The Haiti Hypothesis By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been to Haiti for a firm I worked for in the 1980s, and was glad to be out of the place; it was one of many countries where Whites need to watch their back, and fronts. Thus, I was not surprised to see Haiti descend to its present Mad Max state of social chaos. There does not appear to be a formal government at present, and warlords such as a guy called "barbeque" (what he does to opponents), have their own private armies, beefed up by thousands of criminals from jail breaks, to join them in the final street battles against the remaining police. And, the Biden administration is offering open arms for criminals of all sorts to enter the US, let alone millions of illegals who see a fine chance to move to a once White country, feeding on social welfare, forgetting the massacres of thousands of white colonialists of the past, that was supposed to have produced freedom and independence.

In any case, Mike Adams puts the case that what is happening in Haiti could happen in the US, and under various scenarios, right across the West. He quotes Michael Snyder, who covers his issue each day at his blog, The Economic Collapse Blog: "Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had."

"Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can't possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway. We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge." At some point the social pressure cooker will blow.

In fact, not only is this sort of social breakdown possible in the West, and arguably we are seeing this in European cities across the UK, the Netherlands and especially in the rape and grenade attack capital, Sweden, but the fall will be more intense, as the ordinary people are not prepared for collapse. Surveys indicate that for the US almost 40 percent of people see some sort of social collapse or disorder coming, but we have no survey data on what they are doing to prepare for it. Perhaps all hopes are being pinned upon Donald Trump, which at best could slow down what seems to be an inevitable crash. The globalists are wanting this, as many have indicated, to rebuild the world order as they see fit. Or, so they think.

"The world is watching the collapse of an entire nation, Haiti, in real time, with many wondering what will happen to the Haitian people in the process. Many Haitians are now fleeing to the United States as migrants, bringing with them machetes and other weapons that will contribute further to the destabilizing chaos already taking place here on our own soil.

Many Americans have grown numb to such displays of civil breakdown, watching it from far away on their phones, computers and televisions. Their assumption is that the type of horrors currently unfolding in Haiti could never happen here – but that assumption is wrong.

Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, the U.S. is in the throes of its own full-scale collapse that once it really starts picking up speed will dwarf the situation in Haiti. America is much larger, much "greater," so to speak, and much more entrenched in an illusion of peace and safety, which will make the fall that much bigger and more devastating.

"Here in the United States, we have been adding millions upon millions of extremely desperate people on top of the millions upon millions of extremely desperate people that we already had," warns The Economic Collapse Blog.

"Politicians in major cities such as New York and Chicago openly admit that they can't possibly take any more migrants because the social services available for them have been completely overwhelmed, but more migrants just keep coming anyway. We are creating an extremely explosive environment, and the pressure that is coming in 2024 and beyond could push things over the edge.".

Pride comes before a fall

One of the most prideful nations in the world, the U.S. and its populace generally seem to think that this "shining city on a hill" is immune to the types of social and financial breakdowns that occur elsewhere. This "too big to fail" mentality will contribute in a major way to this country's inevitable undoing. …

America is also in the throes of a financial collapse that the powers that be are desperately trying to avoid with a "soft landing," but it will not work. There comes a point when the Ponzi scheme known as fractional reserve banking and all the corruption that goes with it reaches an unavoidable end, and it appears the nation is just about there.

The invasion from the southern border, the attacks on our children, the rampant lawlessness and pride, the unspeakable greed – all of this and more spells a soon end to the American empire, at least in its current form. One wonders what will emerge from the ashes of the ruinous heap that remains once all is said and done." 



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