The Vaccination Refusal letter (For Information Purposes Only) By Mrs Vera West

     The Australian Vaccination-Risk Network, has noted that Prime Minister Morrison announced that from the 1st of May 2020 it would be compulsory for those working in aged care or those visiting aged care facilities to receive a flu vaccination. The website has a letter that they suggest might be consulted, along with the individual seeking their own legal advice. Anyway, for information purposes only, in the spirit of public news reporting, here is what they say, not necessarily the views of anyone at this site or organisation, but it may be of some in secret, but our lips are sealed until tortured, but let’s not go there:

Here is the letter to give to the aged care facility
Re Vaccination
I refer to the recent direction for me to have an annual influenza vaccination.
Before I make a decision in respect of this matter, I would like to clarify certain matters.
Would you please advise as to whether there has been a state or federal government direction to the company which would require us to have the annual influenza vaccine? If such a direction has been made, could I please have a copy of it? If no such government direction has been made, on what legal basis are you directing me to submit to an annual influenza vaccination?
Could you please provide me with the scientific evidence that is being used to justify the new policy?
Upon receipt of the above information I will consider the matter further.
In the interim however, I would like to note the record on certain matters.
1) I am yet to make a decision as to whether I will submit to an annual influenza vaccination. However, I do feel like I am being pressured into submitting to a medical procedure that is not without certain medical risks.
2) I provide below the relevant wording from the safety leaflet for FluQuadri vaccine. On any objective view, a flu vaccine is not completely safe.
Serious side effects:
inflammation of nerves leading to weakness, such as weakness of facial muscles (facial palsy)
visual disturbance (optic neuritis/ neuropathy)
fainting (syncope)
tingling or numbness of hands or feet (paraesthesia)
temporary inflammation of nerves causing pain
paralysis and sensitivity disorders (Guillain Barre syndrome [GBS])
fits (convulsions) with or without fever
severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
temporary reduction in the number of blood particles called platelets (thrombocytopenia)
swollen glands in neck, armpit or groin (lymphadenopathy)
3) My research has led me to many studies which also support my conclusion that a flu vaccine is not completely safe or effective. I have provided some below.
Cochrane Libary reviews of influenza vaccines
Influenza vaccine effectiveness in the community and the household
What, in Fact, Is the Evidence That Vaccinating Healthcare Workers against Seasonal Influenza Protects Their Patients? A Critical Review
4) I am also aware that under the vaccine injury compensation program in the United States, more than $4 billion of compensation has been paid out to victims who have been injured by vaccines in that country. The majority of the cases are caused by the Flu vaccine. Many such cases to be found at this link
5) I certainly do not wish to ever feel that I have passed on a flu or other communicable disease to a third party. However, I need to balance that desire with the fact that I have concerns about the safety of the flu vaccine. There is also no compelling evidence that receiving a flu vaccine makes someone less likely to transmit it to others. In any civilised country like Australia, I strongly believe that whether to have an invasive medical procedure is a personal decision and I should not be subjected to coercion. My job should certainly not be at risk as appears to be the case at the present time.
If it is to be the case that my employment has now become conditional upon submitting to an annual influenza vaccine, are you prepared to indemnify myself and my family for financial losses in the event that I suffer any adverse reaction to the annual influenza vaccine?
Upon receipt of your response to the matters raised in this letter, I will consider the matter further.
I thank you in anticipation,
Yours faithfully …...”

     As said, nobody here is suggesting that one do anything more that read this, for information purposes only, not offering any medical advice or opinion, in the privacy of one’s home, under lockdown, maybe under the blankets, with a torch, in fear and trembling:



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