The UK’s Future Lies in the Name, and it is Not White, By Richard Miller (London)
UK Whites are set to become an ethno-racial minority in their own country by 2050 given present mass immigration:
One sign of this rapid demographic change is that the most popular boy's name in England and Wales is Muhammad. Andrea Widburg wades in on this, as the Great White Replacement accelerates, while Whites passively sleepwalk to oblivion:
"Once, Great Britain was a colossus astride the world. The joke was that the sun never set on the British empire. However, the sun is now setting on Britain itself, or at least the Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman Britain that rose to greatness, shaped the West, and gave birth to America. The "tell" about Great Britain's imminent demise is the name that dominates the list of popular boys' names in England and Wales: Muhammad. The future belongs to those who show up, and the native Brits can't be bothered.
Muhammad is now the most popular name for baby boys in England and Wales, toppling Noah in the official rankings.
More than 4,600 boys were given the specific spelling of Muhammad in 2023, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This was almost 500 more than in 2022.
The number of Noahs, meanwhile, slid from 4,586 to 4,382. Oliver, which ranked third, also saw a slight drop in prevalence.
It's actually worse than the above analysis shows. In the very next paragraph, we hear what's really going on:
It marks the first time just one spelling of the Islamic name has topped the charts, although when all thirty-plus iterations are grouped together it has been the most common for over a decade, MailOnline analysis suggests.
Great Britain's Muslim population is already so sizable that the nation is just a few years away from a full Muslim takeover. As I wrote in a post about a jihad in Leeds, which was a very English city when I lived there more than 40 years ago,
In the year from 2022 to 2023, England and Wales added over 600,000 people. In 2021, before those additions, almost 15% of the UK's population consisted of immigrants—and they're mostly young and enthusiastic about having children. India and Pakistan accounted for 15% of the migrants. We can guess that all the Pakistani migrants are Muslim, while we don't know how many of the Indian ones have been. Call it "The Empire Strikes Back."
As of 2021, Islam was the second-largest religion in the UK, at 6.5% of the total population (and note that this was before the past three years of mass immigration. Also in 2021, Muslims were 15% of London's population and 8% of Yorkshire's population. Those percentages have surely grown.
In the most recent elections, Muslims won political offices across the UK, especially in Yorkshire. One of the first things the new Labour government has done is to re-fund UNRWA, which is Hamas.
The increasing growth of Islam in England (because the Muslims are the ones having babies), combined with a Labour government, drives the remarkably antisemitic politics that have been coming out of England lately. In a must-read Substack essay, Melanie Phillips describes how virulently antisemitic the current British government is. …
But honestly, when you look at 20th-century British history, this support for Islam isn't new. When the Ottoman Empire, which sided with Germany during WWI, collapsed, Britain inherited the lands that are now Israel and Jordan.
Under Ottoman rule, for around 150 years, the flotsam and jetsam of the Ottoman empire had been drifting into the land denominated as Palestine (the historic nation of Israel and continuous home to the Jews for over 3,500 years). These were refugees from Algeria, Tunisia, etc. They didn't own the land—Ottoman potentates who were resident in London, Paris, and Istanbul did—but they squatted there, living in unutterable, unrelieved squalor.
This will end in one of two ways: Either Britain will soon be an Islamic country, or there will be a bloody civil war. Either way, for the native Brits who can't even be bothered to reproduce, it's going to be very painful. In Genesis 12:3, God tells Abraham, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee..." As the UK gets a taste of Islamic rule, it's going to discover that, as always, God spoke the truth."