The Illegal Immigration Industry By Richard Miller (London)

A good piece at detailing how the Deep State, including government bureaucracy, the private sector, and non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), work to facilitate the mass movement of largely young illegal men into Britain, and I would expect the same organisational structure exists across the migration-mad West. How this system works is that Britain’s Border Force ignores the laws giving them the power to turn the boats around, and then escorts them to safe waters. Technically the border force, which could be better named, Border Farce, could return the illegals to the last safe country that they passed through, but they never do, being essentially a migration recruiting entity. The French even hand illegals to the eager Brits. The illegals have thrown away their passports making them undocumented, so now they are housed in private hotels, given mobile phones, money, you name it, and given on a prepaid (by the tax payer) debit card.


The Leftist mainstream media gaslights the public by blaming “anti-migrant” protests on a mythical “far-Right,” which if it exists, is largely invisible. These Camp of the Saints events, and this is only one of many, go on until the country just falls apart.

“Immigration is often seen in terms of simple human traffic, the flow of mostly young men from one country or continent to another. But this mass migration of illegal aliens could not happen without the cooperation of myriad host-country enterprises. A case study: The supply chain in Britain includes government bureaucracy, the private sector, and non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), which are aided by legal restraints, intentionally-flawed governmental legislation, and of course, pro-“migrant” propaganda from the Leftist Regime Media. Also part of this subversive combine: the sub-contractors who traffic human beings and import as many possible, most of them “economic refugees.” It’s coming to an America near you—in fact it’s already arrived.

The U.K. Camp Of The Saints cross-channel numbers are mind-boggling:

Even worse, that U.K. government report says, is the demographic breakdown:

Since January 2018, 76% of arrivals have been adult males aged 18 and over. Around one sixth (16%) have been children aged 17 and under.

Since January 2018, Iranians have comprised 22% of all small boat arrivals. They represented the majority of small boat arrivals in 2018 (80%) and 2019 (66%). However, a greater mix of nationalities have been detected making the crossing since 2020. Albanian and Afghan nationals became noticeably more common in 2022.

In 2022, almost half of small boat arrivals were from these 2 nationalities—Albanians (28%) and Afghans (20%). … Albanians were more prominent from July to September 2022, whereas Afghans became more prominent from October to December 2022.

Rishi Sunak’s government has proposed legislation ostensibly designed to address the invasion. The “Illegal Immigration Bill” is touted by the Tories as a much-needed tough stance—British politicians like the word “tough”—but it was not only doomed but also designed to fail. Tories hail Home Secretary Suella Braverman for apparently strong attempts to pass the bill. But her effort is likely political theater to exploit the optics of a brown person’s fighting against an illegal-alien invasion.

Thus Braverman, the daughter of Indian immigrants, actually doesn’t believe the legislation will withstand the usual globalist legal challenge:

In a statement to parliament … when the bill was introduced, Braverman said that she is “confident” the government’s initiative to “Stop the Boats” complies with international law. However, she told Conservative lawmakers in a letter revealed by HuffPost UK that it was “more than 50%” likely to breach the European Convention on Human Rights [Why the UK’s ‘Illegal Immigration Bill’ probably isn’t legal, by Armani Syad, Time, March 8, 2023].

Statutory instruments that facilitate illegal immigration are often not easy to spot because, like contraband, they are hidden inside legislation that seems to address another matter. So it is with the British Government’s Online Safety Bill (OSB), halfway through the House of Lords at this writing. The OSB shamelessly uses children and the elderly as ideological human shields, claiming the bill is to protect them online. In fact, the bill’s actual purpose is to suppress dissent about illegal immigration.

It would criminalize the discussion of “assisting unlawful immigration,” as British law calls it:

Social media providers who identify this offence in content posted on their platforms would be under an obligation to remove it or prevent people from seeing it. Potentially, an offending social media post could be made to disappear whilst it is being uploaded by the user—a form of interception and characteristic of prior censorship [Could public debate on immigration be suppressed by the Online safety Bill? By Dr. Monica Horten, Open Rights GroupSeptember 1, 2022].

As for NGOs, they mostly work in France, and their volunteers are mostly young women, whom we know are prone to self-report mental illness. (Peter Brimelow has noted that some slightly older women volunteers have been taking an extremely personal interest in teenage male refugees.) Citizen journalist Steve Laws highlighted the work of the NGOS in Part 1 of his two-part documentary, The Invasion.

Once the illegals are on the sea, Britain’s Border Force (a recently created law enforcement organization), ignoring the laws that would allow them to turn the boats back, steps in to escort them into safe water.

“Migrants” are not, contrary to reports, legally obliged to stay in the first safe country they reach, which presumably would be France. Still, British authorities could rightfully return new arrivals to the last safe country through which they passed, usually France. The relevant legislation can be found in the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.

But instead of turning the boats around, the Border Force acts as a “taxi service” for the invaders. Radio traffic has revealed a cozy arrangement by which the French hand off the illegals to their British counterparts [Moment British Border Force vessels and French navy ships ‘handover’ migrant boats in ‘taxi service’by Ethan Singh, The Sun, November 15, 2022].

Once illegals are safely ashore—they’re ”undocumented” because they throw their passports into the English Channel—the private sector is co-opted to ease their transit. The “migrants” are housed in more than 400 hotels, given mobile phones and immediate access to income [Number of asylum seekers placed in UK hotels has soared since 2020, by Diane Taylor, The Guardian, February 10, 2023].

ASPEN is not only the famous ski resort in Colorado, but also the UK’s Asylum Support Enablement Card handed to arriving invaders, legal and illegal, since 2017. It is a prepaid Visa debit card loaded with 45 pounds per week per occupant of a “migrant” dwelling [Asylum support, Gov.UK] The taxpayers, of course, provide the money. It can be used to pay for anything except the hotel bill.

The U.K. government requisitions hotels often on very short notice, and without consulting local authorities. In some cases, the population of villages with just a few hundred Britons doubled because so many illegals were dumped into hotels.

Hotels have canceled reservations for customers who booked them for parties, weddings, and holidays. In at least one case, employees were fired from a hotel and replaced with Home Office staffers. The hotel employees cried as they left while the new hires sniggered [Up to 40’ staff at Yorkshire hotel ‘lose jobs’ after arrival of asylum seekersRahima Miah and Sebastian McCormick, Yorkshire Live, November 18, 2022].

Finally, the Leftist Mainstream Media distract the public by blaming “anti-migrant” protests on a mythical “far-right.”

Recently in the Knowsley section of Liverpool, a large group of men gathered outside one of the “migrant” hotels. It was filled with illegals from Iraq, Syria, Albania, and Afghanistan. The protesters were there because a “migrant” assaulted a local schoolgirl, yet the demonstrators remained peaceful—at least until communist Antifa goons turned up [Revealed: Video that sparked migrant hotel riot, by Chloe Louise, et al, Daily Mail, February 11, 2023].

The Regime Media blamed the “Far-Right” for starting violence by hurling missiles and setting fire to a police van, but the Merseyside police report divulged the truth even if they wouldn’t whisper the name of the violent thugs:

At around 6.30pm, officers were facilitating a peaceful protest and counter protest at the Suites Hotel on Ribblers Lane in Knowsley.

Sadly, a short while later a number of people, who were not part of the original protest group, turned up, and it is clear that they were only interested in causing trouble through violence and intimidation without any thought, or care, for other members of the public, or our officers.

During the evening, missiles including lit fireworks were thrown at officers and one of one of our police vans was attacked by offenders, using hammers before setting it on fire [15 arrested: Update following violent disorder in Knowsley, Merseyside.Police.UK, February 11, 2023].

Similarly in Ireland, anti-immigration demonstrations are increasing. Again, the Irish government is trying to blame mythical “far-Right agitators.”

Eventually, this will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and a Far Right will give the Leftist media something to complain about.

Even conservatives don’t recognize or understand the immigration industry. Government incompetence is, as ever, blamed for it. But incompetence doesn’t explain the invasion in the UK any more than incompetence explains it at the southwest border of the United States.

The authorities are not just permitting the invasion but also aiding and abetting it.




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