The West Needs to Stand Firm Against the Endless Migration Madness by Chris Knight

The new class elites and academic chatterers have been beside themselves, with Trump daring to suspend the admission of Syrian refugees. Writing in the perhaps now ironically named The American Interest (January 28, reproduced in The Australian, February 4-5, 2017, pp. 18-19), Walter Russell Mead and Nicholas M. Gallagher give the typical response: “Not since Franklin D. Roosevelt has an American president done anything so cruel and bigoted.”
But wait, there’s more:
“And only Barack Obama has exhibited this degree of callous indifference to the suffering of the Syrian people.” Obama? What!

Here is the immigration/refugee faith in a nutshell. The West, because it is thought to be composed solely of “migrants” (never mind that Northern Europe while Aboriginal people can be freely demographically displaced), must be an endless source of sympathy and compassion, always taking in refugees. This can never end no matter what the residents of the host country think. No matter what the migrants do, the host people will be made to tolerate it, or else slammed as racists and dealt with by guilt, force, the law or all of the above.

Witness the full page advertisement in The Australian, February 6, 2017, p. 7, “An Open Letter from Civil Society to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten,” “Bring These People to Australia.” These “people” are all of the illegals housed in offshore detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru. The groups want all of these people in Australia, along with the flood of further illegal economic migrants – for this is what the majority will be – who will come in endless waves as we experienced under Labor.

Note that the advertisement is self-described as comprising “civil society.” The new class define any anti-immigration sentiment as resembling “barbarism.” Civilisation itself is equated with migration, even though a case can be made that migration is a destructive force that levels cultures. No doubt most of these politically correct groups would support the “invasion” hypothesis of Australia’s foundation, and the genocide of the Aboriginals theme, even though this directly conflicts with their immigrationism: British immigration must be a counter-example to their faith. Consistency, though, is not the name of the game.

They complain about “inadequate medical attention,” but these groups and individuals have the combined wealth to build luxury resorts on Manus Island and Nauru. The church groups have so much wealth that combined they could built an artificial “continent” for all the refugees of the world to live. But, it is always easier to pass the financial pain onto the locals as migration has always done.

The advertisement also, quite revealingly, says that there have been “reports of physical and sexual abuse, including of children,” “even a murder,” among the illegals. The question to immediately ask, given the advertiser’s own words, is, why should those who abuse come to Australia? After all they want everybody to come here. Clearly the cult of immigration overrides the protection of our children.

It is time to bring the manic migration cult to an end. Ordinary Australians and people of the West, arise and fight back! You have nothing to lose but your white genocide!



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