Those Who Do Not Learn from the Plandemic Past are Doomed to Repeat It! By Brian Simpson
Dr Peter Mccullough points out that prior to the Covid vax rollout, the health technocrats were screaming that over a thousand Americans were dying a day from Covid. This made it a modern Black Death, and mirrors pre-war propaganda to mobilise forces. However, he notes that even in the early days in December 2020 or early in 2021, there were clear signs that all was not right with the official narrative:
1."Novel genetic mechanism of action (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca) producing the dangerous and potentially lethal Wuhan Spike protein for an uncontrolled quantity and duration of time, meaning there was no understanding of the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of mRNA or Spike protein.
2.Flawed short term trials in low-risk patients without hospitalization and death as the primary endpoint and no short term signal that vaccination reduced these important outcomes.
3.Public administration to women of childbearing potential and pregnant mothers.
4.Substantial encouragement and later mandates to administer over and over again to COVID-19 recovered patients with natural immunity—no matter when and how many times SARS-CoV-2 infection occurred.
5.Failure to perform, frequent, regular, and independent data safety monitoring which should have led to very early termination of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
6.Novel genetic mechanism of action (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca) producing the dangerous and potentially lethal Wuhan Spike protein for an uncontrolled quantity and duration of time, meaning there was no understanding of the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of mRNA or Spike protein.
7.Flawed short term trials in low-risk patients without hospitalization and death as the primary endpoint and no short-term signal that vaccination reduced these important outcomes.
8.Public administration to women of childbearing potential and pregnant mothers.
9.Substantial encouragement and later mandates to administer over and over again to COVID-19 recovered patients with natural immunity—no matter when and how many times SARS-CoV-2 infection occurred.
- 10.Failure to perform, frequent, regular, and independent data safety monitoring which should have led to very early termination of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
The same play card may come again with disease X, the next big plandemic thing, which could be bird flu, so we need to be ever-vigilant.