The Money Power of George Soros, By James Reed

George Soros was quick off the mark to back Kamala Harris in her bid to be the presidential candidate for the Democrats. And why not, as Harris, even more than Biden, is 200 percent on board with the globalist commo agenda of Soros and son? Soros though is not stopping here, but as reported by the New York Post, in an article entitled "Dem-majority FCC helping George Soros fast-track takeover of nationwide radio network: 'This is scary'", details how Soros has now bought a 40 percent stake in America's largest radio network. And he has done this, not to promote music and culture, but rather his own special brand of globalist power politics: "Billionaire George Soros is trying to recruit the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission to help fast-track his takeover of the nation's second-biggest radio network.

Soros, 93, pumped $400 million into Audacy in February, a network which reaches 165 million monthly listeners and includes a handful of conservative shows from hosts including Sean Hannity, Dana Loesch, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and Erick Erickson. But their influence is likely to be muted if the billionaire takes over and imposes his agenda, as has happened with other media acquisitions. The fear is that the conservative radio stations in this network will soon be silenced and/or made to conform to the liberal requirements of their overlords."

This will be but another cancelling of conservatives, as was attempted with Tucker Carlson. But the wider point here is why conservatives who have money are so tight and mean and not working together to pool resources so try and counter all that Soros does? There is very little information about where all the money that Soros splashes around comes from, but he is likely to be a front man for the higher-level globalists. He is far less wealth than the likes of Musk, but does ten thousand times more things. Perhaps Musk, who has been personally hurt by woke ideology upon his family, might start to think that those opposed to the destruction of Western civilisation, who have big money, should start to counter the Soros' of the world. After all, this money will not be of much value after the coming collapse, and that is where the Soros worldview is going to take us.

"In a recent essay, I wrote how the progressive blob, otherwise known as the liberal deep state, is taking down individuals and organizations to quell voices critical of Biden and the Democrat Party before the 2024 elections.

Those actions have included the multiple gag orders placed on Trump starting in the spring of 2024 - during the Presidential primary, putting first Peter Navarro and then Steve Bannon in jail for many months - just before the presidential election, indicting the Epoch Times VP of finance just months before the election, and expediting the shuttering of the studio and businesses of Alex Jones.

An article by the New York Post titled "Dem-majority FCC helping George Soros fast-track takeover of nationwide radio network: 'This is scary'" lays out how Soros has now bought a 40% stake in the second largest radio network in the USA, which will give him majority control or close to it, and is working to fast track his influence upon the network:

billionaire George Soros is trying to recruit the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission to help fast-track his takeover of the nation's second-biggest radio network.

Soros, 93, pumped $400 million into Audacy in February, a network which reaches 165 million monthly listeners and includes a handful of conservative shows from hosts including Sean Hannity, Dana Loesch, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and Erick Erickson.

But their influence is likely to be muted if the billionaire takes over and imposes his agenda, as has happened with other media acquisitions.

The fear is that the conservative radio stations in this network will soon be silenced and/or made to conform to the liberal requirements of their overlords.

Yes, another example of the progressive blob taking down voices critical of their agenda.

Moving on, this is nothing new - it has just been ramped up for this election. Billionaire George Soros has been at this game for decades.

More than 180 different media-related organizations receive money from George Soros.

Free Press is just one of the better funded Soros groups. They also include the Center for American Progress ($7.3 million), which operates the heavily staffed Think Progress blog. That blog ''now has 30 writers and researchers,'' according to Politico. Other well-funded operations include the investigative reporting operations at the Center for Public Integrity ($3.7 million) and Center for Investigative Reporting ($1.1 million), as well as Media Matters ($1.1 million) and the Sundance Institute ($1 million).

That's not all. ''Soros' foundations gave 34 grants from 1997 to 2010 to local NPR member stations and specific programs that have totaled nearly $3.4-million, said the foundations' [spokesperson Maria] Archuleta. Recipients included WNYC and Minnesota Public Radio,'' wrote now former NPR ombudsman Alicia Shepard.

In fact, Soros funds nearly every major left-wing media source in the United States. Forty-five of those are financed through his support of the Media Consortium. That organization ''is a network of the country's leading, progressive, independent media outlets.'' The list is predictable - everything from Alternet to the Young Turks, who have since lost their MSNBC show.

A report by the Media Consortium detailed how progressives had created an ''echo chamber'' of outlets ''in which a message pushes the larger public or the mainstream media to acknowledge, respond, and give airtime to progressive ideas because it is repeated many times.'' According to the report called ''The Big Thaw,'' ''if done well, the message within the echo chamber can become the accepted meme, impact political dynamics, shift public opinion and change public policy.''

Using a network of outlets to simultaneously push out coordinated messaging is a form of psychological manipulation. This technique falls under the tactic of neurolinguistic programming. Progressives and the blob, including George Soros, are using this technique to flood the media with progressive ideas and take down conservatives and critical voices that they view as the enemy.

I know; it happened to me when eight of the largest print media organizations in the world almost simultaneously ran hit pieces on me. Which still dominate the Googlenet search results, while not a single one of my substack essays, some of which have much higher reader numbers than any of these media hit pieces, make it onto the front page of Google. Furthermore, these hit pieces, which are full of fact-checking lies, have never been corrected, this propaganda is what dominates my Wiki page, and there is literally not a dam thing I can do about it. This technique is also known as the "wrap-up smear." The downstream consequences of these attacks last for years, if not decades.

To this day, I am permanently banned from Linked In and basically either banned or shadow-banned from all of the Metaverse and TikTok. Because I personally don't "meet community standards" - not for any single post, image, or comment but because of the wrap-up smears against me. If Jill even mentions my name on Facebook, that post will be blocked from general distribution to her followers, and her ability to post anything on Facebook will be greatly diminished. Yet I don't have a Facebook account. This is how the ecosystem works. They control the levers of power, what posts get amplified and which never see the light of day, and the process, as well as the results, are completely non-transparent.

This is why, when I recently read the extremely ugly hit piece by Rolling Stone on Nicole Shanahan, who is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.s running mate, that I knew exactly what was going on. This is an ongoing wrap-up smear attack - a directed, targeted attack aimed into the heart of the Kennedy Presidential campaign.

The June 26, 2024 Rolling Stone hit piece, titled: "Is Nicole Shanahan Flirting With QAnon and Christian Nationalism? RFK Jr.'s running mate is decrying "demonic" influence in government" by Tim Dickerson is downright disgusting. In this article, Rolling Stone asserts that:

Shanahan is a billionaire anti-vaxxer who, like RFK Jr., is no stranger to conspiracy theories. But Shanahan has recently embraced language common to the QAnon crowd, as well as to some Christian nationalists, to describe supernatural forces at play in our politics.

The following quote is from Nicole Shannahan at a campaign rally, where she said:

"Bobby Kennedy can win this next election" because he "understands the deeply troubling, almost demonic forces that have overtaken our agencies, and our culture."

From that, the Rolling Stone asserts that "Ms. Shanahan "decrying demonic influences" and that she has now "embraced language common to the QAnon crowd, as well as to some Christian nationalists, to describe supernatural forces at play in our politics."

Obviously, the above quote makes a clear case for her embracing "QAnon" and "Christan Nationalism" ideology! [insert sarcasm emoji here].

Rolling Stone goes on to list some of Shanahan's other significant sins:

She likes raw milk

She follows Tucker Carlson on X

She retweeted a video from Owen Shroyer.

She has been on podcasts with Naomi Wolf

She has been on a podcast with Dilbert creator Scott Adams.

She follows Congressman Thomas Massie on X

She has praised former congressman and GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul for "carrying [the] voice of our founding fathers."

That any of these "sins" would rise to importance of making it into a news article is laughable.

But there it is, when an advocacy journalist and progressive media organization can't find dirt, it will just make stuff up! And that is precisely what this article does. This is yellow journalism at its most florid." 



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