, “Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV: early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions,” this paper, authored by Jonathan Reed, estimates that the actual R0 for coronavirus when all is said and done will be more in the 3.6-4.0 range – meaning each person who becomes infected with coronavirus has the potential to infect as many as four other people with it. In order to stop coronavirus from spreading and creating an epidemic, or possibly a global pandemic, upwards of 75 percent of transmissions “must be prevented by control measures for infections to stop increasing.” The problem, however, is that only about five percent of the infections in Wuhan, where coronavirus is said to have originated, have thus far been identified. In other words, there appears to be some major difficulties – or perhaps foul play – when it comes to accurately assessing just how many people are currently infected with coronavirus, and how quickly they’re infecting other people.

“… since all of this is happening in China which is not known for making the most socially-beneficial decisions under pressure, there is an ominous possibility that Reed is actually overly optimistic,” warns Zero Hedge. If there’s no change in the current trajectory of the disease, with containment measures failing to prevent further transmission, Reed warns that coronavirus infections “will continue to be exported to international destinations at an increasing rate.” We’re already seeing this with new cases of coronavirus popping up in multiple areas of the United States, as well as in Germany, Taiwan, Australia, Japan, and elsewhere – with no seemingly end in sight, sadly. Reed’s estimate that at least 250,000 cases of coronavirus will emerge in China by about February 4 seem to match China’s current rush to add at least 100,000 new hospital beds to its total capacity in the coming days and weeks. Reed also expects coronavirus to spread exponentially throughout many other nations such as Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Vietnam, and of course the United States, where there are at least five confirmed cases of coronavirus already. “In short: much of Asia will (be) infected, and from there, the rest of the world awaits,” concludes Zero Hedge.”

     The problem is that people can shed the virus without having symptoms, meaning that globalism would spread the disease around the world, rapidly, and in fact, it has already got around the world:

“All the “experts” are missing a fatal truth about the coronavirus pandemic: It spreads from people who show no symptoms. Because they show no symptoms, they evade all existing screening efforts such as thermal scanning for fevers and self-reporting of symptoms to health authorities. In other words, many people who are infected with the coronavirus and are spreading it have no idea they are infected. This means existing screening efforts cannot contain this pandemic. Blocking all travel from China is the only way to stop this from quickly spreading to other countries, and those steps are not being taken because world governments have convinced themselves they know how to spot coronavirus carriers as they move through airports. But they are delusional. How do we know this? First, we have the Japanese nationals who were recently evacuated back to Japan on a government-chartered flight. Out of the 206 people who were returned to Japan on the first flight, three were found to be infected with coronavirus. Out of the three, two showed no symptoms.

As reported by
The three, who have been hospitalized — one in stable condition and two without symptoms — were among 206 people brought back Wednesday from the city at the center of the deadly outbreak of the pneumonia-causing virus. Japan also carried out a second flight of 210 Japanese citizens, and there are hundreds more awaiting additional flights. Japan is, of course, screening everyone for coronavirus infections, but what the media fails to report is that coronavirus lab tests cannot detect the virus in its early staged of incubation in a human being. Why? Because there’s not enough virus replication yet taking place in the person’s body to give a strong enough signal on gene sequencing instruments. So, on the first flight where three people had coronavirus, the other 203 passengers could have been infected during the flight, yet passed all the screening with a clean bill of health. They may even start shedding coronavirus over the next 10 days while showing no symptoms themselves. So even when health authorities tell people to “self-report any symptoms” such as fever or coughing, many people show no symptoms and therefore have nothing to report. Yet they are still shedding the coronavirus and infecting everyone around them.”

     Who knows how far and wide the virus has spread? But, we soon will know. It may be a fizzer, but it could be the long-anticipated zombie apocalypse, understood metaphorically of course.
I trust the good old doomsday doctor, Joseph Alton, author of The Survival Medicine Handbook on most issues. His website has all one needs to know, doomsday prepper or not, to survive, hopefully, against all that can be imported from overseas.

     With any luck, one of these inevitable pandemics, a product of globalisation, will collapse globalism.



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