The Infinite Regress of Political Correctness By Mrs Vera West

     Being gay, let alone, happy, is now not enough for the fierce politically correct cultural Marxist regime, for, more, more, more is required to feed the hungry sacrificial  god of pc:

“The cult of LGBT has moved the goal posts once again, and is now demanding that its members demonstrate some sort of next-level “gayness” in order to truly qualify as genuine LGBT. Otherwise, like Hollywood actress Ruby Rose recently learned, they could be accused by the radical Left of being “not gay enough.” Rose, who self-identifies as “gender fluid,” was recently cast as “Batwoman,” making her the first openly gay superhero ever to headline a network television show. Since Batwoman’s alter ego, Kate Kane, is a self-described lesbian, many critics felt as though Rose was “perfect” for the role. But social justice warriors (SJWs) all over social media disagreed.

According to reports, Rose actually deleted her account on Twitter after sustaining a barrage of hate from angry leftists who accused her of not being lesbian enough for the role. Those opposed to Rose playing the role of Batwoman were so triggered by her casting that they actually started the hashtag “#RecastBatwoman,” arguing that the role should have gone “to a lesser-known LGBTQ+ actress in need of an acting break.” “Where on earth did ‘Ruby is not a lesbian therefore she can’t be Batwoman’ come from – has to be the funniest most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read,” Rose tweeted just before completely deleting her account. “I came out at 12? And have for the past 5 years had to deal with ‘she’s too gay’ how do y’all flip it like that? I didn’t change,” she added.”

     Without some sort of quantum change, this will drag on and on. Imagine what it will be like, as I often ask in exasperation, in 20, 50 or 1,000 years’ time, if things continue at this rate. All of this was unheard of in the 1960s when this got started, slowly at first, but after each victory and defeat of conservatives, the goal posts were shifted even further. Soon there will be no goal posts to even shift:

“Conservatives have lost on every battlefront: free speech, the military, the universities, marriage, nuclear family, child education, the media, the government, Boy Scouts, business, law and justice, Christianity, patriarchy, immigration, the welfare state, and capitalism. The right to bear arms is the only battle they’re not losing in a rout, but I’m confident they will lose that too within a decade’s time. Conservative institutions are being infiltrated and subverted, or have disappeared off the face of the earth, and there is no sign of them ever coming back.”

     The real question is whither such institutions can come back, and how? I am quite sure that the scenario which I sketched about of a thousand years of political correctness is completely unsustainable, and collapse will be only decades, if not that, away. Will there be a soft landing or will the crisis point be as Faye describes in this interview:

“Guillaume Faye: These three symptoms all boil down to a process of devirilization—by which I mean the decline of the values of courage and virility for the sake of feminist, xenophile, homophile, and humanitarian values. The dominant Western ideology, which Vilfredo Pareto called the humanitarian-democratic religion, fosters this devirilization of Europeans, though it doesn’t touch the alien colonizers. Homophilia, like the feminist fashion of false liberation, the ideological rejection of large families for the sake of the unstable nuclear couple, the declining birth rate, the preference of photographers for the African and the Arab, the constant justification of miscegenation, the denigration of warrior values, hatred of every powerful, forceful form of aesthetics, as well as the prevailing lack of courage, are some of the present characteristics of this devirilization.

Confronted by Islam’s conquering virility, the European feels morally disarmed and confused. The prevailing conception of the world—whether it comes from the legislature, public education, the Church, or the media—is deployed to stigmatize every notion of virility, which is associated with “fascist brutality.” Devirilization has become a sign of civilization, of refined mores, the paradoxical discourse of a society, half of which is sinking into violence and primitivism. Devirilization is linked to narcissistic individualism and the loss of communal identity, which paralyzes all reaction to the assaults of immigrant colonizers and the forces of collaboration. This also explains the feeble repression of immigrant delinquency, the absence of European ethnic solidarity, and the pathological “fears” haunting Europeans.

… With its impending clashes between large ethnic blocs, the 21st century will, in actuality, be possibly more conflict-ridden and violent than the 20th century—because of, not despite, globalization! On an overpopulated planet, prone to rising perils, it’s not the end of history leading to a liberal, democratic world state that we see coming, but an intensification of history, as the competition between peoples responding to the imperatives of selection and the struggle for life becomes ever more desperate.”



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