The Titanic Conspiracy By James Reed

This item caught my attention about the time of the OceanGate disaster while attempting to view the wreck of the Titanic. I always suspected that the iceberg hit theory was nonsense, but never investigated it further as it seemed just history, and there were more important contemporary conspiracies to be concerned about. But, there are some interesting points made by Natural, for those who need a break from the usual day-to-day battles. It looks like the Titanic was blown up. It sounds an awful lot like the 9/11 conspiracy, where jet fuel does not melt steel girders, and icebergs don’t sink steel ships. And, in both cases there are motives and suspects.

“Ever since the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912, theories have continuously emerged that questioned the official narrative. Some are ludicrous, such as the one about a cursed mummy onboard that was repeated by the NY Times shortly after the sinking. Some have legs, such as the notion that a German U-Boat sunk her in their quest for WWI sea domination.

(Article republished from

One theory in particular stands out as not only plausible, but potentially tied to the current tragedy unfolding in the news. According to Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies:

Since no one is offering the conspiracy narrative of the submarine here goes…

Well if you read the primary sources of from the survivors of the Titanic you’ll see a disturbing trend: survivor after survivor doesn’t mention an iceberg, they mention an incredible explosion that rocked the ship before it sank.

We’ve all become familiar with the phrase “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” yet no one is mentioning the obvious: ice bergs can’t cut through hardened steel hulls.

So if why would the titanic be blown up? Well it turns out the industrialists opposed to the creation of the federal reserve were on that ship:

  1. John Jacob Astor IV
  2. Benjamin Guggenhei
  3. Isidor Straus
  4. George Dunton Widene

This is even mentioned in the movie Titanic, in one scene, were there are a group of people arguing against the creation of the federal reserve. It’s extremely short, a few seconds, but it’s there.

Unfortunately for those behind the conspiracy (presumably the current stockholders of the Federal Reserve) the Titanic sits in international waters. Unregulated salvage operations can proceed on the Titanic. What would they presumably find?

That the hull “buckling in by an iceberg” is actually a “buckling out by an explosive”. This fact can’t be hidden forever, and the media is starting to tease limited disclosures to the public.

To close this loophole, the internationalist are clamping down on visitation so that no unauthorized persons can visit the titanic wreckage without a permit.

So the fact that this submarine dude was able to offer trips at all is a little suspect. The fact he was able to do it with an uncertified, experimental submarine controlled by a wireless game controller - makes no sense. The additional fact that he specifically excluded hiring experienced pilots because they were “50 something white people”, yet was still permitted.

So what’s going to happen? The people in this submarine likely perished. But I’m open to being wrong. But this event will be used as leverage to make the Titanic off limits by visitation by the citizens of the west so that the narrative of the Federal Reserve is preserved.

Oh look the Rothschild dynasty funded this thing what a surprise.

According to Derek Broes: You are being mislead about the submarine. They did not hear taps and attempts to rescue has resulted is catastrophic failure “implosion” of two submersibles to rescue. The media wants you tuned into their fake … broadcasts. The sub is gone according to sources that have contacted me for Canadian a U.S. coast guard insiders.

The hull of the Titanic was 1 inch (26 mm) of steel. That puts it in the same league as an “ice breaker ship”, who’s hull ranges from 25 - 75 mm.

Regarding the Old Theory

Vorhies mentioned the Rothschild family, whose names have been tied to theories about the Titanic sinking from the beginning. He didn’t mention J.P. Morgan, another Federal Reserve bank architect who had a massive vested interest in seeing opposition to the Fed sunk (pun intended).



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