The World Health Organization International Health Regulations Pass, but Should We Worry? By Brian Simpson

       Maybe not; it seems that a lot of mundane things went through:, but the main points of concern to the freedom movements, did not. Thus, here are the things which did not get in (with thanks Meryl Nass):

The "pathogen access and benefit sharing system," the biowarfare agent lending library--gone.

One Health--gone.

Medical mandates--gone.

Digital vaccine passports (aka digital IDs)--gone.

Blank check to WHO--gone.

Removal of human rights--gone.

Ability to call emergencies other than health, like climate--gone.

Ability to restrict drugs, move meds from country to country, require vaccinations—gone.

Ability to order countries to pass laws demanded by WHO—gone.

Demand to roll out untested, unlicensed vaccines--gone

Demand to give liability shields to unlicensed vaccines and drugs—gone.

Ability to commandeer products—gone.

This is a substantial victory for a long hard fight across the globe. The need to control misinformation about health/pandemics remains, but our local traitors were already moving on that one. 



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