The Next Level of Escalation in the Vaccine Wars, By Brian Simpson

In Australia, the US, and the West in general, populations have become sceptical about the Covid-19 mRNA vaxxes. After being punished with lockdowns, quite contrary to traditional public health measures given the nature of the virus, people took the vax, via blackmail, to work, travel, and go to pubs and funerals. Then they got Covid, multiple time, and some saw friends and family die; Dr Markis reports on these tragic deaths every day, and it is still happening with turbo-charged cancers in the younger generation, a reality.

This vaccine hesitancy, "the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines," although scepticism is a better terminology, was said byWorld Health Organization (WHO) officials at the United Nations, to be among the top 10 threats to global public health, and needing action to address. These medical/health technocrats have moved to join forces with the political censorship team, to put this scepticism about vaccines down to "misinformation," and all the various Acts and Bills in progress, put medical "misinformation," in the list of things to socially control by internet censorship. Of course, the negative experiences of ordinary people seeing loved ones killed or injured (and injured, then killed) is discounted, since it is convenient to use vaccine hesitancy as one more knee-jerk means of censoring.

As detailed below, the Big Pharma groupies are using the strategy of linking antivaxxers to hate groups, so that legislation can target all of these protest groups in a one-stop shop. Thus, the strategy for the next plandemic, will be to have the internet censored, to crush those doctors and intellectuals who question the vaxxes, and to threaten populations with even greater punishments that with Covid. Thus, while there were spirited protests during Covid from a minority, most of the population, conformed and voted back into power governments that engaged in crimes against humanity. The political significance of this, as Edmund Burke (1729-1797) reminds us, viz the triumph of evil, should not be forgotten.

As detailed below, the threat of vaccination by force, backed by the police and military, is on the agenda. We can be sure that when disease X is released, and it is not going to be in time to disrupt the US election, but will be perhaps shortly after, we will see new levels of tyranny, especially if the Kamala Harris regime rules in America.

"Public opinion surveys and polls all say the same thing. More Americans are doubtful that getting vaccinated over and over and over again is a reliable way to stay healthy. Especially since the extreme response by governments to the World Health Organization's coronavirus pandemic declaration in 2020, more adults have lost trust in doctors and public health officials. Some have either personally experienced a COVID-19 shot reaction or know someone who has died suddenly or is suffering with chronic poor health problems after getting the shot. 1 Others can't forget being fired from their job or being denied medical care or a school education for refusing to get a COVID shot, while others are still unable to access social media accounts that were suspended for simply talking about COVID shot reactions. 2 3 And now, just about everybody knows that mRNA COVID shots don't prevent infection and transmission of the disease. 4 5

These negative experiences have prompted a growing number of Americans to question whether they or their children really need to get a flu shot every year or need many other government-recommended vaccines.6 7 8 9 10

Doctors call it "vaccine hesitancy," and almost always blame doubts about vaccination on what they call "misinformation" published online. 11 In January 2019, World Health Organization (WHO) officials at the United Nations declared that "vaccine hesitancy" is among the top 10 threats to global public health. They defined vaccine hesitancy as "the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines." 12

That 2019 WHO declaration triggered a global culture war targeting vaccine hesitant adults and their children, who are labeled "anti-vaxxers" for propaganda purposes. What followed was an orchestrated assault on freedom of thought and speech led by doctors working for industry, medical trade and government, who collaborated with media outlets to demonize and punish people who disagree with them about vaccination. 13

Medical Journals Help Escalate the War on "Vaccine Hesitant" People

The war on vaccine hesitant people is escalating. And demagogues like pediatrician Peter Hotez, MD, PhD that uber vaccine salesman from Baylor College of Medicine, 14 are ramping up persecution of people who refuse to worship vaccine pushing scientists like him.

Professor Hotez sure does know how to get attention, and he doesn't care if it is positive or negative attention because he has the backing of the most powerful medical and scientific journals, academic institutions, government agencies, and media corporations in the world. For a long time, he has been stalking parents of vaccine injured children and enlightened doctors who criticize vaccine safety and advocate for voluntary vaccination. He labels them "anti-vaccine" and "anti-science" and part of a "killer movement" that is "a lethal societal force of enormous magnitude." 15 Now, Dr. Hotez is demanding that the police forces of the world join together to neutralize the vaccine hesitant people he hates and fears so much.

It gives a whole new meaning to the battle cry of globalists: ONE WORLD, ONE HEALTH! 16 17 18 19

Every human being capable of rational thinking should be aware that Dr. Hotez and a growing number of doctors and scientists like him are lobbying lawmakers to criminalize dissent so we can be forced to salute smartly and accept every cell disrupter biological product Big Pharma manufactures and sells – no matter how sick we get.20 21 22 23

Describing himself as a "vaccine scientist" while others describe him as a "misinformation machine," 24 this year Peter Hotez was listed by Time magazine in the top "100 Most Influential People in Health in 2024." 25 But this summer, when he called the vaccine hesitant a "lethal force" and an international "security problem" and then wildly suggested during an international medical symposium that the US Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Justice, US Department of Commerce, and the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, plus the largest intergovernmental military alliance in the world – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – take action to eradicate "anti-vaccine aggression [and] anti-science aggression," I thought it was time to take a closer look at this white coat with his hair on fire demanding that NATO go nuclear on people who know and tell the truth about vaccines.26

It is not the first time Peter Hotez has hoisted the science flag and praised the infallibility of vaccines and the scientists who create them, while personally attacking anyone who disagrees. Over the past decade, prestigious science publications and mainstream media outlets have put this master propagandist on a pedestal so he can spew hate-filled rants against those who criticize dodgy vaccine science and cruel one-size-fits-all vaccination laws that violate the informed consent ethic and either deny the existence of or dismiss vaccine injured persons as expendable for "the greater good."

In 2017, the prestigious Scientific American magazine, which is owned by a German-British academic publishing company, gave Peter Hotez permission to use violent imagery to incite hatred of those who disagree with him. Professor Hotez called on the U.S. government and G20 nations to take steps to "snuff out" the American anti-vaccine movement, which he said may have "sufficient strength and momentum to affect vaccine coverage globally," while reluctantly noting that vaccine hesitancy was linked to smart people with "high educational attainment and socioeconomic status." 27 To "snuff out" means to "crush" or "kill" 28 and the extremist language he used in that once respectable scientific forum set the stage for what was to come.

In 2018, I wrote about how Peter Hotez demonized parents of vaccine injured children during a global health lecture he gave at Duke University. 29 In that lecture publicized by Duke's student newspaper, he complained that "anti-vaccine websites exist with names such as the National Vaccine Information Center." He pointed fingers at scientists for failing to "engage the public," which he alleged has led to organizations "exporting this anti-vax garbage" to communities around the world. 30

In the lecture, Dr. Hotez castigated U.S. lawmakers on Capitol Hill from what he described as the "peace, love, granola" political left who believe that "we have to be careful what we put into our kid's bodies," and those from the political right, who tell doctors like him "you can't tell us what to do with our kids." But he reserved the bulk of his venom for parents of vaccine injured children. Like a schoolyard bully who engages in name calling when he can't come up with anything intelligent to say, he slapped the "anti-vaccine" label on parents of vaccine injured children who describe how their children's health deteriorated after vaccination and express doubts about the safety of vaccines.

Then, he went further and viciously accused those parents of hating their own children. In a dark statement that reveals the depth of his uncontrolled rage, he said: 31

"Anti-vaccine organizations camouflage themselves as a political group, but I call them for what they really are: a hate group," Dr. Hotez snarled. "They are a hate group that hates their family and hates their children." 32 Later he apparently instructed the reporter to alter that last sentence to read "They are a hate group that hates [our] family and hates [our] children," which is just as ugly and ludicrous as his original statement.

Branding an organization a "hate group" is not inconsequential. In the 21st century, the term "hate group" is most frequently used to describe groups of individuals associated with "hate crimes," which are defined by state laws and include threats, harassment or physical harm. Hate crimes are motivated by prejudice against someone's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability.33

A child health advocacy charity like the National Vaccine Information Center that highlights vaccine science research gaps, criticizes paternalism in medical practice, and challenges the use of utilitarianism as the moral foundation for public health policy and law does not qualify as a "hate group," although Dr. Hotez has done his best to make that defamatory slur stick.

Now Being "Vaccine Hesitant" Is Being "Anti-science"

In June 2019, in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Peter Hotez wrapped himself in the martyred science crusader cape and wrote about heroically "combating antiscience" that he believes has caused a "deplorable situation," because the mainstreaming of "antivaccine sentiments" has led to more parents requesting "conscientious exemption affidavits" for their children to attend school without being vaccinated. 34 He alleged that "the antivax and other anti-science movements have conquered the Internet and disseminate misinformation on a scale that far exceeds accurate messaging from scientists," while complaining that "the vast majority of Americans cannot name a living scientist," and have no conception of how hard he and his fellow scientists have it as they "struggle over NIH grant applications and wring our hands at weekly lab meetings."

Oh, Peter. It must be so hard to figure out how to spend the millions of dollars in taxpayer money that your buddies at NIH give to you. Your suffering is so much greater than that of vaccine injured adults and parents struggling to raise vaccine injured children, who can't afford to pay the crushing medical bills that pile up after vaccines destroy the lives of those for whom the risks of vaccination turn out to be 100 percent. 35 36 37 38 39

Over and over again, this Baylor doc cooking up new biological products, which he wants you to be required to put in your body and the bodies of your children, categorically denies that vaccines cause autism. Hotez argues that "as a parent of an adult daughter with autism," he absolutely knows there is "no link between any vaccine and autism." 40

Members of Congress Investigating Origins of SARS-CoV-2 Accused of Being "Anti-science"

Beginning in 2020 with the declaration of a coronavirus pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Hotez began ramping up his vendetta against the vaccine hesitant and encouraged scientists, medical doctors and lawmakers to join him in viewing parents of vaccine injured children and anyone who points out the risks and failures of COVID shots as enemies of the state. In the science journal Microbes and Infection, in May 2020 he accused an "accelerated antivaccine movement" of causing a return of measles to the U.S. and speculated that the "antivaccine movement has grown stronger from the COVID19 pandemic, fueled with fresh conspiracies and new alliances." 41 He said that "the antivax lobby falsely claims the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the US National Institutes of Health, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, is behind COVID19, and funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to perform gain-of-function research to transform an innocuous coronavirus into the lethal and transmissible SARS-CoV-2 virus."

A year later, in May 2021, US Senator Ron Johnson requested information on why the US State Department halted the government's only investigation into the origins of the mutated virus. 42 At the same time, Hotez told US News & World Report that the mystery of the origins of COVID-19 should be solved by scientists, specifically Chinese scientists. He said, "we need to have the world's best Chinese and global scientists leading the effort" to "investigate the true origins of COVID-19." 43

However, the very next month the scientific journal PLoS Biology gave Peter Hotez permission to publish a vitriolic political attack on members of Congress holding an independent congressional investigation into risky NIH-funded gain-of-function research potentially linked to the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 44 Unhappy that Congress was not confining its investigation to the WHO narrative alleging that a coronavirus virus jumped out a bat or another animal into a human and spontaneously created a mutant virus that immediately began killing lots of people, Hotez charged duly elected members of Congress with creating "an unprecedented culture of anti-science intimidation," and accused "conservative news outlets" of "repeatedly and purposefully promoting disinformation designed to portray key American scientists as enemies." 45

What was really unprecedented about that attack on Congress was that a scientific journal known for scientific rigor gave its stamp of approval to an NIH funded doctor to use the journal as a bully pulpit to compare a former President of the United States and U.S. lawmakers from one political party to Hitler, Mussolini, Marx and Lenin.

Intent on creating a link between what he terms "antiscience aggression" and those who do not agree with him politically, Professor Hotez said:

"The rise of antiscience in an authoritarian America is notable for its intellectual cover. Experts affiliated with far right-leaning think tanks have adopted positions on herd immunity, vaccinations and other COVID-19 prevention approaches that fit the America First narrative."

In a sinister aside, he whispered "In some cases, these views are reinforced by intellectuals on the dark web," an innuendo which invoked disturbing images in the reader's mind of pornographic and other illicit content. Blaming conservative members of Congress and "conservative news outlets" for "anti-science intimidation" and "aggression against science and scientists in America," which he said promotes "illness and causes loss of life," Hotez then delivered the punch line: he called on Congress to protect US government scientists from what he called "political interference" and "extend federal hate crime protections" to scientists like him employed by private universities and research institutes.

Presumably this would include categorizing all public criticism of vaccine science, policy and law and risky scientific research that scientists conduct as "hate speech" to legally silence critics. Doctors and scientists would be free to use violent rhetoric and engage in anti-social behavior to punish the vaccine hesitant, while cavalierly promoting medical misinformation and disinformation. 



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