The Shanghai Hellscape; There Today; Here Tomorrow! By James Reed

The Shanghai Covid lockdowns continue, making the city into a hellscape. Videos manage to be leaked of people screaming from high-rise buildings, being locked in by the CCP authorities, without food. Mass suicides are occurring as people go crazy. As Mike Adams says, this is really another communist genocide, done because that is really how the communist system operates, social control through fear and state violence. We must indeed fear the CCP, because if they are willing to genocide their own people, guess what lies in store for the rest of Asia … and Australia? I am sure most people in Japan would agree with me.

“It appears as though a mass genocide is currently taking place in Shanghai as government officials starve residents to death in order to keep them “safe” against the latest strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Reports are flooding in depicting troops and tanks on the streets, people screaming in terror, people jumping out of windows to commit suicide and farmers being arrested. And Big Tech platforms such as Weibo are censoring videos and picture evidence of all this horror.

In the below video [see site], agonized locals can be seen and heard screaming about how Xi Jinping’s latest lockdown measures are causing people to starve as they are unable to leave their homes to buy any groceries.

“We are starving to death!” some are heard screaming. “We haven’t eaten for a very long time. We are really starving to death!”

Up until about a week or so ago, China, like the rest of the world, had moved past the plandemic. The BA.2 subvariant of the omicron (moronic) variant turned out to be a dud, and life had moved on for most people.

Then, out of nowhere, the Orwellian Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dropped the hammer and locked down 26 million people in Shanghai because of moronic, leaving untold millions stranded without food and sustenance. Now, Shanghai is on the verge of collapsing because of these totalitarian measures.

Xi Jinping personally drafted “zero-COVID” policy of mass genocide.

Because of the alleged risks involved with spreading moronic to others, the Chinese government decided that area residents needed to be locked inside their homes with no escape, and no access to food.

This extreme tyranny is apparently needed to stop the spread of BA.2 and flatten the curve, which we continue to be told will “save lives.” Meanwhile, video footage shows Chinese people jumping out of windows and hanging themselves in response to these “health” measures.

“This isn’t about science but party control to keep Xi in power,” reported Strange Sounds. “Keep the boot on the neck of the people and they will be grateful for crumbs.”

Miles Guo, an exiled Chinese billionaire who claims to have been an insider in Xi’s circle, put out a video explaining how China’s “zero-COVID” policy was personally put into place by Xi as a means of starving and “humbling” the masses, making them dependent upon the CCP for survival.

“The CCP is inciting hatred against the Chinese people around the world,” he explained.

According to his sources, the CCP is ordering Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou, and Changchun to prepare for the deaths of one in 5,000 people, or one in 2,500 people.

Those caught delivering food in Shanghai are reportedly being arrested, and officials in 21 different cities throughout the country are being threatened with removal from office if they in any way violate the dictates coming from the CCP.

As the war in Ukraine appears to be “winding down,” according to reports, the CCP and presumably other governments are pivoting back to the Fauci Flu for another attempted round of fascism. Will people take it this second time?

“This extreme lockdown in China is not about anything but starving out their own people,” Strange Sounds warned. “Everything everywhere has the same undertone – getting rid of people. I pray for China and the world.”

“Fox News host Tucker Carlson criticized the Chinese government on Monday, April 11, for starving its own people in the latest Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown of the more than 25 million residents of Shanghai. He said the lockdown has created “the largest prison camp in human history.”

“The government of China has just completely shut down the city of Shanghai. The lockdown there is by all accounts more brutal and more far-reaching than anything we saw in Wuhan two years ago,” Carlson said.

Videos have emerged on social media showing citizens and foreigners being locked inside their homes by Chinese police using bicycle locks and padlocks.

Carlson recalled that in the 2020 lockdown in Wuhan, doors were sometimes welded closed from the outside to prevent people who tested positive for COVID from leaving their homes. He said that this has caused some people to die of starvation.

The Fox News host showed a recent video in which a child was taken alone by van to a COVID “internment camp.” The COVID quarantine camps, according to Carlson, occasionally lack water and other basic human necessities for the many individuals isolated in them.

Videos also showed Chinese citizens screaming from the skyscrapers of Shanghai because they are starving in their homes.

“Has there ever been a clearer picture of what hell is like? Twenty-five million people imprisoned in concrete apartment blocks and slowly starving,” Carlson said.

Based on local reports, stores have already run out of food supplies and carriers cannot keep up with the demand of online orders. A man was seen on video shouting in the street, “What am I supposed to buy? What am I supposed to eat?” (Related: To keep its residents “safe” from covid, Shanghai officials are starving people to death in their homes with new citywide lockdown.)

“This is the biggest, richest, most international city of China and people are starving, without medicine and without freedom,” reported a Western journalist in Shanghai.

Protests have erupted in the streets, with people shouting at the police, “We are starving.”

The government has tried to control the crowds with on-the-ground officers and patrol drones that announced by loudspeaker: “Control your souls’ desire for freedom.”

Given the size of Shanghai and the huge presence of foreign nationals, the city poses the biggest threat to the dominant Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – especially this year, as China’s leader Xi Jinping gets ready for re-election for a third straight term. His re-election became possible when the CCP lifted the present term-limit four years ago. With no limit on the number of terms, the Chinese dictator can now rule indefinitely.

Shanghai’s totalitarian COVID-19 lockdown could be arriving in America soon

Carlson warned that Shanghai’s totalitarian COVID-19 lockdown could be arriving in America soon. According to Carlson, the cruel lockdown of one of China’s biggest cities could serve as a blueprint for despotic leaders in the West on how to keep the population controlled with an iron hand.

The restrictions have left Shanghai wavering on the border of civil unrest. Under the stringent lockdowns, residents are not allowed to leave their homes or exercise, and pet owners infected with COVID-19 risk having their pets taken away and killed by health officials.

Horrible images and video footage of men in hazmat suits brutally killing cats and dogs have reaped broad anger on Twitter.

Apart from beating citizens who refuse to stay indoors, China sent the People’s Liberation Army in anticipation of food riots.

“We’re just beginning to see the outlines of the repression that COVID has made possible. If you believe in democracy, this is repugnant. Twenty-five million people just lost their most basic human rights. So, the question is, has anyone in the Biden administration, which is constantly lecturing us about democracy and human rights, said anything about this?” Carlson said.

“Has the State Department issued an angry denunciation of Xi Jinping? Is the U.S. government threatening sanctions against China for building the world’s largest prison camp? Well, of course not.”

The Fox News host also pointed out that it’s not about COVID anymore. While Shanghai did have a COVID crisis, recent experience will show that this was not the way to handle a COVID crisis.

“So, from the perspective of China’s central government, the problem is not COVID. The problem is Shanghai itself. Shanghai is probably the freest place in China. If you watch carefully, you can see all of this taking shape, and why wouldn’t it be taking shape in this country? If we want to know what the future looks like, you can look at China and shiver,” Carlson said.


“China is overshooting the mark, even for a unilateral state run communist government, and it feels like something odd is afoot.


Make no doubt about it, there’s something seriously disturbing about the state of the recent Covid lockdowns taking place in Shanghai. Even for China.

Here is what the outbreak looks like, if we are to believe the numbers coming out of China. You’ll have to excuse me for being frank, but I simply don’t believe them. China has lied about nearly everything since the beginning of the pandemic, and they certainly don’t have the rest of the world’s best interest in mind now that they are allying with Russia economically.

Rather, I believe the numbers are likely being exaggerated one way or the other (just as I believe China does with their macroeconomic data), in order to meet the needs of whatever agenda the CCP is trying to push.

Here we are, two years into Covid, with ample time behind us to have studied the virus, developed vaccines, boosters and therapeutics and allowed for natural immunity to spread – and China is locking down the city of 26.3 million people at the first sign of a couple cases of Covid.

The actions China has taken to implement this round of lockdowns have been dystopian and Orwellian, to say the least.

For example, according to the NY Times:

  • all international flights to and from Shanghai have been halted
  • many roads to the city’s two airports have also been closed
  • the government performed P.C.R. tests on 25.67 million people
  • the government has not allowed residents to go to grocery stores
  • the government has put together tens of thousands of cots in two convention centers as quarantine centers - but they don’t have showering facilities

China is also, once again, sealing people in their homes. Videos on social media “show trapped residents howling and screaming from inside high-rise buildings at night,”

According to social media posts, the city is even using drones to try and calm the nerves of angry residents.

“Please comply [with] covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing,” this drone is reported to be saying.

There are a innumerable disturbing things about the dystopian way this alleged outbreak is being handled, but none more pressing is the question of why it is being handled the way it is.

It felt like, heading into the spring, the world was over the idea of Covid. Mask mandates and vaccine mandates were being lifted, businesses were starting to recover and we were heading into the warmth of summer with the attitude that we now knew the risks of Covid and that it was time for every person to take care of themselves.

So, why such a drastic overreaction by China? Why continue the country’s completely irrational and inane “Covid Zero” policy at this point?

It’s simply doesn’t make any sense – even for China. In fact, the country’s extremely dramatic and overzealous response feels so abnormal that it made me wonder yesterday whether China was simply using it as a tool for a state sponsored power grab that it had long planned.

I also wondered if the drastic measures - similar to the measures we saw at the beginning of Covid from China - were a sign that the country knows something about the virus that the rest of the world still doesn’t.

Certainly, nobody thinking reasonably believes such a drastic reaction to this virus, which has already wreaked its first round of global havoc but has settled down and become a way of life in places like Florida and the Nordic states where they’ve allowed herd immunity to run rampant, is warranted.

Yesterday, on Twitter, those were the only two alternate explanations I could conceive of for China’s actions.

But a third wild idea popped into my head yesterday afternoon that I wanted to also bring up.

What if China is purposely shutting down its country to wreak havoc on the global supply chain even further and to exert its power over the quality of lives of the western world?


I’ve talked about why I think China and Russia are going to be breaking off of the current monetary system and essentially starting a new economy.

I’ve written about how backing the ruble and potentially backing be digital Yuan with gold could be one way for these countries to exert their influence and stand alone on a global stage economically.

I’ve also warned about the pitfalls of the United States not having enough productive capacity and relying on importing from China too much. Don’t think China doesn’t understand the dynamics of this relationship, either.

What if China wants to not only exert its influence by backing its currency, but also by keeping its production means on a tighter leash: more for the benefit of its own people, and less for the benefits of Americans exporting dollars. How would China show the rest of the world in a passive, non-confrontational way, exactly just how much power they have over our quality of life?

At this point it appears that China isn’t reserving its productive capacity for its own citizens. After all, reports of food shortages and riots breaking out in Shanghai have been ubiquitous.

But there’s a non-zero chance that this may be propaganda or collateral damage that the country has to let happen in order to make the rest of the world think that its people are suffering alongside of them, when they cauterize supply chains for products heading elsewhere in the world.

And if you immediately write off such game theory as conspiratorial and harebrained, you may be right. But you’re also likely underestimating the Chinese Communist Party.


No matter what the explanation, China is overshooting the mark with this latest round of lockdowns, even for “Covid Zero” standards.

Videos leaking onto social media appear worse and more dire than the ones during the original lockdowns of 2020.

Is it really going to be the long-term ongoing policy of the CCP to try and keep zero Covid cases in a country with 1.4 billion people? Even for an unreasonable unilateral dictatorship, that’s a bit much.

If I had to bet it all today on why China is locking down the way that it is, I would take one of these three scenarios over actual implementation of the world’s most irrational health policy:

  1. The CCP is simply trying to usurp more power
  2. There’s something about Covid that China knows that the rest of the world still doesn’t know
  3. China is looking for an excuse to slow its production to put pressure on the Western world at a time when it is trying to separate further, economically, from the West

Either way, the more I see out of the country with every passing day, the more it becomes clear to me that something is rotten in the state of Shanghai’s latest Covid lockdowns.”




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