The Pope Confronts the Miracle of Illegal Immigration By Peter West

     I continue my review of the amazing adventures of the ever-politically correct communist Pope, with no offence at all intended to any Catholic readers, but, my brothers and sisters, we have a problem with this man. As we know, the Pope has been one of the leading advocates of mass immigration to the West, especially of Muslims. I have never found any statements by him about the need for Asia to take in refugees, such as Japan and China, or even for Africa, boosted with foreign aid, to take them. Now though, there is the very first sign that all may not be swimmingly well in the land of mass immigration:

“Pope Francis is urging everyone to combat the “shameful crime” of human trafficking, noting that it’s often linked to migrant smuggling. In remarks Sunday to the public in St. Peter’s Square, Francis decried that many adults and children are trafficked into slavery for forced labour, sex businesses, organ trafficking, begging rackets and other criminal activities. Francis noted that the United Nations will dedicate Monday to encouraging anti-trafficking efforts.”

     Logically if the West stopped the immigration racket, which only serves the interests of those seeking to bury the West, then this would all stop. But, no, that solution is not the one embraced by the Pope. The migrants are still victims and the answer is to let them all in, unendingly, but not via people smugglers. It all has to be done the right way. What in the end will that matter? What about the environment, if countries become what Trump called sh**holes from all of these problems? Well, the Pope has dealt with that one too:

“Pope Francis offered a prayer Sunday that programs “dedicated to development, nourishment, and solidarity” prevail over programs of “hate, armament, and war.” “In imitation of Christ,” the pope said to the crowd gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the weekly Angelus prayer, “the entire human race is called to make sure that the world’s resources are not lost or destined to projects of man’s self-destruction, but serve his true good and legitimate development.” The pope was reflecting on the gospel reading of the day, where Jesus is presented as feeding a crowd of 5,000 with just five barley loaves and two fish, a passage known as the miracle of loaves and fishes.”

     That is very fine, but things get lost in the details. If the West becomes a tragedy of the commons, with no restrictions or limitations as global open borders advocates like the Pope suggests, then kiss the environment goodbye. And, that will, in the slightly longer term, mean that the West will ultimately need to be seeking places to send its people as this world collapses. What is the guess that Asia and Africa and South America, will not be as willing as the West is in throwing open their borders?



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