The Immigration War Hypothesis of Brandon Smith: A Mercenary Army Against the West? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Brandon Smith always has insightful hard-hitting pieces on the latest big things going down. In a recent piece, he cuts to the chase on the mass immigration issue, asking why the Western elites are so intend in destroying anyone who dares question the idea that masses of the Third World can be flooded into Western countries, and all will be a bowl of cherries? Many from the Dissent Right discuss the "Cloward-Piven Strategy," where the immigrant populations are used to breakdown traditional White societies so that liberal democracy can be replaced by globalist communism. But there is more.

Smith has given what I think lies behind the Great Replacement. It is not just a replacement, but also the means by which any resistance is controlled, by the importation of an immigration army:

"I have mentioned this in previous articles and I continue to believe that one of the main purposes for the establishment to leave borders open and entice illegals to enter is to create a migrant army; a situation in which millions of illegals will be offered easy citizenship in exchange for service. I also believe that this migrant army will be used against the American public (the real citizenry) to impose martial law measures in the wake of a national disaster…"

In other words, my argument was that migrants from the third-world are not merely being used as unwitting tools for cultural saturation of the west. They're not being shipped in by the millions to simply live off the fruits of our labor and our ancestors' labors. I believe they are being brought into the US, the UK and Europe as enforcers for the establishment.

Think about it – They are essentially bought and paid for. They are mercenaries recruited with offers of easy citizenship, government handouts and the opportunity to brutalize the very western (and generally white) populations they despise. And, they are allowed to do this while hiding behind government law enforcement agencies for protection.

With a two tier policing system in place, the migrants can do whatever they want without much fear of repercussions.

Third world migrants are hired muscle for the political elites. They can terrorize the populace, and if the native population takes action to defend itself the government can step in, call them hateful racists and declare martial law. It's a win-win. The migrants then help with the enforcement of that martial law as the government doubles down on two-tier policing."

This certainly makes the problem more difficult, but it does explain the US border situation where military age, and trained, communist Chinese are being allowed in through the open border in the thousands, to disappear into the woodwork, forming sleeper cells. Things may go beyond even Smith here, as it is possible that the US ruling elites are open to these cells attacking the grid, so martial law can be declared. Treason, at the highest level.

"Why do western officials insist on gaslighting the public on illegal border crossings? Why do they attempt to destroy anyone that publicly opposes mass immigration from the third world? The laws on the books support the public's majority position on immigration – Come here legally or don't come here at all. In Europe, the UK and the US polls show a majority of citizens want reductions in immigration and better border security. Yet, government officials, who often claim to be "protecting democracy," brazenly ignore these majority concerns. Why?

For many years now I have offered a specific theory on the true agenda behind open border policies in western countries and I believe this theory answers most of questions surrounding illegal immigration.

The common claim within the Liberty Movement is that this is all part of the "Cloward-Piven Strategy": A social engineering method which uses large scale relocation of migrants into a society in order to destabilize that nation. The goal is to import people with an incompatible or hostile ideology and, eventually, the target culture will break down and be forced to accept a new system of governance (i.e. from free markets and liberty to communism and slavery).

If western populations are unified in opposing the globalist ideology then the task of deconstruction becomes impossible for them. So, they simply destroy the west from within by introducing millions of people that will NEVER assimilate or unify.

My theory goes beyond the Cloward-Piven explanation, though. I think there is a deeper and even more sinister purpose to the introduction of third world migrants to the US and Europe. I summarized my position in my article 'Cultural Replacement: Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered' published in January. I noted:

"I have mentioned this in previous articles and I continue to believe that one of the main purposes for the establishment to leave borders open and entice illegals to enter is to create a migrant army; a situation in which millions of illegals will be offered easy citizenship in exchange for service. I also believe that this migrant army will be used against the American public (the real citizenry) to impose martial law measures in the wake of a national disaster…"

In other words, my argument was that migrants from the third-world are not merely being used as unwitting tools for cultural saturation of the west. They're not being shipped in by the millions to simply live off the fruits of our labor and our ancestors' labors. I believe they are being brought into the US, the UK and Europe as enforcers for the establishment.

Think about it – They are essentially bought and paid for. They are mercenaries recruited with offers of easy citizenship, government handouts and the opportunity to brutalize the very western (and generally white) populations they despise. And, they are allowed to do this while hiding behind government law enforcement agencies for protection.

With a two tier policing system in place, the migrants can do whatever they want without much fear of repercussions.

Third world migrants are hired muscle for the political elites. They can terrorize the populace, and if the native population takes action to defend itself the government can step in, call them hateful racists and declare martial law. It's a win-win. The migrants then help with the enforcement of that martial law as the government doubles down on two-tier policing.

For example, third-world cultures are intrinsically violent and authoritarian. The top 20 most violent nations and most oppressive nations in the world are also the same nations sending caravans of migrants our way. Progressives will claim that's a good thing and that we need to help these people. It's not a good thing and most of them can't be helped because they aren't coming here to be free, they are coming here to take whatever they can take.

The majority of people from these regions will never be able to coexist peacefully within western communities. They don't understand freedom, they don't understand diplomacy, they don't understand compromise. For them, tolerance is not a virtue, it's a weakness that can be exploited to their advantage. This is a fact proven time and time again as mass migrations accelerates and I think my theory has recently been vindicated by events in the UK.

British citizens have been victimized for over a decade by migrant attacks and organized crime. The two-tier policing system in the UK continues to protect these migrants from retribution while the government hides statistics that show how much violence is being committed by non-citizens.

The British riots last week were a rare moment when patriots finally spoke out on open borders and took to the streets, only to be declared "Nazis" and "racists". The use of riot police to quell property damage and fighting would be understandable to a point, except that aggressive migrant protests had been ongoing for months with very little police interference. Again, the two-tier policing is obvious.

Then, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer made a statement admonishing patriot protests and defending migrants. No referendum on immigration has been offered. He has not once acknowledged the problem of rising migrant crime and has essentially declared war on patriots.

The migrants made it clear that their purpose was to "assert dominance" over Brits and frighten them into submission. … The media has refused to cover most of the activities of migrant gangs and has placed all blame on native patriots. One of the only places you can see any video evidence exposing migrant gangs is on Elon Musk's X (formerly Twitter). Musk as also been attacked by UK officials for "fomenting unrest", simply because he doesn't censor the footage. …

… Keep in mind, last week the UK government threatened the possibility of the military being used on the British people. Corrupt empires throughout history have preferred using foreign mercenaries to suppress their own citizens. It's no coincidence that such a large percentage of the people coming from the third-world (around 80%) are military age men.

Not very many Brits are capable of comprehending a knife attack on a children's dance recital, or the mass stabbing of toddlers playing in a park, or the operation of organized rape gangs that kidnap teens. When you first experience this kind of demonic will, it can be petrifying. I fear the British people are facing something so far outside of their wheelhouse that they may not know how to deal with it. The combination of organized migrant crime and government oppression might browbeat Brits into devastating apathy.

I suspect that the situation in the UK is just a precursor to what we will soon see in the US. Starmer is a die-hard advocate of the World Economic Forum and he is following their program to the letter. The conditions in the UK are what the Davos crowd wants everywhere.

Regardless of the outcome of the US elections in November the illegal immigration crisis will be central to everything we do in the next couple years. If leftists remain in political power then it is likely that we will see a similar attempt at a crackdown on patriots from an arrogant Harris Administration.

I believe Harris will most definitely offer citizenship to every illegal already in the country (many of them in exchange for military service), buying a mercenary force and a progressive voting block at the same time, ending any chance of conservatives ever participating in government again.

In the case of a second Trump Administration the situation changes. The removal of illegal migrants will be the top issue and leftists in the US will try to prevent it. They view the migrants as the key to their kingdom; the way to "destroy capitalism" and bring in woke socialism. Removal of illegals would set them back decades. Leftists will riot rather than lose. It's a certainty."



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