This is Highly Suspicious, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The FBI cleaned up the rooftop where the Trump attempted assassination the day after Crooks was shot dead. It was done by an officer getting on the roof and hosing it down, and there are videos of this. It is beyond unusual to remove evidence from a crime scene so quickly, so it begs for an explanation, as it smacks of evidence tampering. The body was cremated in record time, so the crime scene and all evidence that may be relevant to a future investigation has gone. Now why would the FBI want to do that?

"The FBI sprayed the roof to get rid of evidence.

This photo was taken 24 hours after the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Rep. Clay Higgins released a preliminary report on the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on Thursday. The report reveals disturbing lapses by federal authorities that raise serious questions about the integrity of the investigation.

Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA), a member of the House Task Force on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, authored the report after spending 20 hours on the ground in Butler County, Pennsylvania, meticulously examining the crime scene.

The report, dated August 12, 2024, and addressed to Task Force Chairman Mike Kelly, exposes a series of alarming FBI actions—or inactions—that appear to undermine the investigation's credibility.

As reported earlier, Higgins' report highlighted several critical observations from his investigation, shedding light on the events leading up to and during the assassination attempt.

One part of the report focused on the clean-up operation. The FBI moved quickly to eliminate all traces of biological evidence from the crime scene.

The FBI cleaned up the biological evidence from where Thomas Crooks was killed on a roof in Butler, Pennsylvania. Something unheard of.

Why was the FBI in such a hurry to scour the scene where Crooks was killed on the roof?

This looks more and more like a setup.

How are Americans supposed to trust our government after Trump was nearly assassinated and nothing adds up?

From our previous reports:

Secret Service Radio Mishap:

The U.S. Secret Service (USSS) failed to retrieve radios that had been set aside for them by Butler County tactical command. These radios were crucial for the coordinated security efforts during the rally. The failure to collect and use these radios as planned raises significant concerns about communication lapses on the day of the attempt.

"Butler County runs the radio communications tower out of their 911 Call Center. That is pretty much the way radio communications work across America in every County, in every State. If their radios are "interoperable," a visiting law enforcement agency is assigned a frequency, a "channel" for their operation while in that County. If their radios are not "interoperable" with the County Communications tower, then the visiting agency is assigned/offered actual radios to use while they are running their operation in the County.

"USSS did not retrieve the radios that had been set aside for them by Butler County tactical command. The radio comms were properly and perfectly arranged during the extensive pre-mission planning. On J12, the Butler County ESU Commander personally reminded the USSS counter-sniper teams to pick up their assigned radios at the ESU Command Post RV, which was positioned according to planning at the Butler Fairgrounds, the following morning before 1100 hrs. It didn't happen."

Casings and Shots Fired:

All eight casings from shots fired by the would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, were recovered and are allegedly in proper possession of the FBI. Additionally, the ninth shot, fired by a Butler SWAT operator, struck Crooks, disrupting his attack. A tenth shot, believed to be the fatal one, was fired by a USSS counter-sniper team.

"8 shots were fired by Crooks from his firing (and dying) position on the AGR rooftop. The position provided excellent concealment for Crooks from the northern counter-sniper team due to the foliage/branches of two trees. Crooks' firing position did NOT offer excellent concealment from the southern counter-sniper team.

However, it should be noted that the would-be assassin perfectly positioned himself to minimize the threat of counter-fire from the ground or the USSS counter-sniper teams. Crooks' firing position was also several feet back from the actual peak of the AGR rooftop. By choosing this position, Crooks effectively minimized the sky-lined profile of his head and upper body.

All 8 casings were recovered and are allegedly in proper possession of the FBI. Thomas Matthew Crooks' rifle is also allegedly in the proper possession of the FBI. I will need to examine all of the physical evidence that has been harvested by law enforcement and is in the possession of the FBI. All of it.

The 9th shot fired on J13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards away from the AGR building. Shot 9 hit Crooks' rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up.

The SWAT operator who took this shot was a total badass; when he had sighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, he immediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat, running to a clear shot position directly into the line of fire while Crooks was firing 8 rounds.

On his own, this ESU SWAT operator took a very hard shot, one shot. He stopped Crooks and importantly, I believe the shot damaged the buffer tube on Crooks' AR. I won't be certain of this until I can examine Crooks' rifle, but I'm 99% sure, based upon reliable eye-witness ESU tactical officers who observed Crooks' rifle before the FBI harvested it as evidence. This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks' rifle wouldn't fire after his 8th shot.

The 10th (and, I believe, final) shot was fired from the southern counter-sniper team. I will not be 100% certain of this until further investigation. However, I am quite sure that the USSS southern counter-sniper team fired the killing shot, which, according to my investigation, entered somewhere around the left mouth area and exited the right ear area. Instant over. This entry-exit aligns with USSS southern counter-sniper team position."

Questions Surrounding Crooks' Body:

Higgins' efforts to examine Crooks' body revealed that the FBI had released the body for cremation just ten days after the incident without the knowledge of local law enforcement or the county coroner. This premature release has hindered the ability to verify the accuracy of the autopsy and other forensic reports.

My effort to examine Crooks' body on Monday, August 5, caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact… the FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after J13. On J23, Crooks was gone.

Nobody knew this until Monday, August 5, including the County Coroner, law enforcement, Sheriff, etc. Yes, Butler County Coroner technically had legal authority over the body, but I spoke with the Coroner, and he would have never released Crooks' body to the family for cremation or burial without specific permission from the FBI.

The coroner's report and autopsy report are both "late." As of Monday, August 5, they were a week late. The problem with me not being able to examine the actual body is that I won't know 100% if the coroner's report and the autopsy report are accurate.

We will actually never know. Yes, we'll get the reports and pictures, etc, but I will not ever be able to say with certainty that those reports and pictures are accurate according to my own examination of the body. Again, similar to releasing the crime scene and scrubbing crime scene biological evidence… this action by the FBI can only be described by any reasonable man as an obstruction to any following investigative effort.

The FBI cleaned up the biological evidence from where Thomas Crooks was killed on a roof in Butler, Pennsylvania. Something unheard of." 



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