The Planned Globalist Collapse of Western Europe, and the West By Richard Miller (London)

The death of Queen Elizabeth II, perhaps, is a symbol in some metaphysical, mytho-poetic way of the dark times, literally descending upon Europe and the West. There is a perfect storm leading to a planned economic collapse, of resource scarcity, fertilizer and energy shortages, and spiralling inflation. Germans, for example, desperate for fire wood, with gas shortages, are searching around for wood to burn, and as winter approaches, things will get worse. This is an economic pandemic with real fangs. And, it  will spread across the globalised economies of the West, bringing economic gloom and doom in its wake. That is the plan of the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, who look forward to breaking down our world, to rebuild it as THEIR world.

“Western Europe is facing “total collapse” from catastrophic scarcity and price hikes surrounding food, fertilizer, energy and industry, warns David Dubyne,  ... Silver guru David Morgan, also featured in today’s podcast, adds that European banks are facing the possibility of systemic failures (and “bail-ins”) due to exposure to energy markets and the desire of Western European governments to keep printing money to try to address the devastating energy scarcity that is now irreversible.

American banks also have exposure to Europe’s economies, which means a failure of Western European banks, governments and currencies will spread like contagion to the United States and the dollar. With no solutions in sight — and no willingness among Europe’s politicians to even consider reversing their suicidal policies that led to this crisis — it seems that Western Europe is doomed to a simultaneous collapse of food, energy, industry, agriculture and currency.

Putin, it seems, won’t need to go to war with NATO after all. NATO countries are destroying themselves with astonishing speed.

The death of the queen marks the death of Western Civilization

Today’s death of Queen Elizabeth II couldn’t be more timely, as the death of Western Europe likely won’t be far behind. The Queen has died, but so has common sense, rationality, financial sanity and agricultural integrity. No civilization can survive without food, energy and money, and the leaders of Western Europe are hell bent on utterly destroying all three.

Now, we are just a few months away from watching in horror as decades of virtue signaling and bad policy decisions comes to fruition, bringing Western Europe to its knees with a level of devastation that hasn’t been witnessed since World War II.

As a measure of just how bad it is, the government of Switzerland is now threatening a three-year prison sentence for anyone who heats their home over 19 degrees Celsius (about 66 degrees F). It is also reported that heating water over 60 (C) will be a criminal offense, and if that also applies to cooking, then no one in Switzerland will be able to boil water without become a criminal.

Apparently, the Swiss government is going to unleash a wave of “temperature police” to burst into people’s homes and measure their indoor temperatures to make sure no one is actually warm. Even if you heat your house with wood, you can still go to prison for producing too much heat.

The fall of Europe will spread to many other nations

Unfortunately, this self-inflicted destruction won’t end with the fall of Western Europe. Unless the trajectory of all this is immediately altered, the catastrophe will spread to all western nations, including the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan, bringing down their industry, real estate values, GDPs and currencies. We are looking at the systemic, unrelenting wipeout of the Euro, the Yen and even the dollar, combined with global de-dollarization efforts already well under way by China, Russia, India and Saudi Arabia.

The era of abundance is over. Prepare for the era of collapse.

The bottom line? Unless a radical course correction is immediately embraced, Western Europe will suffer a catastrophic collapse in 2023, with “collapse” defined as 50% or more of the businesses and industries ceasing operations, causing mass destitution and angry uprisings across the continent, combined with widespread starvation and deaths from exposure (freezing).

The collapse of the United States will take longer to fully play out, but it is also inevitable. The dollar will soon be history, and the financial solvency of the U.S. government will evaporate virtually overnight.

Both the USA and Europe are going to end in mass uprisings, revolts and violent revolutions, it looks like. No wonder the globalists are desperately trying to kill billions with bioweapons vaccines and engineered starvation.

Part of this effort, by the way, is deliberate so that Western nations can “clear their books” of debt by declaring Force Majeure and thereby cancelling all financial obligations, both to Treasury debt holders and entitlement receivers among their own people. Anyone collecting a federal government pension, for example, is going to be left high and dry. Even worse, those left holding currencies like the Euro, the Yen or the Dollar will be lucky to get 5 cents on the dollar once the “great reset” is fully realized.

All those goons who worked for the feds, in other words, are going to be left with nothing. That includes the 87,000 new IRS agents who still think they’re going to terrorize Americans but will soon find themselves dumpster diving for food scraps.

Economics expert Tuomas Melinen warns that European catastrophe may only be “weeks” away before “mayhem” is unleashed

“I am telling you people that the situation in #Europe is much worse than many understand,” tweeted Tuomas Malinen, PhD and CEO of GnS Economics in Helsinki, Finland:

We are essentially on the brink of another banking crisis, a collapse of our industrial base and households, and thus on the brink of the collapse of our economies.

Malinen also writes on and has columns published by The Epoch Times.

Malinen goes on to warn people to stock up on food, water, cash and wood, essentially going “full prepper” for anyone who will listen. Sadly, most Europeans and most Americans still won’t listen, and they will be caught completely unprepared as it all hits the fan.

Malinen says Europe has mere “weeks” or months (at most) before “mayhem” strikes.”

The view of a collapse of Britain is also being made by the woke Left, but for their own reasons, you know, racism everywhere, eternally. Still, there are still some good points made even by the Left, which shows how bad it is going.

“These days, my British friends ask me the same question, with the same faint tinge of terror in their voices. “So. How bad is it going to be?” What they mean is…well, let me try to explain why they’re asking.

Right about now, Britain’s setting records. Not good ones. It’s the rich world’s worst performing country in a stunning multitude of regards — falling incomes, crashing economy, skyrocketing inflation, dwindling confidence and optimism. Twice as many people died in Britain this summer of Covid than they did last summer. They were mostly elderly people, and that’s a parable for what modern Britain’s become: a stunningly cruel, indifferent, embittered society, inured to the grim reality of its own collapse.

Britain is the world’s preeminent bellwether of social collapse at this point in history. No nation in the rich world — and barely any in the poor one, really — come close. The rest of the world is dusting itself off after a rough few years, and restarting the engines of progress. But in Britain? Well, the engines of regress are pumping. Literally — sewage into the rivers. What kind of country wants to cover itself in its own — never mind.

For some reason that the world can’t quite fathom, Britain has decided to turn itself a kind of Neo Victorian dystopia, by way of American style ultra libertarianism. Think about how baffling and strange this really is for a moment. The nation that was renowned for its NHS and BBC, which invented the idea of the public park and the modern public library and museum. Now? It’s the kind of place with would make Dickens entire cast of villains, from Uriah Heep to Fagin, cackle in morbid glee.

When my British friends ask me “so, how bad is it going to get,” they’re talking about the winter. What’s expected to happen this winter? Well, when I tell you, your jaw is going to drop. Elderly people are going to freeze to death. Kids are going to live without heating, shivering under blankets, wearing coats to sleep. Adults choosing between feeding their families or keeping the lights on. Dickensian, much?

Oh, but that’s just the beginning. What else is going to happen this winter? Total economic devastation. When I say “total,” I really mean it. This winter, Britain is poised for a self made catastrophe like the modern world has never seen. Lest you think I exaggerate, let me explain. Energy bills are expected to skyrocket — to prices that are beyond absurd. Pubs are in despair that their bills are going to from, say, a mere 10,000 pounds to 100,000. So imagine the nation that invented the pub…not having many left. Because do you know how many pubs can afford energy bills like that? You can probably count them on your fingers.

Pubs? Just the tip of the iceberg — a metaphor, if you like, for the rest of the economy. Here, try this on for size. “Sky News has been told that care homes are facing closure this winter with some being quoted between 200–400% more for their energy costs. We’ve spent today with @sheffcare who say they usually pay around £90,000 across their nine care homes, they’ve recently been quoted £1.16m.”

Energy bills jumping from 100K to…over a million? Not even “expected” ones, but ones they’re already being quoted todayWhat kind of small business do you imagine can afford energy bills rising by not just 10 percent, but ten times, an order of magnitude?

Now zoom out. Imagine what happens to an economy when nobody can afford their energy bills. Because it’s not just businesses. It’s people. Old people are literally expected to freeze to death this winter. Hospitals are already bracing for a winter that’s like months upon months of Hurricane Katrinas.

But hey — you know what the really weird part is? Very few people seem to care. There’s a small group of Brits, sure, who do, but there’s no sense that society is at very real existential risk in any way. No social norms have changed, no cultural issues have come to the fore …”





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