The Lies of War; the War of Lies, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline by explosives, bringing gas from Russia to Europe, is an instructive story. At first the US government and the mainstream media claimed it was done by Russia itself, perhaps as a false flag, the motive was never clear. The Russians could have easily turned off the gas if they wanted to. The Russians replied that this was "fairy tales worthy of the Brothers Grimm." And yet, despite this absurdity, the story continued to be pushed, until it was not. Then the narrative changed to something even more absurd, that some amateurs from the Ukraine in their boat decided to blow up the pipeline. How this was done, and where the expertise for deep water demolition work came from, let alone detection of the line itself, was never explained either. Finally, in the past weeks, the Russians claimed to have evidence that the British and the Americans were both involved. It was a plot to keep Germany in the war effort.

So, who knows where the truth lies, as lies are part of the propaganda of war? And, now, much of the establishment runs on it as well, such as Big Medicine, and Big Pharma. Lies, not love, makes their world go round. Until it goes down.

"A Reuters report published on February 7, 2024 presented the following account of the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline.

On Sept. 26, 2022, Swedish seismologists registered several blasts, some 17 hours apart, off the Danish Island of Bornholm that ruptured three out of four lines of the Nord Stream system, sending plumes of methane into the atmosphere.

Gazprom said about 800 million cubic metres of gas, equivalent to about three months of Danish gas supplies, had escaped. It took several days for the gas to stop leaking.

Sweden has found traces of explosives on several objects recovered from the explosion site, confirming it was a deliberate act.

Initially a host of idiotic American politicians and mainstream media pundits claimed that the Russians had blown up their own pipeline (instead of simply closing it). However, on August 14, 2024, the following bizarre report appeared in the Wall Street Journal.

The Wall Street Journal report is a stunning example of the demise of MSM investigative journalism. The reporter, Bojan Pancevski (Chief European Political Correspondent) quoted several unnamed Ukrainian, US, and German officials as sources for his story—a story that one senior Russian official (quoted in the report) characterized as "fairy tales worthy of the Brothers Grimm."

Upon reading the WSJ report, I found myself completely agreeing with the Russian official's assessment. Everything about this tall tale struck me as the apotheosis of silliness." 



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