The Socialist Future, Comrades! By James Reed

     Oh boy, socialists have really got a thing or billion ready for us when it comes time to cook us. Here is a good revision summary article of some of the genocide that they have got up to. The socialist has an end justifies the means “morality,” or lack of it, and is quite prepared to do what it takes to impose their perverse, unnatural worldview upon us all.

“One of the keys in socialist and Marxist control of a region is to get the citizenry to comply to their rules. They lie. They tell falsehoods. They set up false senses of security. They use children. They use the media. Do not believe any of it. Historically speaking, the lies will result in people dying. The outcome is absolute. Historically, with the exception of China (with the SJW uprisings), most progressive socialist movements eventually take over the reigns of government and mold it to their will. Those whom follow the traditional and often “old Style” of political discourse are eventually overwhelmed. Once they gain power, they take over the government and mold it to their will. Suddenly the traditional symbols of government are co-opted and remolded into other purposes. This leads many traditionalists confused. This confusion sets up a perfect environment for the FULL implementation of their agenda. When the new progressive socialist government takes control, one of the first things that they do is hunt down and slaughter their opposition. Historically, that has been the conservative and traditional elements of the society. I am sorry to say this, but this is the historical truth.”

     This happened in every socialist revolution, such as Russia and China, and ultimately symbolised by Pol Pot. This will provably happen in the West, as things continue to spiral out of control. The first part of this dialectic is to create the problem, then make a bigger problem by trying to solve it. Consider the Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, who is something of a fake Indian rider of the apocalypse, someone who claimed to be non-white to cash in on the affirmative action system, not that I blame her. Warren has correctly identified that an economic crash is coming, but even the mainstream can see that her solution will definitely bring the temple down:

“It doesn't get worse for a leftist when even CNN is warning that your "economic solution" to the economic problems you've laid out are going to destroy the economy. Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren came out with a big, serious-looking economic plan intoning about a coming economic crash, her own supposed ability to forecast such things, and then calling for free college, a soaring minimum wage, more Dodd-Frank regulations on big bad banks, and lots of free stuff.  It ran at the top of the screen on RealClearPolitics yesterday afternoon, suggesting it's something likely to be talked about. Christina Alesci, a plain-vanilla CNN "politics and business correspondent" (not one of those politicized talking heads — an actual reporter), blew the whole thing out of the water:

Here's the Grabien transcript:
KING: "Senator Elizabeth Warren out with a new warning today. She says an economic crash is coming. She also claims she has a plan that could prevent it. In a new 'Medium' post, the 2020 presidential contender writes, 'I warned about an economic crash years before the 2008 crisis, but the people in power wouldn't listen.' She goes on to add, 'Now I'm seeing serious warning signs in the economy again, and I'm calling on regulators in Congress to act.' The Massachusetts Democrat bases her prediction on a number of reasons, including growing household debt and corporate debt, and what she calls a manufacturing recession. Warren also faults President Trump for chaos in the form of the trade war with China, as well as his comments on Brexit. CNN's Cristina Alesci joining us now from New York. Cristina, Warren did get out ahead of the 2008 crisis warning it was coming, but there is some pushback to her calculations now saying she might be too alarmist. What are they?"
ALESCI: "Right. Two things Warren is doing. One, really playing off the PTSD the country suffered post-financial crisis. And number two, she's proposing some solutions that actually might create another crisis. Now, let me explain each of those. Number one, she points to several data points that say the alarm bells should be ringing for a financial crisis. Well, one of the things she points to is the level of corporate debt. Now, while risky loans to corporations have increased post-financial crisis, the ability for those companies to keep up with payments has also increased. So we're not seeing the kind of default rates that would be alarming at this point. Now I'm not saying that's not a metric we should be paying attention to. All I'm saying is that Elizabeth Warren is shaping this conversation in a way that's politically convenient for her. Now, as far as her policy proposals, she is recommending lowering rents, offering affordable child care, offering free tuition at colleges. All of that costs money and the American public should be asking how do you pay for it? One way would be to increase taxes. Another way is to increase government debt. This is the issue the American people should be actually focused on because many experts say if we don't get control of our debt over the next ten years, we could be facing a fiscal crisis. And that would be extraordinarily harmful to our economy."
KING: "I've been here long enough to remember when politicians sometimes in both parties talked about the debt. That was a long time ago."
Alesci's no-brainer point was that all of these Warren solutions cost money, and Warren doesn't seem to think spending the country into the ground is going to be a new problem.  Warren's only two ways of enacting her vast giveaway program are through raising taxes, which she implies she's all in for on wicked big corporations, or else through money-printing, same sort of thing that got Venezuela into its economic morass with quintuple-digit inflation.  Same sort of thing that got any country experiencing an economic crisis, actually — Zimbabwe 2007, Argentina 2002, Thailand 1997, Indonesia and Russia 1998, Serbia 1994...even the U.S. experienced some of this during the Carter years, too, prompting the Volcker rate hikes (as any old financial journalist can tell you).  Alesci is absolutely right.  Warren's money-flinging solution is going to come out of someone's hide, and guess what — it's the little guy who's going to pay through the nose eventually.  Just ask an Argentinean.”

     This is the classical socialist mind at work: promise lots of free stuff and run the economy into the ground, then go the social planning route, and make an even bigger stuff up of things, all to consolidate power and social control. Dirtry indeed. I once thought that this type of classic socialism was dead, with the collapse of the USSR, but no, it is a strong and as dangerous as ever, and threats to finish off what remains of the West. Walk through any of our universities, and apart from the Majority of international students, most of the minorities left are socialists, plotting away, all day, while enrolled in one token course.



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