The Mainstream Media Silent Treatment

I noted from scanning the main stories from this morning's news, that our main stream media has gone deftly silent on the immigration issue. Without detracting from the importance of the "NT 'in custody' issue and the calling for a royal commission of same", I suspect this issue has been sitting on the sidelines for quite some time and has been strategically rolled out to distract the community from any further discussions about immigration.
(Much of the footage shown in the ABC’s damning Four Corners program, which initiated the inquiry, was shot in 2010.
This tactic of media silence is intended to stifle further debate.

So what can we (I) do about it? This question has many answers, and whomever gives an answer may do so in accordance with their knowledge, capacity and station in life.
But one answer at least is possible from even the most humble:

(1967) extract from 'The State of The World', p.9

To bear witness,
to give evidence,
to communicate truthfully,
to place on record,which is being done by many thousands of men home from overseas who, in their letters or in what they have to say when they return home, doing more than the Main-stream Printed Media and the electronic communications to promote an enlightened public opinion. It is the duty of all who can do so, whether in print, in their letters, or in talk, to withstand or rectify, in however restricted a manner, the communicated falsification of history perpetrated by the "principal media of publicity in our time…"

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
Edward Everett Hale

Write and congratulate the successful candidate in your electorate.  You need not tell them who you voted for but remind them that their task is to represent all of the electors and you look forward to sending them some points of concern during their term.
A similar message can be sent to successful Senate candidates, who of course represent the whole State.
Parliament is scheduled to sit in late August so any newly elected MP’s may not, at this stage, receive mail addressed to Parliament House, Canberra.  An internet search may reveal their address c/- of their party.
In addition to congratulations; it is a good time to write again about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).  The Xenophon team expressed reservations about the TPP prior to the election so they will welcome your encouragement to vote it down or drastically amend it. 

Mention concern over the Clauses that make Australia liable for any legislation we pass which affects the profitability of multinationals operating here.  We would be liable for massive compensation.  Issues like Australia supporting our own Steel industry by ordering local railway line to upgrade the track, could contravene a TPP if the price was above that of a cheaper import.  Likewise, Government has found it difficult to offer support for the dairy industry because of Trade Agreements.

These examples illustrate how we have lost control over our own affairs.  It is the fine print of the deals that we seldom hear about until the deals are signed.
Britain chose to “Leave” the EU because they were getting completely tied to a central bureaucracy which denied them the control of their own affairs.  The public have had enough!
The current political climate is starting to see cracks on the immigration issue, but the major parties have played no part in this, and will only yield as they are dragged kicking and screaming in resistance.
The electorate must rally support around those politicians who are campaigning in the front line, in particular Pauline Hanson. She has worked for 20 years that Australians might finally have a say.
Ensure in your contact with your representative to urge 'a halt to all immigration during high unemployment and of course the social unrest'.
Now is a good time to make these points with your local MP and the Senators.  The Independent and any cross-bench MP’s need to know your concerns. 

The structure of the new Parliament could deliver the best opportunity we have had for years, to achieve some valuable changes.  All we need to do is speak up!




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Friday, 14 March 2025

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