The Red Pill is Hard to Swallow by Mrs Vera West
The idea of the “red pill” comes from The Matrix movie, and involves the metaphor of taking a pill, or choosing a path that confronts reality rather than illusion.
It is interesting to observe that the men’s right film, The Red Pill, which ironically was directed by a feminist, has been banned from university campuses across Australia, because it is critical of feminist dogma. (The Australian, April, 19, 2017, p. 3)
Feminists have said, by their rejection of allowing screening of the film, that men have no issues to raise, and that there can be no criticism what so ever of feminism. What can I say? I don’t swear, being a lady, but it is just bs!
The universities continue to be little more than Left wing propaganda houses, funded by taxpayers’ dollars. (The Australian, April 19, 2017, p. 12) Even in their own terms of “scholarship,” cheating for students is common: The Australian, April 19, 2017, p. 27.
There is a great need for universities to be cleaned up, because they have become cesspools. James Reed’s idea of eliminating them, and replacing them with practical training centres is an idea whose time has come.