The Real Cost of Immigration By Richard Miller

     Slowly, facts about the true cost of the European White replacement immigration program are coming to light:

“A leaked unpublished document from Sweden’s Justice Ministry has revealed that the costs of mass migration are far higher than figures currently expressed by the government. The document comes after the new coalition government agreed to relax the rules for chain migration, or “family reunification”, which will likely lead to a larger influx of migrants than previously estimated. Following the announcement of the policy, the Swedish Migration Board sent the report to the Justice Ministry which calculated the added costs in the millions. Despite the reports, Swedish Social Democrat Justice Minister Morgan Johansson has referred to prior, much less costly, figures throughout the week, Expressen reports. The previous report, compiled in Septemeber of last year, estimated that chain migration would cost Swedish taxpayers  910 million Swedish kronor (£76.15 million) from 2019 to 2021. The new estimate sees that number increase to 1.365 billion Swedish kronor (£114.2 million) over the same period.”

     While nations have fallen before, the present collapse involves a form of national suicide unique to human history. What is it that has led the Northern European people to just want to die? Liberalism has within its heart, the seeds of its own destruction, unfortunately: 



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