The New York Time’s Open Borders Fantasy By Charles Taylor

     One of the few good things about the rise of Donald Trump, and the deplorable Trumpsters, is that it has forced the globalist open borders crowd to come out in the open and proclaim the truth of the bs they push for the profits of the capitalist superclass. The New York Times has come clean on this. Here is Farhad Manjoo on open borders for America:

“The internet expands the bounds of acceptable discourse, so ideas considered out of bounds not long ago now rocket toward widespread acceptability. See: cannabis legalization, government-run health care, white nationalism and, of course, the flat-earthers. Yet there’s one political shore that remains stubbornly beyond the horizon. It’s an idea almost nobody in mainstream politics will address, other than to hurl the label as a bloody cudgel. I’m talking about opening up America’s borders to everyone who wants to move here. Imagine not just opposing President Trump’s wall but also opposing the nation’s cruel and expensive immigration and border-security apparatus in its entirety. Imagine radically shifting our stance toward outsiders from one of suspicion to one of warm embrace. Imagine that if you passed a minimal background check, you’d be free to live, work, pay taxes and die in the United States. Imagine moving from Nigeria to Nebraska as freely as one might move from Massachusetts to Maine.

There’s a witheringly obvious moral, economic, strategic and cultural case for open borders, and we have a political opportunity to push it. As Democrats jockey for the presidency, there’s room for a brave politician to oppose President Trump’s racist immigration rhetoric not just by fighting his wall and calling for the abolishment of I.C.E. but also by making a proactive and affirmative case for the vast expansion of immigration. It would be a change from the stale politics of the modern era, in which both parties agreed on the supposed wisdom of “border security” and assumed that immigrants were to be feared. As an immigrant, this idea confounds me. My family came to the United States from our native South Africa in the late 1980s. After jumping through lots of expensive and confusing legal hoops, we became citizens in 2000. Obviously, it was a blessing: In rescuing me from a society in which people of my color were systematically oppressed, America has given me a chance at liberty. But why had I deserved that chance, while so many others back home — because their parents lacked certain skills, money or luck — were denied it?

When you see the immigration system up close, you’re confronted with its bottomless unfairness. The system assumes that people born outside our borders are less deserving of basic rights than those inside. My native-born American friends did not seem to me to warrant any more dignity than my South African ones; according to this nation’s founding documents, we were all created equal. Yet by mere accident of geography, some were given freedom, and others were denied it. “When you start to think about it, a system of closed borders begins to feel very much like a system of feudal privilege,” said Reece Jones, a professor of geography at the University of Hawaii who argues that Democrats should take up the mantle of open borders. “It’s the same idea that there’s some sort of hereditary rights to privilege based on where you were born.”

     This is the same sort of bs that has been circulating for some time now, that there are no rights to borders. And it shows the folly of helping the politically correct Leftist migrant, who in turn wants to open the doors of the home he was let into. That’s socialism for you. But, follow the argument through. The argument must undermine the right of state’s like China to exist, for why shouldn’t a super power like China now take in 1 billion of more Africans? Likewise for Japan, and other countries that are wisely not taking in migrants for national identity reasons. But how about Manjoos own house? I bet there are plenty of poor coloured folk who would be happy to move into his bedroom, once the borders are down. Billions of them in fact. And, what right has he to his own body, for that too is based on walls and barriers? He should be distributing his organs and ending his life to help a greater number of people than he would by writing this bs.

     Anyway, once Trump fails, the open borders experience will be conducted because the Dark Lords can’t help themselves. One way or other, this is all going to come to an end. It is probably impossible now to save the world we had, the lack of action of the “good men” who do nothing has ensured that, but the elites will find that the post-apocalyptic world they will live in after the West falls, is not going to be the utopia that they think it will be.



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