In his weekly newsletter Senator Cori Bernardi expressed his concern for the ‘state of the world’ when he wrote:

“I don’t know how many times I have written the following statement in recent years but it is succinct, accurate and more relevant than ever.  “The world has gone mad.”
Wherever you look, the signs of societal decline are evident. Acts of Islamic terror are now a seemingly everyday event. Mental health issues are increasingly prevalent. Substance abuse is growing. Respect for the rule of law and those that enforce it seem lower than ever. The children of dysfunctional families are incarcerated with little hope of a positive future…and I could go on.
These are the results of a sickness that has captured society; a culture where personal responsibility has all but disappeared, personal failings are excused by the politically correct and dangerous ideologies are dismissed with accusations of racism.
The issues we face are a direct product of the failed ‘progressive experiment’ that has deliberately sought to undermine the family, our societal structures, our education system and social mores…”

Senator Bernardi has reminded me of Sir Arthur Bryant’s words from "The Lion and the Unicorn" (1969):

"We are face to face with a fundamental rule of existence: one which the ancients recognised even though they could not comprehend and apply it, and which our nineteenth century men of science forgot or ignored in their painstaking study of natural phenomena. That everything in the Universe is in some way connected with everything else: that nothing in God's creation can stir without everything else, vast or minute, feeling to a greater or lesser degree its effect.
That in such movement there is almost infinite elasticity and room for recompense and adjustment is clear: what we have got to recognise is the fact of movement. It is something which scientists, after a century of denial, are beginning to be aware: that there is interlinked purpose and order in the universe, as in the human body and as in every machine -- man's clumsy imitation of God's larger creation -- that works.
Life is a pattern, moving in an ordained rhythm: the stars in their courses and the tides of the sea and those subtler tides in the souls and bodies of men and women, beasts and birds all form part of the pattern. Mar it at any point and you mar it at some other…
This is the secret which those who regulate society and the body politic have to master as scientists: there will be no peace in Israel until they do… So between ugly and unrhythmical surroundings and sour and acrid tempers there may well be a vital connection of which we have still to find the secret. The great poets and artists -- men gifted by God with instinctive apprehension of His universe -- have always felt there is."


The Ideal and the Real:
“Why is it we have continually been fed the idea that 'multiculturalism' and/or 'multiracialism', will prove an outstanding success in the western nations? The League of Rights has been smeared and demonised for all these years because it publicly criticised such ideas, and warned that by bringing in large numbers of peoples who will not, or cannot assimilate, the main political parties have sown seeds of future conflict for us all.  Europe is now a good example of this folly…”
Read further


Rick Morton of Melbourne writes:

“African youths causing a crime wave in Victoria are the product of eroded family units, trauma and an Australian society which does not sanction corporal punishment as a means of keeping them in line, claims a community leader.
Gangs of teenagers and young adults have been contributing to a surge in crimes, particularly in Melbourne’s east where carjackings, burglaries and theft are on the rise. But one of the defining characteristics of the young ­offenders is boldness and apparent indifferent to consequences.
Africa Media Australia chief executive Clyde Salumu Sharady told The Australian there is an increase in crime among young people broadly but particularly African youths, especially South Sudanese teenagers.
 Mr Sharady said a medley of factors explained the phenomenon of rising criminality including unemployment rates, family trauma, language barriers and the demotion of men from traditional positions of influence in the family structure.
 “Kids are growing with very little structure within families, many of them don’t have male figures in their families,” he said. “Child protection laws are actually fuelling this crisis. There has got to be some understanding of the cultural background of people. In most African families, the rearing of the children is a little on the tough side rather than being very permissive.
 “When that happens it is easy for child protection services to go in and qualify that as abuse and remove children from parents and that actually makes things worse. The children know they have a bit more power and a bit more rights and play with that.”
Mr Sharady is critical of attempts to dramatise the prevalence of the “Apex gang” which rose to notoriety after the Moomba riots in March but he conceded it is prevalent in Melbourne that young men and women meet up to steal cars and rob people. …”
Read further here…





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