The West’s Obituary By Chris Knight

     Here is a powerful article by Paul Craig Roberts, summing up the plight of the West. The article speaks for itself:

“Here is a video of one of the migrant gangs that have been welcomed into Europe sticking a pistol’s barrel into the mouth of a male Swedish teenager and ordering him to dance.  Having been taught that it is racist, and perhaps a crime, to oppose … the Third World, instead of fighting back the Swedish teenager complies and accepts, like a good European male, the humiliation.

Of course, all of these decadent European countries have gun control laws, but nevertheless, the recent [migrants] are armed.  I have heard nothing from the gun control lobby about disarming them.  Try to imagine what would happen to a Swede who stuck a gun’s barrel into the mouth of a privileged invader.  No chance of that.  The spirit of the Vikings is stone dead in Scandinavia. The cowards even look the other way when their women are gang raped. …

Insouciant white peoples permitted their corrupt governments to commit all kinds of crimes against other countries.  As these crimes come to light, people of European stock feel guilty and unworthy, because they have a moral conscience, unlike those who are over-running them.  If you want to understand how the psychology works that has doomed the white race, read The Camp of the Saints.  This novel is our present and our future. It is the most prescient novel ever written.  Indeed, it is a totally accurate prediction of the future. Perhaps Identity Politics is correct.  The days of “the whites” are over.  The days of white people brainwashed into cowardice and impotence are at an end.  The Americans and their empire are incapable of self-defense.”

     The question that then follows is what happens next, especially to the nuclear weapons stockpiles? Will the Great Replacement be cool when the big birdies fly?



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