The Population Crash, By Mrs. Vera West

Brett Stevens has given an interesting take on the birth dearth problem for the West. As he notes, there is a dual problem here, as the West has supplied the conditions and technology for exploding population growth in places like Africa, while supplying the conditions for population crash in their own societies. The elites will, of course, go for the quick fix by immigration, but the mass importation of Africans to say Europe, has not been a success so far and is not likely to be so in the future. But the system in the West to support his global circuit requires constant growth and artificial jobs, just to keep the ball rolling. In turn people face involution, the feeling of being trapped in a meaningless existence, where no matter how hard one works, one does not get anywhere. Stevens proposes that this concept of involution begins to apply to whole societies as well, so that after a point, social decline sets in. The birth dearth is one consequence, since why have children if there is no real future for them? "Egalitarians take from the successful to subsidize the unsuccessful. This in turn damages the successful, and soon they die out, leaving a society of equally unsuccessful people ruled by the cruelest of warlords and robber barons. This is how human civilizations suicide."

"After years of bemoaning overpopulation, the experts find themselves confronting a different problem: we may have too few humans to continue. In actuality, the problem remains the same; the poorest populations continue expanding but the first world is contracting, and this befuddles the experts, although the two conditions have the same cause.

The first world subsidies the third world, like it subsidies its own "poor" and diversity, in order to promote egalitarianism, but the system of jobs and careers results in delayed fertility which in turn reduces the population in those first-world nations:

It's no surprise that fertility is dropping in many countries, which demographers attribute to factors such as higher education levels among people who give birth, rising incomes, and expanded access to contraceptives.

[Patrick Gerland, chief of the Population Estimates and Projection Section of the U.N. Population Division] says the trend points to a world increasingly split between low-fertility countries, in which a diminishing number of young people support a burgeoning population of seniors; and high-fertility countries, largely poorer sub-Saharan African nations, where continued population growth could hamper development.

The poorer parts of the third world, sustained in part by aid from first world countries, continue growing.

The taxes to pay for all of these egalitarian programs have created in the first world a mania for jobs. In order to keep business functional despite the taxes, we need constant "growth," which translates to a lot of make-work and dumbing-down. This in turn makes people manic for education and job titles so that they can live decent lives.

We are bleeding our best people to support our least successful.

Not surprisingly, dependent load depresses the economy, and it extends to more than the old and young, but also those who are supported by entitlements payments taken by wealth transfer taxes:

In Ireland during the sixties, when contraception was illegal, there were ten people who were too old or too young to work for every fourteen people in a position to earn a paycheck. That meant that the country was spending a large percentage of its resources on caring for the young and the old. Last year, Ireland's dependency ratio hit an all-time low: for every ten dependents, it had twenty-two people of working age. That change coincides precisely with the country's extraordinary economic surge.

The treadmill of lore — where the worker runs constantly but never gets ahead — and the corporate lifestyle have been created by the need for money to pay off the taxes, regulations, affirmative action, unions, and lawsuits that now blight every area of business.

This makes people feel they are never getting ahead, and start to experience involution or the utter unchanging, inflexible, and moribund nature of everything:

Neijuan is the Chinese term for "involution", a concept from sociology that refers to a society that can no longer evolve, no matter how hard it tries. Applied to the individual, it means that no matter how hard someone works, progress is impossible.

In China, the term has been used to describe the feeling of diminishing returns in China's economy. The characters "nei" and "juan" literally mean rolling inwards. After decades of rapid growth, many Chinese millennials and Gen Z people feel that the opportunities that were available to their parents no longer exist, and that working hard no longer offers guaranteed rewards.

People in the first world are dying out because there is no point to life whatsoever. You go through years of education to separate yourself from the rest, then work at some "good" corporate job doing nothing until you are too old to do anything exciting, and if you are lucky, you can afford a retirement home when your lifestyle catches up to you and makes you a dementia zombie.

Egalitarians take from the successful to subsidize the unsuccessful. This in turn damages the successful, and soon they die out, leaving a society of equally unsuccessful people ruled by the cruellest of warlords and robber barons. This is how human civilizations suicide." 



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