The West at Risk: Europe Goes Full Totalitarian, By Richard Miller (Londonistan)
Europe is defecting from liberal democratic traditions and veering into full-blown totalitarianism, as argued in the Infowars article "Europe Goes Full Totalitarian And Puts The Entire Western World At Risk" by Brandon Smith:
Brandon Smith's Infowars piece sets the stage with a fiery premise: Europe is sliding back into totalitarianism, this time with a whiff of communism, driven by elites terrified of losing their grip amid a populist backlash. He points to Britain as the poster child—citizens facing police intimidation for "offensive" social media posts or even flying the national flag near migrants—while suggesting a broader European trend of censorship, physical coercion, and the use of migrants as a "mercenary wing" to suppress dissent. This isn't just a fringe rant; it's a springboard to argue that Europe, once a beacon of liberal democracy, is defecting from its foundational principles of free speech, individual liberty, and accountable governance.
Liberal democracy thrives on open discourse, but Europe's tightening grip on speech signals a shift toward totalitarian control. Smith highlights Britain's crackdown—arrests for memes or tweets deemed "offensive" under vague hate speech laws, like the Communications Act 2003 or the Online Safety Act. In 2024, a man was jailed for 18 weeks for a Facebook post mocking immigration, a case critics called a blatant overreach. Across the Channel, Germany's NetzDG law fines platforms for failing to remove "hateful" content within 24 hours, while France's Avia Law (partially struck down but still influential) pushed for rapid censorship of "misinformation." These aren't isolated quirks—they're a pattern of state power snuffing out dissent under the guise of protecting feelings or public order.
The EU's Digital Services Act (DSA), fully enforced by 2024, takes this further, mandating platforms to police "disinformation" with little transparency on what qualifies. Critics—like the Electronic Frontier Foundation—warn it's a blank check for governments to silence unorthodox views, a far cry from the robust debate liberalism demands. When expressing scepticism about climate policy or migration can land you in court (as seen in Dutch cases against Geert Wilders), the message is clear: conform or be crushed. This isn't democracy's marketplace of ideas—it's a one-way propaganda chute.
Totalitarianism leans on surveillance to keep subjects in line, and Europe's embrace of digital oversight reeks of Orwell. The UK's Investigatory Powers Act (2016), dubbed the "Snooper's Charter," lets authorities hoard communications data with scant oversight—by 2023, privacy groups reported over 1 million data requests annually. France's 2024 Olympic security laws greenlit AI-driven mass surveillance, a tool now eyed for permanent use. The EU's Chat Control proposal (pushed in 2023-2024) aims to scan private messages for "threats," shredding encryption and privacy in one go—Amnesty International called it a "dystopian toolbox."
Smith's migrant-enforcer theory ties in here: if governments can't trust native populations, they'll monitor them relentlessly while outsourcing muscle to compliant outsiders. Whether it's facial recognition in Paris or "pre-crime" algorithms in Amsterdam, Europe's states are building a panopticon where dissent isn't just punished—it's pre-empted. Liberal democracy doesn't spy on its citizens to enforce ideological purity; totalitarian regimes do.
Liberal democracy rests on the consent of the governed, but Europe's power is coagulating into unaccountable hands. The EU itself—unelected commissioners dictating policy from Brussels—is a slow-motion coup against national sovereignty. Take the 2022 energy crisis: EU mandates forced member states to ration power and hike prices, bypassing local parliaments. Hungary and Poland, resisting EU overreach on migration or judicial rules, face funding cuts—coercion dressed as "rule of law." By 2025, the EU's push for a federalised "European Defense Union" hints at a military arm beyond democratic control, echoing Smith's fears of elites "going for broke."
In Britain, Keir Starmer's Labour government (elected 2024) has fast-tracked laws—like expanding "buffer zones" around abortion clinics to ban silent prayer—without public debate, prompting backlash from civil libertarians. Germany's coalition has sidelined opposition by ramming through climate edicts, while France's Macron rules via decree when parliament balks (e.g., 2023 pension reforms). This isn't governance by consent—it's rule by fiat, a hallmark of totalitarianism where the state's will trumps the people's.
Smith's boldest claim—that migrants are a "mercenary wing" to subdue natives—sounds crazy, but is true. Europe's migration policies, from Merkel's 2015 open door to the EU's 2024 Migration Pact, have flooded cities with unassimilated populations, often shielded from criticism by law. In Sweden, crime rates spiked—2023 saw 63 bombings linked to migrant gangs—yet questioning this gets you labelled a bigot/racist or fined (as happened to a Malmö politician in 2024). Smith argues leaders like Starmer cozy up to these groups (e.g., Muslim community meetings post-2024 riots) while jailing natives who push back—think Tommy Robinson's repeated imprisonments.
If war with Russia looms, Smith predicts conscription for natives while migrants "run the streets." It's speculative, but historical parallels—like Rome's use of foederati—lend it weight. When governments prioritise outsiders over citizens and punish resistance, it's not liberal equality—it's a power play to fracture and dominate.
Smith's "communist stench" isn't just rhetoric—Europe's drift mirrors Marxist tactics: suppress dissent, centralise power, and enforce a utopian vision. The EU's Green Deal (2050 net-zero goal) smacks of five-year plans, with farmers in the Netherlands forced off land for nitrogen quotas—5,000 protested in 2024, only to face tear gas. Britain's Net Zero push has criminalised wood-burning stoves in rural homes, prioritising ideology over practicality. This isn't pragmatic liberalism; it's dogmatic control, silencing farmers, truckers, and workers who dare object.
The cancelation of democratic norms—like Romania's alleged election rigging in 2024—or France's sidelining of National Rally despite voter support, shows a willingness to ditch elections when the "wrong" side wins. It's the Leninist vanguard all over again: elites know best, and the masses must obey.
If Europe falls to totalitarianism, the Western world teeters. Smith warns of "Orwellian chaos" spilling over—America's Second Amendment, long mocked by Europeans as unnecessary, looks prescient when Britain jails flag-wavers. NATO's cohesion frays if allies turn despotic; the U.S. voting with Russia at the UN in 2025 signals a realignment as Europe doubles down on Ukraine over freedom. The transatlantic liberal order—built on shared democratic values—crumbles when one side embraces censorship and control.
Europe's defection from liberal democracy isn't a slow drift—it's a full-on sprint to totalitarianism. Free speech is gagged, surveillance is omnipresent, power is centralised, dissent is crushed, and ideology reigns supreme. Smith's Infowars piece nails it: elites, spooked by a nationalist resurgence, are torching democratic traditions to cling to power. Whether it's Britain's speech police, the EU's bureaucratic overlords, or France's decree-happy technocrats, the evidence stacks up. This isn't just a European problem—it's a warning shot for the West. If liberty's cradle turns into its cage, the whole democratic experiment's at risk. Time for us to wake up before the iron curtain's back, this time with a Brussels stamp.
"It's happening again. Europe is going totalitarian, this time from a decidedly communistic foundation. It's an outcome that was predictable for many of us in the alternative media, and the situation is going to get far worse in the next few years. But what does this mean for the rest of the world? With the European elites taking off their mask of "democracy," what kind of global chaos can we expect to unfold?
First and foremost, I want to point out a key piece of irony here: For decades in the U.S., we heard the argument that our 2nd Amendment gun rights were meaningless because they are "unnecessary" in maintaining our freedoms. Anti-gun rights activists and politicians commonly used Europe as their sterling example:
If gun rights are so important for freedom, then what about the Europeans? They have strict gun laws and they're not losing their rights...
As Americans who understand what it means to fight a rebellion against tyranny and win, our response to this assertion was always the same: "Just give it time..."
Of course, we were right, and they were wrong. I'm sure a large number of people among the 95% of EU and UK citizens that are disarmed are probably wishing desperately for firearms right about now. The reasons why are numerous and horrifying.
The Downward Spiral of Europe into 1984
In the EU and UK, there has been a slow burn on censorship leading up to the past two years. They have accelerated the restrictions and enforcement as the public begins to resist the globalist agenda.
Movements for national identity and security are being attacked, and the elites are attempting to make it impossible for conservative-leaning political parties to participate in elections in France and Germany. In Romania, they have disrupted normal elections and even arrested populist candidate Calin Georgescu after he won the first round of presidential elections. EU-controlled authorities have now ruled that he will not be allowed to run again.
In true Orwellian fashion, the powers-that-be call this "protecting democracy."
There has also been rising war rhetoric against Russia, with UK and French officials threatening the deployment of troops to Ukraine. Ukraine is losing the war badly, and the globalists in Europe are hellbent on expanding the conflict into a world war. They are doing this by insisting that there can be no negotiations on captured territory or eventual NATO membership.
In other words, WWIII is becoming unavoidable.
Because of this development, European nations are actively and openly discussing forced conscription, and many officials and media pundits are defending the initiative. They want to send you to die in a meaningless war over a meaningless country. But what do the globalists get out of this?
The establishment is going for broke in light of the growing public shift away from multicultural ideology. It's clear the elites are afraid of a large-scale return to nationalism and conservatism, something that would have been unthinkable in the region 10 years ago.
The internet and social media, for example, have created a mechanism for defiant speech that is difficult for governments to control. The narrative is slipping through their fingers. So, like all tyrants, when dominating the information space is no longer possible, they turn to physical force and imprisonment to silence their opponents.
For now, Britain is the worst perpetrator, with citizens receiving intimidation visits and suffering arrests for "mean words" and memes online. Some are even being arrested for flying their national flag. Movements to "populism" are demonized regularly by the media, painted as "racist" or "xenophobic." But this is meant to distract from the very real cultural replacement being deliberately engineered in greater Europe.
The Hidden Purpose Behind Cultural Replacement
It's something the globalists have been trying in the U.S. for decades, so we are familiar with the process. Europe's invasion began recently in 2014 but represents a greater threat due to an element of religious zealotry. Armies of third-world migrants, largely from Islamic nations, have flooded into the EU and UK and threaten to completely displace the native-born population.
It's important to understand that these migrants don't see Europe as a new home safe from supposed turmoil or oppression. Rather, they see Europe as a sacrificial lamb ready for slaughter, a fat and helpless target for pillaging. Europe is easy money for them.
Beyond the wealth incentive, Muslims also view the West as an eternal enemy that needs to be brought under their control. They are reveling in the invasion, and they see Europeans as ripe for subjugation. There's no intent to assimilate, no hope for coexistence. That's not the goal.
The globalists are well aware of this dynamic, and they welcome it. But why?
It's important to remember that this is not a race issue as the media claims; it's a cultural issue. Western civilization has been scheduled for demolition, and the elites are using elements of third-world alien cultures to do the grunt work of tearing that civilization down. I predicted the results of this program in August of 2024.
If western populations are unified in opposing the globalist ideology then the task of deconstruction becomes impossible for them. So, they simply destroy the west from within by introducing millions of people that will NEVER assimilate or unify...
...In other words, my argument was that migrants from the third-world are not merely being used as unwitting tools for cultural saturation of the west. They're not being shipped in by the millions to simply live off the fruits of our labor and our ancestors' labors. I believe they are being brought into the U.S., the UK and Europe as enforcers for the establishment.
I continued to explain the greater purpose of Western government using third-world mercenaries:
Keir Starmer and other government officials have been meeting with Muslim groups to reassure them that the government is on their side. The migrants are now emboldened to do as they please while the Brits face the reality that if they fight back, the government will put them in prison. The migrants are now, in the most basic sense, a mercenary wing of the UK government...
I would go even further and say that in the event of war with Russia, native born citizens will be rounded up for conscription while most migrants are left behind to run the streets of London, Paris and Berlin. The migrants are enforcers to keep any potentially defiant Europeans in line. Many empires and monarchs in history have used the public treasury to subsidize foreign mercenaries as muscle to prevent local rebellion. The elites in the EU and UK are following a similar pattern.
There are many possible outcomes that could arise from the decline of Europe, but some are predictable.
First, I believe there will be an attempt at mass forced conscription, but I think there will be a lot more opposition and protest against this policy than the elites expect. No one in the West wants to die for Ukraine. There is no unifying moral imperative to enter the war, and people will resist.
Second, there's going to be much more expansive speech controls and mass arrests unless the populace presents a large, unified response. This response will have to be prepared for violence because there is a good chance they will need to defend themselves.
Third, governments will try to use economic leverage to silence dissent and punish people who refuse to accept conscription. It's not a coincidence that the EU just announced that it will be introducing CBDC programs at the retail level in 2025. They're going to push a cashless system because this will give them total control over people's buying power.
Fourth, boots on the ground are coming to Ukraine. Unless Trump pulls some kind of diplomatic miracle, the deployment of EU and UK troops is predetermined. Anything to spark a volatile escalation, possibly to lure the U.S. back into the fray under security obligations. Again, the globalists want WWIII as a catalyst for a new world order.
Fifth, Ukraine will fall to Russia. This is already happening, but the media is trying to hide troop movements and geo-location measurements that show big territorial gains for Russia. Without a Trump deal, Ukraine will implode. Europe does not have the troops or the training to fight Russia in a peer-to-peer attrition-based conflict. If they enter the fray, they will also get crushed or, even worse, trigger a nuclear event (hopefully limited to the region).
Finally, sixth, there is going to be severe diplomatic isolation between the U.S. and Europe. It has already started with NATO potentially breaking apart, and the response from our "allies" has been nothing but hostile. EU officials act as if they are entitled to American money and protection, but the question they need to address is WHY?
The leadership of Europe is totally opposed to any conservative appeal to national and cultural identity. They hate borders, they hate Western culture, they hate meritocracy, they hate individual liberty, and they hate Christianity. I don't think we have much in common with them anymore, and it doesn't make sense to be allies with people who would happily tear down everything you believe if they were given the chance.
Keep in mind that the EU elites campaigned aggressively for Biden/Harris. They wanted that horror show to continue for another four years. These are people who tried to enforce perpetual pandemic lockdowns and mandates. The same people who wanted forced vaccinations and internment camps for dissenters. There can be no common ground with such people.
The U.S. and EU alliance is dead. Time to cut ties or remove the globalists and power and change the dynamic."