They Dwell Among Us Now, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Radical Islamist terrorist group ISIS has been involved in a planned terrorist attack, to have been done by two teenagers at a Taylor Swift concert in Austria. The plan, which was fortunately foiled, was to drive a car full of explosives into the crowd, then to hack people to death with machetes. The Muslim teenagers, aged 19 and 17 years, had been radicalised online by ISIS. The kicker in this story was that the teenagers had been hired to work security at the venue.

The story shows that at this late stage of the game, stopping terrorist attacks is just a matter of fortune of the authorities, as these attacks can literally come straight from the cultural melting pot, which long ago, melted over.

They dwell among us now.

"News broke yesterday that two teenagers in Austria, one of whom had pledged his allegiance to a terrorist group, were arrested after authorities discovered they were planning a sick attack at a Taylor Swift concert, intending to drive a bomb-laden car into the crowd, and hack others to death with machetes. Now, you're not going to believe this, but these two radical would-be killers weren't Christian nationalists... they were Muslims, and "known risks" by local authorities—a twofer! From an online report by Emily Crane and out at the New York Post:

Terrifying details of the foiled suicide-bombing attack emerged after authorities revealed that two men, ages 19 and 17, had been taken into custody in Vienna on Wednesday — resulting in Swift's three sold-out Eras shows in the city being cancelled.

The two suspects, who investigators say had become radicalized online by ISIS, had allegedly wanted to carry out the attack outside the Ernst Happel Stadium — killing fans with self-made explosives and machetes, security officials said Thursday.

It gets worse though—one of the suspects had just been hired as venue security:

The teen suspects arrested for plotting an ISIS-style 'bloodbath' terror attack at one of Taylor Swift's Austrian concerts this week … had reportedly just been hired by the venue to work security.

The second suspect had only just been employed a few days ago by a company providing services at the venue during the concerts, officials said.

Sources told German news outlet Kurier that he'd been hired to work there as security.

How many others were there? Did any other would-be terrorists find gainful employment as part of the cleaning crew? Staffing the concessions stand counter? Working the will-call? Disguised as "Swifties" in the audience, armed with machetes because "security" fortuitously missed the weapons?

Here's this, also from Crane:

'The suspects actually had very specific and detailed plans … to leave a bloodbath in their wake,' Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said.

How organized were they, and how big was their network? Crane also reveals that the two suspects had made their plans known to other individuals, and law enforcement had also hauled in another kid, "though it was unclear if he had been arrested" too.

What a frightening picture of a multicultural society; we should probably leave the border open, and keep inviting these types of people into our nation. What could go wrong?" 



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