Of course the Liberal Party’s ‘Beliefs’ are changing from their 1949 ‘Beliefs’, but they still insist (according to their website) on their belief in:
We Believe:

“In those most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy - the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.”
Found here,

The Coalition’s second most senior figure in the Senate insists the government won’t be supporting a move by one of its backbenchers to change race hate speech laws.
Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has thrown down the gauntlet to his colleagues, vowing to use the first week of the new parliament to introduce a private bill that seeks to remove the words ‘offend’ and ‘insult’ from section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.
The government’s position was very clear, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann told ABC radio on Thursday 18 August 2016: ‘We will not initiate or support any changes … it’s a debate we had two years ago.’
In a communication to one of our politicians, Wallace Klinck of Canada had this to say:

“The “anti-discrimination” activists are engaging in classic Bolshevik tactics of intimidation and they are using both the legal system and the conditioned naïveté of the general population to use the very constitutional and legal framework which historically we have developed essentially in accord with Christian principles to protect basic natural rights and freedoms, literally and subversively as a reverse instrument of terror, in order actually to destroy them.  This is being done with an appeal to our innate sense of decency and essential fairness by inducing in us a guilt complex which renders us helpless and defenceless when we would oppose any issue purely and obviously fabricated in a way that is intended to make everything we think or do appear as having selfish and evil motivations designed to exploit other less privileged people.  This strategy is pure, unadulterated cultural Marxism in action.
What people do not seem even to suspect is that this policy derives from Pharisaism—the rule by decree enforced by a self-appointed select few, who arrogate to themselves the supreme right to dominate others on the assumption that they alone are divinely destined and ordained to determine, prescribe and adjudicate every aspect of the lives of other persons.  There is absolutely no theoretical limit to the measures or degree to which these people will go to establish this power, and anyone who thinks that there is a limit to their ambition is sadly, and fatally, deceived. Law is the area of their expertise and it is primarily in Law that they act to establish their tyranny. What did Christ say about “lawyers” and the Pharisees?  “Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees!”  This no doubt sounds all entirely far-fetched and anachronistic to those who are not schooled in ideological and theological matters—but, sadly and unfortunately, it deals with the metaphysical and practical world in which we live.  It all seems almost surreal, but is an obvious and undeniable tragic reality. Those who succumbed in the hell of the Bolshevik Gulag could attest to that ersatz reality wherein all were to be made “equal"—as has, e.g., Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, who could by instinct and observation detect the moral and intellectual decline of the West.
One might ask how this situation can be—or why it should exist.  But such questions alone are no solution to our problems, which require sound and practical policies and actions predicated upon realistic principles.  The fact of the matter is that our culture has been stripped methodically of virtually any Christian awareness we may once have had and, if Christ was indeed the Great Realist, we have no longer any firm ground upon which to stand.  The opinion-making media, the educational system, the clergy and the socio-economic institutions all have been captured and co-opted and in general have thoroughly infected society with false notions about scarcity, morality and the purpose of human existence in general.   C. H. Douglas was not making a frivolous or misconceived allegation when he declared that “Society has been hypnotized and only a drastic de-hypnotization can save it.” 
The problem is fundamentally metaphysical and what must be done is to replace the existing system of false values with an entirely new ethic of social and economic values based upon essential Christian precepts and principles which we must proceed to incarnate in our daily organic affairs.  We must give “Flesh” to the “Word” in order to make of it a reality rather than a parody…
In a society that is conditioned to believe that Salvation is conditional upon Works rather than upon Grace, the provision of "Work for All" is regarded as both a moral and practical imperative and no forms of discrimination can be countenanced.  In this manner the new religion of universal equality has been established and imposed upon humanity as the supreme, allegedly irrefutable and un-challengeable basis of life and “civilization”.  Of course any rigorous attempt to impose equality, with envy as its inherent malevolent inspiration, can only result in absolute tyranny.  That is the precise goal which is intended and anyone who doubts it is a fool.  This is the inevitable destiny of any who worship Mammon-- which is the embodiment of so-called “scientific" Marxist materialism.  The God of “Equality” will destroy human civilization because it denies the very individual creativity and general abundance upon which it can be based and flourish.



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