The Question of Asian Voters, By Chris Knight (Florida)

While American Renaissance (, is taken to be a White nationalist site, they have pushed the line that East Asian IQ are about five points higher than Whites. See, we are not White supremacists! But it did no good as external comments show. In general, a number of articles over the years have proclaimed that East Asian societies are superior to White, that Asian civilisation was far ahead of the West for most of history, and it was really just an accident that the Whites of the West did produce an advanced society, with most technological and scientific developments. Yes, all from five IQ points!With friends like that … Brian Simpson at this blog has taken this ideology apart, showing that the claims are based upon limited studies of IQ differences, mostly biased, and that even if it was true, the IQ fetishism would mean that such publications should welcome the Asianisation of the West. Much critical material is also available from the council of European Canadians, a much better blog:

Thus, I note with some amusement the article at American Renaissance, "Harris Leads Trump by Almost 40 points Among Asian American voters, a New Poll Shows":

The poll showed that 66 percent of Asian Americans will vote for Harris, and only 28 percent for Trump. Asians are the fastest growing voter population, increasing by 15 percent in the last four years. The policies of Harris, of wokeness, globalism, and outright communism appeals to Asian American voters it seems; they can hardly be ignorant of it. Most importantly Harris will let vast numbers of their racial tribe in as migrants, so they naturally go for this, as Whites are the only group who do not support their own race but actively seek self-destruction. But turn to the comments section of the American Renaissance article which reproduced the original from NBC (September 24, 2024), and we find, thankfully, manyred pilled comments, but I noticed some still saying "gee, these guys are so, so smart, having such high IQs, how can they fall for Harris?" It is not a question of "smarts"; this is now a vote for communism of not, and it seems US Asians are ok with authoritarian regimes.



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