The Lies about Climate Change Heat Deaths, By James Reed

There seems to be a fallacious argument that has circulated by the elites since at least the Covid plandemic, that X percent of people die or suffer some ailment from Y, therefore Y is a problem that constitutes an "existential risk." Thus, while it was clear the Covid infections could kill people who were aged and immune suppressed, so could, and does, the common cold and flu each year. The same argument is raised with climate change, where an increase in heat is said to lead to an increase in heat-related deaths, supposedly showing the "existential risk" of climate change.

Now for the sake of argument, let us assume that there is an increase in heat, although I would dispute this, and have reported on critical evidence against the global warming hypothesis/propaganda for years at the blog. Thus, as detailed below, heat did kill 2,325 Americans in 2023. It is not proven by that statistic alone that the heat generated was a product of global warming, as at best that would only influence heating by a few parts of a degree, if that. Those who died from heat stress, usually the very old and ill, without adequate cooling, would have most likely died in any case from natural variation generated heat. As well, the population dying from heat stress usually have other conditions, comorbidities it is called, especially heart issues. Thus, heat is usually only a contributing factor anyway.

The climate change alarmist argument does not counter the fact that more people, and not just the sick and elderly, die from cold each year, in the coldest regions of America, Canada and Europe. Nor do those who advocate the manic abandonment of fossil fuels consider how people will keep warm in the cold of Europe, Canada and North America. The focus has been upon heat because that produces the most dramatic images, such as melting ice and polar bears (excellent swimmers), drowning. Poor bears, surrender your standard of living to save them is the mantra! Only thing is, that it is another climate change myth popularised by climate change guru big Al Gore. Once more the strategy here is to use the fear factor so that people panic, as occurred in the early part of he Covid plandemic, and submit to the agenda. It is social control, not science, pure and simple.

We must resist and not submit to any more of these globalist agendas.

"The Hill recently ran an article by Zack Budryk, which highlighted the "record number of Americans killed by heat" last year; here's what he had to say:

Extreme heat killed more Americans in 2023 than any other year over nearly a quarter century of records, according to research published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

At least 2,325 people died from the heat last year, according to the study, which included deaths with heat as both an underlying and contributing factor.

If you didn't already figure it out, this piece was on "climate change," and its purpose, like most pieces on climate change, is to get people to capitulate to the radical green agenda. Why don't journalists ever report on the number of people killed each year by extreme cold, which is much higher than heat deaths?

The answer is that facts don't matter when the media and other Democrats are trying to force people to surrender to their agenda.

This reminds me how the media, CDC, Anthony Fauci, and others in power got large swathes of the public to capitulate to government edicts on COVID, which destroyed so many kids and small businesses. Instead of just reporting deaths actually caused by COVID, they goosed the numbers by including comorbidity deaths from cancer, strokes, heart attacks, obesity, and many other ailments if the deceased happened to also be infected with COVID at the time of death, or if healthcare workers thought their cold symptoms simply looked like COVID.

Per Budryk, the researchers behind the "heat deaths" data includes deaths where heat may have been a contributing factor. So if you were 90 years old with cancer, lung disease, or heart issues who died when it happened to be hot, your death would be chalked up to "extreme heat." That is insane!

For one thing, 2,325 alleged "heat" deaths, reportedly the highest in 25 years, is still less than one tenth of a percent of the three million Americans who die each year. It is a shame that so many supposed journalists and other Democrats are willing to destroy our way of life, our economy, and tens of millions of jobs related to oil, natural gas, and coal to pretend they can somehow reduce this small number of deaths.

Why don't they do a study that shows how many people have been preserved and saved each year by central air and heat because we use coal, oil, and natural gas?

Why don't they say how people with asthma have a much greater life experience because they can keep their windows closed and not have to worry about temperature regulation because they have central air?

Why don't they tell us how many lives are preserved and saved because of all the modern conveniences and products derived from oil?

The answer to all of the above is they don't care. All they care about is radical Democrats forcing people to do what they want as they hand out massive kickbacks to their green political supporters.

In another headline, a journalist reporting on "triple-digit heat" that is set to "scorch millions," somehow doesn't see the record cold and snow in Montana in August as a contradiction. After 160 years of energies that supposedly cause warming, they are warning people of hypothermia in August:

Meanwhile, the first snowflakes of the season were forecast to reach the higher elevations of northwestern Montana on Wednesday, the National Weather Service said. A winter weather advisory was in place for the mountains of northwestern Montana, where up to 10 inches of snow was possible.

The weather service warned people who planned to spend time outdoors in Montana to beware of hypothermia.

And pure indoctrination from CNN, who gave Kamala a tongue bath interview that was essentially a campaign ad. This article about cooling talks about warming due to fossil fuel pollution:

A far-reaching cooldown is coming just in time for Labor Day weekend

But summer is bleeding into fall as the world warms due to fossil fuel pollution, so the cooldown isn't expected to last more than a handful of days before temperatures creep back up again. The flip from warm to cool to warm is a trend that could continue through much of fall, according to the latest seasonal forecasts.

What people will never see in articles blaming humans and our use of natural resources for warming is any scientific data supporting that theory because there is none. As the article says, this fall we will have both periods of warming and cooling… as we always have.

Indoctrination is a dangerous thing. Children and others are being dumbed down by AI, educators, and the media. They are taught not to ask questions or do research." 



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