The Return of Monkey Pox (M-Pox), No More Monkeying Around! By Brian Simpson

This is unexpected. Monkey pox was seen as having a "racist" name, why I do not know, then it was renamed M-Pox, and the disease which the elites thought would replace Covid in the oppression stakes, disappeared into a protected community, and that was the last we heard of it. Until now.

But now it seems, there is a new deadlier strain of M-Pox which is killing children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to the World Health Organization, whom the government trusts with the silverware, and our lives, this new strain is 10 times deadlier than the last one, which was a fizzer. The concern is that the virus may pack its bags and travel to the West. Yes, with mass immigration and globalism if this is real it will get here.

While most of us were focussing upon bird flu, it is possible that a double whammy could occur, with both of these diseases, presumably genetically engineered in a bioweapons lab, being released in the lead-up to the US 2024 election. With Biden stumbling it looks like something tried and proven, such as pandemic/ plandemic disease will be reached for by the globalists.

"A deadly new strain of monkeypox that is "killing children and causing miscarriages" is causing a tremendous amount of fear among global health authorities. We are being told that this strain is "10 times deadlier" than the one that infected people in more than 100 different countries in 2022, and apparently it spreads much more easily. The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm about what might happen if there is a full-blown global outbreak of this new strain, and some experts are concerned that it may already be too late to prevent that from happening.

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Right now, the news is filled with lots of ominous stories about this new strain of monkeypox. The dramatic surge of cases that we are currently witnessing in the Democratic Republic of Congo has officials at the WHO extremely concerned

The spread of mpox in Africa needs to be addressed urgently, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday, as scientists warned separately of a dangerous strain in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"There is a critical need to address the recent surge in mpox cases in Africa," Rosamund Lewis, the WHO's technical lead for mpox, said in a briefing note to journalists.

The strain of monkeypox that spread around the world in 2022 caused excruciating pain, but there were very few deaths.

Unfortunately, this new strain of monkeypox still causes excruciating pain, but it also has a high death rate.

Of the 384 people that monkeypox has killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo so far this year, over 60 percent of them have been children

There remain many "important unknowns" about the new strain, Lang cautioned, comparing this stage of investigation to the early days of Covid-19.

Out of 384 people who died from all mpox strains in DR Congo this year, more than 60 percent were children, according to the World Health Organization.

It is being reported that this new strain of monkeypox is "10 times deadlier", and those that get infected often develop "horrendous whole body rashes"

It gives sufferers "horrendous whole body rashes," unlike clade II, which caused lesions normally more limited to the genital area, said Trudie Lang, a global health researcher at Oxford University.

Even if you don't die, if you get infected you are going to experience absolutely horrifying pain and you are likely to develop disgusting sores all over your body.

The good news is that this strain of monkeypox has not appeared in the western world yet.

But authorities are warning that it could be just a matter of time before that happens…

There are fears the new virus – now officially called mpox – could quickly spread to Europe and beyond.

The mutant variant, clade 1b, is "undoubtedly the most dangerous strain of mpox yet," stressed Prof Trudie Lang, the director of Global Health Network at Oxford University.

The strain that caused so much chaos in 2022 was spread primarily by sexual contact between men.

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But this new strain can spread much more easily without any sexual contact at all. That is why so many children are getting infected…

The new strain of the virus does not require sexual contact to spread.

On a Zoom call with journalists on Tuesday, the researchers confirmed that clade 1b is spreading through touch, something which is "incredibly worrying," according to Prof Lang.

It was spreading mother to child, as well as in schools and workplaces, they said.

Can you imagine the panic that is going to erupt if this thing gets loose in the western world?

Anyone that has any sort of visible sores will instantly cause people around them to freak out when they go out in public.

We will want to keep a very close eye on this one.

Meanwhile, an unprecedented outbreak of dengue fever has already infected close to 10 million people on our side of the globe…

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a health advisory on Tuesday warning the public of a heightened risk of dengue virus (DENV) infections in the U.S. this year as cases continue to rise around the globe.

Countries in the Americas reported the highest number of cases ever, exceeding the record for a full year in less than six months. Since the start of 2024, there have been a total of 9.7 million dengue cases, more than twice the number recorded in all of 2023 (4.6 million).

We have never seen a dengue fever outbreak of this magnitude before.

Hopefully it will not continue to get worse.

On top of everything else, former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield is warning that "we will have a bird flu pandemic"

"I really do think it's very likely that we will, at some time, it's not a question of if, it's more of a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic," Redfield told NewsNation on Friday.

He added that the mortality rate is likely to be much higher from bird flu compared to Covid-19.

While the mortality rate was 0.6 per cent for Covid-19, Redfield said the mortality for the bird flu would probably be "somewhere between 25 and 50 percent."

We have already been through a pandemic that had a death rate of well under 1 percent, and we all saw the immense panic that it caused.

So what would a pandemic with a 25 to 50 percent death rate look like?

You might want to think about that, because they are telling us that it is coming.

This week, the FDA announced that it will be testing 155 different grocery store products for traces of the bird flu…

Ice cream, butter and cheese are among the latest products set to be tested for bird flu by the FDA — amid a rampant outbreak in dairy cows.

In a release, the agency revealed it would swab 155 products bought from grocery stores nationwide for traces of the H5N1 virus.

If any are positive for the virus, further tests will be carried out to determine whether the virus inside them is 'alive' — or able to cause an infection in humans.

For the moment, life in America feels at least somewhat normal.

But as we have seen before, that can change in the blink of an eye.

We live at a time when horrifying outbreaks of disease will be very common, and once a deadly bug gets loose it can spread around the globe very rapidly.

The last pandemic was extremely unpleasant, but the truth is that it was just a warm up for what is ahead of us.

So enjoy this summer while you still can, because a number of extremely dangerous diseases are already on the verge of becoming major problems, and it is just a matter of time before all of our lives are once again turned upside down by another worldwide health crisis." 



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