The Voice in New Zealand: A Divided Land, Falling Apart by the Day By Bruce Bennett (former Kiwi)

As pointed out by Casey Costello, the Voice and its aftermath is far advanced in New Zealand, and indeed has moved to the level wanted in Australia, a treaty, the Treaty of Waitangi. What this has done is put race at the heart of policy and legislative development in New Zealand, primarily based upon Māori sensitivities. If something bad happens, such as recent concerns about Māori drowning statistics, then this is impacted upon by colonisation. Whites led to the loss of cultural knowledge and expertise, hence all the present ills. It is fundamentally irrational supposing that causation goes over such a period of time, let alone the denial of agency. But, there is a clear lesson here for Australia, since have no doubt, the same agenda is being pursued in the Voice referendum, which will inevitably lead to the New Zealand situation.


“New Zealand has become a nation that, on almost any topic, race has been inserted as the critical consideration in the development of law and policy.

Under the guise of obligations, interpreted from the Treaty of Waitangi, decision making has become almost crippled by layers of race-based considerations and duties.

New Zealand has lost sight of its obligations to care for the most vulnerable and most in need. The first consideration is race, with an assumption that being Māori pre-determines you as being incapable of achieving on merit regardless of individual circumstance.

Race affects everything, apparently:

Putting race at the heart of policy and legislative development is proven to be a failed social experiment. …

As with any formative nation, New Zealand got things wrong. There were events and issues for which it is appropriate that a mechanism of redress was established. We have, however, long since shifted from issues of land confiscation and reparation.

Most recently, it was claimed that Māori drowning statistics are impacted by colonisation, and the loss of cultural knowledge and expertise.

This determination to put race as the foundational principle is failing the most vulnerable and most in need. The few politicians and lobbyists that dare to suggest that legislative race-based separation is not the best solution are vilified with cries of racism.

It seemingly is fine with the political class if accountability and transparency are lost as long as we can tick the race box.

And the winners are … the bureaucrats and activists who make the big bucks:

The fact remains that the vast array of consultative groups, added layers of bureaucracy and legislative complexity, that were established to ensure the voices of Māori are heard and acted upon, has done nothing but line the pockets of lawyers, consultants, and self-appointed Māori representatives.

At the bottom of this pile of good intentions and virtue signalling are the children who will be deprived of a better education, food on the table, and protection from violence, while those who claim to represent their interests attend just conferences and boardroom meetings.

Nice work if you can get it, the result of a successful long con.

How will NZ ever escape from this mess? Will Australia join them?”




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