The Rapid Rise of Cancer By Mrs Vera West

Nation First has examined the alarming rise in cancer across the West. I think one key point in the discussion, is that while the cancer rate was decreasing prior to Covid, and has rapidly risen since, the cancers, as Dr Peter McCullough has said, are super-aggressive, and often affect young people who prior to 2020, did not usually get these so-called “turbo charged cancers. The cancer issue is part of a general issue of excess mortality that is widely admitted even in the mainstream media, but never convincingly explained, with Covid infection being ruled out, since the Covid mRNA vaxxes were supposed to have worked. The position taken by Covid vax critics is that the mRNA vax is responsible, given evidence that has emerged about the dangers of the spike protein.

However, an interesting point is made below, that Covid itself may not be so easily dismissed. It is possible that the virus really was designed as a bioweapon, and has long-term, delayed effects. After all, the dangers of the vax come from the same mRNA spike protein. Both the virus and the vaccine could be bioweapons in aid of a world depopulation agenda. The effects are not immediate, but seen to be longer term, which is consistent with what we are observing.

Did you know that cancer death rates were on a decrease before the COVID-19 so-called ‘pandemic’ started?

Medical data from the United States shows that cancer death rate declined by 29% from 1991 to 2017.

This represented the largest single-year drop in cancer mortality ever reported.

In Australia, the development was even more positive.

Between 1994 and 2012, age-standardised cancer mortality rates decreased by 30% in the general population.

It was not just because medical science had gotten better at cancer treatment.

With the turn of the millennium, we witnessed cancer cases actually decline in many countries relative to their populations.

But all of that changed after the ‘pandemic’.

  • Undeniably, before the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were witnessing a significant decrease in cancer death rates.
  • This promising trend took a distressing turn in 2020 when cancer-related deaths began to rise.
  • Alarmingly, the incidence of cancer has also markedly increased.
  • General death rates have been on a distressing upward trajectory since 2019.
  • The widespread administration of experimental mRNA ‘vaccines’ has been linked to elevated rates of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and organ failure.
  • There are convincing claims that both the COVID-19 virus and the mRNA ‘vaccines’ could be bioweapons.
  • Such a chilling possibility cannot be dismissed given deaths from both result from the ‘spike protein’ being released into the human body.
  • Humanity has suffered from the release of COVID-19, the subsequent government-imposed lockdowns, and the near-mandatory administration of an experimental gene therapy.
  • Justice must be served and those responsible held accountable.

The downward trend in cancer deaths first started to reverse in 2020.

In the United States, for instance, 52,244 more cancer-related deaths were registered in the 2020-2021 period compared to the 2018-2019 period.

The largest increase in mortality cases was related to prostate cancer and hematologic cancers (e.g. lymphoma and leukemia).

Such an increase has been attributed to the fact that lockdowns and curfews — implemented by governments the world over as a knee-jerk and pointless response to the ‘pandemic’ — prevented people from going to see their doctor for regular check-ups and scans.

Something else could have been going on as well, but more on that later.

Along with deaths, cancer rates have also risen.

In the U.S.A., for instance, there were just over 1.7 million new cancer cases in 2018.

In 2020, rates were down to just over 1.6 million but in 2021 and 2022 that number blew out to 1.9 million.

Estimates for 2023 pump that yearly figure up to 1.95 million new cases, representing a 15% increase since 2018.

The explosion in cancer rates and the continual rise in cancer deaths since 2021 cannot be attributed to lockdowns which were largely done away with.

Cancer is but one part of this picture.

The fact is that general death rates among people have been on the rise as well and ‘experts’ are yet to give us a genuine reason as to why.

Since global data on mortality rates began to be recorded in 1950, the world witnessed a general decline in deaths each year until 2019.

And before someone jumps up and says “Aha! COVID-19 was deadly!”, let me bust that mythical bubble: Despite the number of COVID-19 cases falling over the past few years, the growth in global death rates remained consistent.

In fact, if we are to believe the projected growth rate for 2024, the rate is increasing.

In other words, more people are dying, and at a faster rate.

So what is the cause?

As mentioned, beyond 2021, it can’t be blamed on lockdowns since the policy fell out of favour in most countries, thanks to the efforts of brave ordinary people who protested against such draconian measures.

So what event happened in a widespread fashion in 2020, 2021, and/or 2023 that didn’t occur in prior years?

You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to realise that the chief suspect is the mass global administration of experimental mRNA gene therapy (masqueraded by governments, media, and Big Pharma as a ‘vaccine’.)

Could it be that this ‘cure’ that the elites practically forced on the vast majority of the world’s population was, in reality, a means of population control?

New research studies have linked these mRNA vaccines to a number of serious health complications.

This stems from the fact that the mRNA component of these vaccines actually has the ability to alter or damage our DNA.

Moreover, despite phony claims by media ‘experts’, immunologists have discovered that the vaccine’s liquid nanoparticles do not remain at the injection site but rather spread throughout the whole body.

This, in turn, has put people at increased rates of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and organ failure. Perhaps, for the first time in living memory, young and healthy people with no history of serious illness are now suddenly dropping dead.

There is another potential culprit here, that perhaps goes hand in hand with the so-called ‘vaccines’.

That culprit could also be COVID-19 itself.

Indeed, there have been a variety of credible claims that the virus was a bioweapon engineered by Communist China, or the USA’s Deep State.

But this is no reason to advocate for the jabs!

The reality is that COVID-19 would only be causing widespread deaths for the same reason that COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccines’ are causing them, and that is the spike protein that both generate in the human body.

It may just well be that both virus and ‘vaccine’ are bioweapons, designed for exactly the same purpose.

Whatever the case, it is clear that many great wrongs have been inflicted on humanity including the release of COVID-19 itself, the lockdowns and other draconian measures taken by governments in response to the virus, and then the near-forced injection of an experimental gene therapy.

We must continue to fight for justice.

And we those responsible must be held accountable.”




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