The Vax and Transgenderism, By Mrs Vera West

The site always has somewhat long controversial essays, challenging established medical beliefs. One of the recent posts discusses the personality changes that may come with the vax, many of which were observed after cases of infectious encephalitis were seen, which in turn has been clinically observed to give rise to ADHD, impulsivity, and violent or sociopathic behaviour. There is some speculation that there is a connection between vaccination and transgenderism. The Midwestern doctor believes that here is much indirect evidence of a connection, but to date, no direct evidence, so more research is needed, which will be hard coming, given the highly political nature of the topic.

There has been a recent health survey of 13,000 people by Steve Kirsch. It had many findings, but here is what was found on the relationship between vaccinations and transgenderism: "From it, he found that when the data pool was restricted to those under 60, the vaccinated were 13.6X more likely to develop sexual orientation issues (which became 14.5X once more data came in), while when it was restricted to those under 24, vaccination made them 10.4X more likely to develop sexual orientation issues. This was such a high odds ratio that it proved to Kirsch vaccination had to be the primary cause of over 90% of transgenderism (for context smoking has a 15-30X odds ratio of causing lung cancer)."

The counter does need to be made that transgenderism is a social construction, produced like much else by social conditioning in today's society, and that so is having vaccinations. The association may not be causal, that vaccinations cause transgenderism, but rather that transgender people are much more likely to get vaccinated. This will require further research indeed.

"One of the few things which is more controversial than linking vaccination to autism is linking vaccination to transgenderism, and for that reason, I've avoided discussing the topic. Recently however Steve Kirsch (a friend whom I owe for a debt of gratitude to for creating this publication) contacted me and asked me to debate his data which strongly supported the connection between vaccination and transgenderism. After doing so, I then agreed to write an article on it, so here I will attempt to provide a balanced perspective on this complex question.

From my exploration of this subject, I found that there is a large degree of evidence which makes a compelling argument in support of Steve's contention but very little direct evidence in support of it. As such, this is an area which clearly requires more research, and it is likewise doubtful that will ever be conducted within academia.

Over the weekend, I published one of the most popular but also profoundly disturbing articles I've written in this publication. In that argument, I sought to make the following arguments.

1) Vaccines frequently create "off-target immunity" and pervasive microclots throughout the body which often leaves the body in a permanent state of shock where the cells are unable to return to their normal metabolic function. This in turn creates a myriad of side effects throughout the body, particularly ones of a neurological or immunological nature.

2) In parallel to the mass adoption of vaccination, there has been a massive increase in neurological and autoimmune diseases which spiked each time a particularly dangerous vaccine entered the market. Most conventional authorities in turn insist "correlation is not causation" and that "there is no evidence vaccines are doing this" despite the fact the increase of the diseases has remained a mystery for decades and numerous smaller studies (e.g., the clinical trials for the HPV vaccine) have shown vaccines will cause the same diseases we see exploding in society.

3) A curious embargo exists on testing vaccines for safety. As a result, the basic trials we would expect to have been done to assess whether the CDC's vaccine schedule is safe have never been publicly conducted. Moreover, no independent researcher has ever been given access to the large databases that could easily demonstrate if vaccines were indeed "safe" or "effective."

4) Nevertheless, a variety of independent studies have been conducted. Each of these has found that vaccinated individuals, when compared to the minority of the population who are unvaccinated, are many times more likely to develop a wide range of illnesses (e.g., ADHD, asthma, depression, eczema, epilepsy, a variety of learning disorders, middle ear infections, sinusitis, etc.).
Note: since there are a lot of different conditions, in the previous article, I included tables showing the overall increase in a variety of chronic disorders found in each of those studies (with many having over a 10-fold increase in the vaccinated).

5) In medicine, it is difficult to find something unless you know how to look for it. While overt vaccine injuries are somewhat well understood by those investigating vaccine safety, what is far less appreciated is the far more frequent but less overt neurological consequences of vaccination. Many of these in turn mirror what was observed to result in patients who had recovered from episodes of encephalitis (brain inflammation) and hence became much more common once the original DPT vaccine (which frequently caused encephalitis) began being mass deployed upon society in the 1950s.
Note: the original DPT vaccine was also strongly linked to causing sudden infant death syndrome.

6) 34 years ago, a remarkable author (Harris Coulter) made a strong case that these post encephalitic complications of the DPT vaccine were dramatically altering America and were responsible for a variety of social changes we had seen which paralleled DPT's adoption. Coulter specifically focused on the link between violent crime and DPT encephalitis, but also touched upon the variety of learning disabilities (and physical deficits) that frequently resulted from the DPT vaccine, and which are often seen within violent criminals. Assuming Coulter was correct, this in turn completely upends both the liberal and conservative notions about criminal justice.

Interpersonal Dynamics and Vaccination

I have long believed many "psychiatric" issues are neurological in nature due to how rapidly I saw them develop in conjunction with classic signs of brain damage following a pharmaceutical injury and hence believe it is inappropriate to treat these issues psychiatrically (rather the organic issue causing it must be addressed). Sadly, as Coulter showed, that recognition long ago became a forgotten side of medicine:

Researchers such as Samuel Torrey Orton in the 1920s realized that "emotional disturbances" originate in neurologic reality. But this insight was lost after World War I when psychology, psychiatry, and especially Freudian psychoanalysis became overwhelmingly popular medical disciplines, while the link between mental illness and neurology was largely broken.

Since the 1950s American parents and their children have been continuously subjected to psychologizing and psychiatrizing on a vast scale. Geschwind wrote in 1982 that this prejudice "makes it extremely difficult to accept that there are instances in which difficulties in emotional adjustment are the primary result of alterations in the brain.

Another of Coulter's key points I'd long believed is that in addition to the overt brain damage created by the DPT vaccine, a wide array of more subtle cognitive and behavioral issues were created (e.g., minor learning disabilities or a tendency towards violent behavior). Many of the post-encephalitic "psychiatric" complications in turn were eye opening as they described both what I and in turn, many readers, realized we had been seeing around us.

Note: in the 1950s, after this brain damage started emerging in society, it was widely recognized and before it became normalized a few decades later, the leading medical authorities referred to it as "minimal brain damage." In the previous article I mapped out the most overt characteristics of MBD as they dovetailed with the symptoms observed in post-encephalitic patients. The most important thing to recognize here is that MBD was a real and widely acknowledged condition before it got buried.

The more subtle "personality" changes created by MBD included:

•A tendency to want to listen to repetitive music since it provides stability and anchoring for their minds.
Note: in Chinese medicine, all phenomena that emerge around us are ascribed to one of the five elements, and in turn, a detailed system has emerged that charts how each of them express themselves under a variety of conditions. One of those elements is "metal" which is characterized by order, structure, and mental energy (e.g., highly intellectual tendencies). I mention this because one of the things I realized is that the repetitive music the vaccine injured men I've gotten to know listen to is almost always of the metal element.

•A hyperactivity that inhibits their mind from settling and being fully connected with what's around them.
Note: this symptom was typically observed in men, whereas women were instead more likely to have a refusal or reluctance to eat (anorexia nervosa) or a tendency to eat too much and indiscriminately (bulimia), both conditions prominence in the 1960s.

•Varying degrees of amnesia and an inability to remember one's past misdeeds.

•A variety of difficulties with emotional expression, empathy, and emotional connection. This goes in parallel with a weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles that cause a "mask-like" appearance or a smile often described as "fixed" or "frozen."

•A tendency to sometimes have an obsessive focus on a single thing in their environment.

•Being absorbed in their own reality, sometimes losing awareness of what is happening around them, appearing absent minded, and having difficulty looking into another's eyes.

•A variety of difficulties with their own physical integration (e.g., coordination) and physical intimacy with others (typically defaulting to mentally carrying out algorithmic movements which don't have any passion, spontaneity or connection behind them).

•A variety of speech issues including oddities of articulation or intonation (e.g., slow, monotone, loud sing-song, incontrollable sounds, unmodulated, sharp, or peculiar syllabilization, and pressured speech), where the voice becomes monotonous and less resonant. The speaker in turn "is unable to modulate his tone of voice in response to the environment."

•A variety of auditory processing disorders (discussed in the previous article) also occurred. While not mentioned in the MBD symptoms, I've noticed many autistic children and neurotypical adults (which I equate to minor autism) frequently are very sensitive to sound (possibly because the function of the nerve which dampens sounds by tightening the ear drum is impaired). In turn, they often find wearing good quality ear plugs (e.g., silicone ones) makes it much easier for their mind to relax and soften during day to day interactions (as they can still hear what people are saying but the ear plugs create a soothing auditory "dampening") and much easier for them to sleep.

•An inability to direct their attention within a complex environment and hence react equally to a wide variety of stimuli. This is disorienting for them, and often results in their cognitive processes not being integrated or logically sequenced. In turn:

They are present-oriented, [highly impulsive], matter-of-fact, narcissistically egocentric, rambling, circumstantial, unable to get to the point. They cannot joke, since a sense of humor presupposes a background of abstract knowledge against which the situation described in the joke is seen as funny.

This underdeveloped emotional side is called by various names and described in various ways: "immature personality disorder," emotional "blunting," "diminished capacity for positive and negative affect," "marked impairment in the capacity to sustain lasting, close, warm, and responsible relationships with family, friends, or sexual partners," "lack of capacity to form emotional relations," "diminished capacity to experience pleasure," "lack of empathy," "withdrawn behavior," "inability to sustain affection," "poor peer relations," "no steady friends."

Note: this is similar to a list of changes observed in post-encephalitic patients (e.g., egotism, narcissism, ego weakness, alienation, impulsiveness, emotional lability, flat affect, anxiety, paranoia, impatience with criticism, rage, depression, and suicidal impulses).

Precocious sexuality is another way of coping with ego weakness [and neurologic weakness] and feelings of inadequacy, and, in an exaggerated form, is commonly encountered among the minimally brain damaged….Lack of capacity for genuine emotion generates the need for overindulgence in a purely sexual form of relating. And the resulting hypersexuality is not limited by any emotional ties.

When I learned all of this, it transformed my interpersonal relationships. It made me realize that many of the people I've found to be "so difficult" were, in fact, simply brain damaged (and made me feel quite guilty over how I'd treated some of these people in the past). This allowed me to both have compassion rather than frustration for these people and see how to bypass the glitches within their minds so that I could have more productive interactions with them.

Additionally, as I read through Coulter's list, something kept on jumping out at me. He was listing most of the typical things women find extremely frustrating about men (with men being more likely to develop neurological complications from vaccine encephalitis), particularly within a romantic context.
Note: he also highlighted a few of the things men find frustrating about women, but the correlation was much less stark here.

Steve Kirsch's Survey

Recently, Steve Kirsch published a survey of 13,000 people to assess health differences between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
As shown in the previous article, Kirsch's survey found a variety of common illnesses were 2-10 times more likely to occur in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.

I in turn am inclined to believe the survey's results were accurate as:

•Its results were recently validated by an outside statistical expert who looked at the raw data.

As shown in the previous article, its results are consistent with what each other survey in this area has found.

•Its results were consistent with what I have anecdotally observed.

The Transgender Datapoint

In Kirsch's survey of 13,000 people, participants were given the option to select 78 different conditions (e.g., "scoliosis"), some of which Kirsch found had no association with vaccination (e.g., a 1.02X increase for COPD) and some of which Kirsch found had a strong association with vaccination (e.g., the stronger were a 10.8X increase for febrile seizures and a 7.09X increase for epilepsy—both conditions which have long been associated with vaccination). This entire series came about because Kirsch noticed a surprising result in his survey—the third largest increase was vaccinated individuals 6.9X being more likely to experience sexual orientation issues than unvaccinated individuals. This prompted him to take a closer look at that data:

From it, he found that when the data pool was restricted to those under 60, the vaccinated were 13.6X more likely to develop sexual orientation issues (which became 14.5X once more data came in), while when it was restricted to those under 24, vaccination made them 10.4X more likely to develop sexual orientation issues. This was such a high odds ratio that it proved to Kirsch vaccination had to be the primary cause of over 90% of transgenderism (for context smoking has a 15-30X odds ratio of causing lung cancer).

My response was as follows:

1. Since the option they selected was "sexual orientation/gender identity issues and/or gender dysphoria," a gay, lesbian, or bisexual individual might check it, especially if they were not comfortable with having that sexuality, making this question less precise.
Note: if anyone has a suggestion for the best way to word this question (I couldn't come up with one I was sure about), I will send it to Kirsch so he can incorporate it into his next survey.

2. I felt there was likely an association, but my guess was that it was more in the range of increasing the rates of gender dysphoria by 2-4X rather than 14.5X, and that there were a likely few confounding variables entering the equation, such as:

•Parents who don't vaccinate likely are more politically opposed to encouraging transgenderism. Likewise, parents who don't vaccinate are typically much more opposed to providing a myriad of other pharmaceutical drugs that frequently cause significant neurological and psychiatric issuess (e.g., statins, puberty blockers and antidepressants).

•There has been a massive spike in gender dysphoria in the last decade but during that time the vaccination schedule (excluding the recently introduced COVID vaccines) has increased to a much smaller degree.

•The social pressures creating gender dysphoria need to be taken into consideration (e.g., gender dysphoria is frequently observed to cluster in specific peer groups it rapidly spreads through).

•The effect of endocrine disruptors needs to be taken into account.

In short, I felt that while it was unlikely vaccines were the primary cause in all cases, it was possible vaccines created neurological damage which made individuals more susceptible to other factors (e.g., social pressure) which caused gender confusion." 



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