The Long-Term Effects of the Covid Vax: Saudi Study, By Brian Simpson

Here is a Covid vax critical study, published in the mainstream medical literature that got past the censor. Researchers at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, have published a new study on the long-term side effects of Covid vaccines reported by the Saudi Arabian population. The research team examined those aged 16 years and older who had had at least one jab of the Covid vax, and information was sought on the existence of any post-vaccination side effects. The results were alarming to say the least:

"82% of the participants reported experiencing various adverse effects after vaccination. The most common side effects included pain at the injection site (88.16%), bone and joint pain (68.7%), and fatigue (68.46%). Additional side effects reported included menstrual disorders (46 cases), hair loss (34 cases), and memory problems (19 cases). Persistent side effects such as fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, and menstrual disorders were noted for both mRNA and viral vector vaccines.

190 participants (12.64%) reported being diagnosed with other diseases shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine. These included thyroid gland disorders and irritable bowel disease. The study also found that the quality of life for some participants was significantly affected post-vaccination, with 25.28% experiencing anxiety and 21.22% experiencing depression."

Safe and effective? Just ask the people of Saudi Arabia.

"Researchers at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, have published a new study on the long-term side effects of Covid vaccines reported by the Saudi Arabian population.

The authors designed a cross-sectional study involving Saudi participants of both genders, aged 16 and older, who had received at least one dose of the vaccines in Saudi Arabia.

Participants filled out an online questionnaire divided into three sections: demographics, medical history, and post-vaccination side effects.

The research team, composed of scientists from King Abdulaziz University, Umm Al Qura University, and the Department of Public Health at Health Sciences College. Dr Shareefa AlGhamdi, Chairwoman of Biochemistry department at King Abdulaziz University, was the corresponding author.

The study received 1,662 responses from different age groups, regions, and nationalities. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria (excluding those with significant comorbidities), the sample size was reduced to 1,503 participants who had received at least one dose of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or Moderna vaccines at Saudi Ministry of Health Covid vaccination clinics.

The results were brutal. 82% of the participants reported experiencing various adverse effects after vaccination. The most common side effects included pain at the injection site (88.16%), bone and joint pain (68.7%), and fatigue (68.46%). Additional side effects reported included menstrual disorders (46 cases), hair loss (34 cases), and memory problems (19 cases). Persistent side effects such as fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, and menstrual disorders were noted for both mRNA and viral vector vaccines.

190 participants (12.64%) reported being diagnosed with other diseases shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine. These included thyroid gland disorders and irritable bowel disease. The study also found that the quality of life for some participants was significantly affected post-vaccination, with 25.28% experiencing anxiety and 21.22% experiencing depression .

The study noted that 68.7% of the vaccinated participants received the Pfizer (BNT162b2) mRNA vaccine. Most side effects were reported within 24 hours of vaccine administration.

Saudi Arabia, with a population of 36.4 million, reported nearly 842,000 cases of Covid and just under 10,000 deaths linked to the virus, according to Worldometer. The country administered 68,402,237 Covid vaccines, with 77.58%% of the population receiving at least one jab, as reported by Johns Hopkins University. Saudi Arabia approved all the four major vaccines: Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson).

The initial vaccination program targeted high-risk individuals, later expanding to include all citizens and residents, followed by a booster-dose phase.

Dr AlGhamdi's study documents a truly astonishing level of Covid vaccine injury, even if most of those injuries are non-fatal. It is the prevalence and nature of the more unique neurological side effects, including memory loss, depression, and anxiety, however, that really position the results somewhat of an outlier.

Investigations into neurological side effects have paled compared to other side effects (blood clots, etc.) but there have been a few observational studies corroborating their prevalence with real-world data.

One such study, conducted by Phinance Technologies earlier in March, found that claims for neurological disability payments in the UK have skyrocketed since mass rollouts. In 2020, claims rose by 2.1%, a slight increase on the 2016-2019 trend. In 2021, during mass rollouts, that increase spiked 15.6%. In 2022, it exploded to 95.2% above the 2016-2019 trend.

According to Johns Hopkins University, the UK administered 151,248,820 Covid vaccines, with 79.27% of the population receiving at least one dose - ever so slightly higher than Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Shareefa AlGhamdi has extensive experience in the biomedical field. She holds a PhD degree in Molecular Toxicology from the University of Surrey and has been Chairwoman of Biochemistry for 4 years at King Abdulaziz University.

Unfortunately, in our severely conflicted global medical industry, challenging the wrong "consensus" means that experience doesn't count for much.

Professor Mark Skidmore discovered as much in 2021 when he published an identical study, based on survey data, which found that the total number of fatalities due to Covid inoculation may be as high as 278,000 in U.S. up to December 2021. The study passed peer-review, but outside pressure prompted the publisher to eventually issue a stern retraction.

Skidmore had published over 80 peer-reviewed papers. He stated that he never experienced a situation like it. At the time of retraction, he added:

"In academia, there are areas where research is 'sanctioned' or 'approved' and then there are 'unsanctioned' areas. If you go into the unsanctioned wilderness, we must be prepared to be punished, discredited, and embarrassed. This is how it is and where I am right now!"

No wonder why Dr AlGhamdi's study has gained next to no circulation. If it does, it wouldn't be surprising to see a Skidmore 2.0 kind of situation… 



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