The TPP and the Treason of Trump By Charles Taylor

     Most Alt righters in the US see Donald Trump as surrendering on his key election promises, and there is an atmosphere of gloom, mixed with anger as the realisation comes that there will not be a voting box solution to our problems. And, when in history has there ever been? One of Trump’s promises was that the US would not join the TTP, and for a while Trump held to this. Be aware my Aussie friends that he has back tracked on this one under pressure from his buddies in the US business community, and has now said that the US would joint the TPP if it got a better deal:

     There is no better deal for any of us, as the TPP is just a bill of rights for the corporate elites to plunder the world. We looked to Trump as the last politician to take a stand against globalism, as he said he would in his last TV ad during the election campaign. He lied, and thus is worse than Hillary Clinton, because he has betrayed the trust of ordinary working Americans who looked up to him to save them from the degradation of globalism. But, in the end, we can only save ourselves.



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