The Ultra-Orwellian RESTRICT Act By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden regime is moving to put into place an Act of totalitarian nastiness, which will make the PATRIOT Act look like a freedom-loving piece of black letter law. The Act is advertised by the Democrats to deal with the CCP-influenced TikTok social media spying platform. However, the word TikTok does not even appear in the Act. What is done, is to create a means for censoring everything the regime does not want: “In review, the RESTRICT ACT (S-686) allows the government to seize the domain names, assets, computers, e-commerce, etc., of anyone who opposes the government’s position on anything. That means, for example, if you post something on social media that counters the narrative that all vaccines are safe and effective 100 percent of the time, even if you almost died from the clot shot for Covid, the US government can come arrest you, put you in prison with no trial, force-vaccinate you, and let you rot there indefinitely. Or, if you end up with thousands of dollars in cash (that you hid under your mattress) after it’s no longer valid, and you complain about it to anyone who sides with the communists in Washington DC, you can be charged with domestic terrorism for trying to steal from the IRS and your country.”

This is a whole new level of tyranny which makes the US into communist China. It may get overturned by constitutional challenge in the Supreme Court of the United States, or it may not; I would not trust the courts after they refused to give standing to the state of Texas for a review of electoral fraud in the 2020 election. If this Act gets in, expect the same to roll off the press in Australia too.

“Beijing Biden and his CCP cohorts in Washington DC want Americans to believe that banning TikTok will protect the United States from the Communists in Asia who are spying on Americans, but it’s actually the US government that US citizens should be worried about who are spying on US citizens. The TikTok app is the least of concerns that Americans should be addressing when it comes to national security and rights of privacy.

Today, free speech and free press are dead letter rights, because the US government uses Big Tech and Big Pharma to censor everything that’s published online or in newspapers, or aired on television news. Even school boards are spied on so that communist and perverted curriculum can take precedence in Leftist school systems across the country. It’s pathetic that the Restrict Act is just going to make censorship much worse, instead of the other way around. The Restrict Act is the Patriot Act on steroids, and it’s the end of the Constitution as we know it, should it pass.

Beijing Biden is bringing Chinese Communism to America full force, to silence and arrest anyone who opposes the new US-CCP communist regime

If you don’t like being spied upon by your own government, you best not complain about it online, because if you do, the new Restrict Act would be like forensic evidence that you committed horrendous crimes against your own country. Did you say you don’t plan on getting vaccinated for the next plandemic? You are guilty of treason under the Restrict Act. Do you own your own business that retails products online? In the new corporate-only America, you may be violating the Restrict Act by selling items that do not help the Biden Regime get stronger and more corrupt.

Did you say that illegal immigrants should not be able to vote for POTUS in 2024? You are a racist and liable to go to prison and pay exorbitant fines under the Restrict Act. If you think that’s preposterous, just read the fine print of the Restrict Act, and you will realize that you will be found guilty of opposing your own government’s narrative, which is a capital crime.

The CCP is all about censorship, and Chinese tech companies have now gone global, so what you see happening in communist China is now happening in the USA, in a big way. It’s the black mirror effect. Got any non-government approved ideas? You better keep them to yourself, because even thinking about opposing the Biden Regime is illegal in this country, and you could be convicted of thought crimes, just like in the movie Minority Report. Are you thinking about protesting censorship? You could be arrested for domestic terrorism by the CCP-Beijing-Biden Regime.

Misinformation is now disinformation and a capital crime in America

Did you post something negative about the Covid vaccines on social media? Even if it’s true, that’s violating national security because you are instilling vaccine fear during a plandemic. Even if you post something you believe is true, but the mainstream narrative changes and says that it’s not, you are instantly a criminal, but this only applies to information that counters the Leftist, Communist narratives.

If you say, print or post something positive about Hitlery Clinton, Beijing Biden, or Osama Obama, then whether or not it’s true, it’s fine and good. If you say, print or post something positive about Trump or Russia, then you are a domestic terrorist and the Restrict Act will be used against you in a court of law, if you ever even get to go to court (after being hauled off to prison by the FBI or DHS). Artificial intelligence (AI) can make this determination and autonomous robocops with robodogs will come to your house and arrest you.

If you plan on going to church or temple during the next Monkey Pox scamdemic or fake Bird Flu plandemic, you will be arrested for spreading disease and violating CDC mandates of lockdowns, social distancing, masking, and gene therapy injection protocol.

If you eat meat or eggs, after they are banned by the Biden Regime, you will be violating the Restrict Act, that says anyone who counters the narrative of the US government is an enemy of the state.

Restrict Act would govern all information and transactions in nearly every realm of communication, technology, and industrialization, including the following:

(A) artificial intelligence and machine learning;
(B) quantum key distribution;
(C) quantum communications;
(D) quantum computing;
(E) post-quantum cryptography;
(F) autonomous systems;
(G) advanced robotics;
(H) biotechnology;
(I) synthetic biology;
(J) computational biology; and
(K) e-commerce technology and services, including any electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions, online retail, internet-enabled logistics, internet-enabled payment technology, and online marketplaces.

In review, the RESTRICT ACT (S-686) allows the government to seize the domain names, assets, computers, e-commerce, etc., of anyone who opposes the government’s position on anything. That means, for example, if you post something on social media that counters the narrative that all vaccines are safe and effective 100 percent of the time, even if you almost died from the clot shot for Covid, the US government can come arrest you, put you in prison with no trial, force-vaccinate you, and let you rot there indefinitely. Or, if you end up with thousands of dollars in cash (that you hid under your mattress) after it’s no longer valid, and you complain about it to anyone who sides with the communists in Washington DC, you can be charged with domestic terrorism for trying to steal from the IRS and your country.”



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