The New “Great Terror” is About to be Unleashed, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has been reported that new cadets to the FBI are being trained on the basis that only White supremacy is the problem, not drug, rapes, gang warfare mass murders. And "White supremacy' is widely defined as just White people who step out of line on any issue the present dictatorship does not want. All Trump votes are defined as "terrorists" by this ideology. FBI whistle-blower, Steve Friend, truly a "friend" has said: "They're sending the new agents to the academy and teaching them that, basically, the only thing they're going to be focusing on is white supremacy," "The narrative now is that half the country are domestic terrorists," he continues, warning, "and now you're going to have a Kamala Harris presidency, God forbid, in the next couple of months if she is elected, where she will take the FBI, the teeth on this attack dog, against her political enemies — and not hesitate."

In normal times, when men had some level of testosterone, this would have ended much sooner, but end it will. Unfortunately, before then the same tyranny will be exported across the world, to Australia as well, so get ready come November my Aussie friends!

"After the weaponization of Biden's DOJ — where peaceful pro-life activists and attendees of January 6 were jailed — it should come as no surprise that Democrats want to crack down harder on American citizens.

Recent comments made by Virgin Islands delegate Stacey Plaskett on the weaponization of the federal government couldn't have made that more obvious.

"It's necessary for the public and the media to try and provide cover for the eradication of the Department of Justice and the FBI," Plaskett said, claiming without these agencies there would be no checks "against white nationalism, great replacement theorists, Christian nationalists, white fragility, fascists, and the twice-impeached convicted felon former President, and would-be dictator, Donald Trump."

FBI whistleblower, Steve Friend, believes Plaskett reflects "entirely what they're all interested in."

"They're sending the new agents to the academy and teaching them that, basically, the only thing they're going to be focusing on is white supremacy," Friend tells Jill Savage and Matthew Peterson of "Blaze News Tonight."

Friend notes that the Christian nationalism label is "a trap" and that the FBI "has found the hack around the First Amendment" and "your ability to worship as you see fit."

Savage is concerned that if Kamala Harris does get elected, this could get worse.

"What would happen if Kamala Harris gets elected as president and they can even push this further?" she asks Friend.

"A Kamala Harris presidency will only further weaponize the FBI. They have their targets," Friend explains.

"The narrative now is that half the country are domestic terrorists," he continues, warning, "and now you're going to have a Kamala Harris presidency, God forbid, in the next couple of months if she is elected, where she will take the FBI, the teeth on this attack dog, against her political enemies — and not hesitate." 



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